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Featured US agents enter Chinese consulate compound in Houston after deadline for closure passes

What deadline have the Chinese given the US to clear out of the Chengdu consulate ?
Lol duffer Chinese. Can't even read properly. It is no longer a mission since it's status was revoked. Nor have diplomatic ties been cut. Read it again. Slowly. Perhaps by the 6th or 7th time you might understand it. But I won't bet on it.

Is that a threat?

I can clearly get a grasp of the eloquence lvl and vocabulary from your broken English; no wonder you can't conceive the significant meaning behind . Or maybe it's the IQ that's failing you.

Before you try to play the exponent of English readers,first try to construe what you just read, instead of skimming past through it like a brainless zombie.

The said article was never based on " diplomatic ties been cut"scenario,that would have been pretty obvious to some other decent minds.That's just your delirious excuse.
"a.If the sending state , although not represented in the receiving state by a diplomatic mission,has another consular post in the territory of that state, that consular post may be entrusted with....

In a case of the "diplomatic ties been cut", there shouldn't be any other consulate in operation in the said territory of the foreign state. Your excuse was self-defeating from the very beginning.

The mission protocol is universal,the premise can't be breached without consent.
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wtf, so it's true, that 5 year number ?

You can believe in anything you like American cheerleader. Heck, make it 10 years for all I care.

Is that good enough for you, American cheerleader? @dharmi

I will forgive. It is very Indian to forgive.

LOL just like you are forgiving Indian Muslims and Kashmiris? Another lie. An Indian never forgives. He rapes to get equal.
USA has lost its Chengdu consulate, it means USA will find it more difficult to spy on China's aviation programmes.

Also, can Pakistan do the same? Evict the USA and take over their consulate? I hear the one in Islamabad is massive! Pick up a modern office for free?
wtf, so it's true, that 5 year number ?
Probably a couple days ... they do not need to give an overt deadline. It would make no sense at all for China to allow US diplomats to stay after they ordered the tit-for-tat closure.

Oh well looks like here's your answer @dharmi ... ignore what I said on top

Starting in 1970, Russia had no allies other than its Warsaw Pact vassals which were only kept in line at gunpoint by the Soviet Army. Even China was against Russia back then (only renormalized in 1989 with visit of Gorbachev to meet with Deng Xiaoping). They were sanctioned by the rest of the industrialized world except Norway and Japan, and even they were later punished by the US for trading with Russia. There were no nuclear powers allied to Russia.

But in 2020, China at the very least has Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, all of which are nuclear powers, and 1 of which is an explicit treaty ally. None of them have the PLA coercing them, they could take their support anywhere else but they support China. And that's discounting neutral partners like the 53 countries that supported China explicitly in the UN.
No but he has a point though. The current Chinese foreign policy imo is a mess (the one we've been seeing for the past year). Look at how far relations with the UK, Australia, Japan, and Canada have deteriorated. If the Chinese foreign policy does not improve, Western Europe is next. The Hu administration is indeed much better than the current one ... China threatening other countries with "consequences" publicly if they ban Huawei is really not a good idea.
No but he has a point though. The current Chinese foreign policy imo is a mess (the one we've been seeing for the past year). Look at how far relations with the UK, Australia, Japan, and Canada have deteriorated. If the Chinese foreign policy does not improve, Western Europe is next. The Hu administration is indeed much better than the current one ... China threatening other countries with "consequences" publicly if they ban Huawei is really not a good idea.

Xi Jinping came to power in 2013. His behavior did not change from 2013 to 2020. The first policy change was by the US, not China. Also, US threatened consequences for working with Huawei first. Tit for tat. Everything China does is a very limited, measured and proportional response to egregious provocation.
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