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US actions prompt islands militarization

The U.S. is not the catalyst. You want to build the islands to lay claim to the whole South China Sea or 9 dash line or 10 dash line whatever. To do that, you need to enforce it by have military bases further from China to protect your claims against other Asian countries so close to those islands. I'm not criticizing that, thats smart thinking of China. Just don't blame the U.S. for that part.

And you have told the U.S. to stay away from SCS. Your actions in the past has said that. Your govt. even told the U.S. that we cannot allowed having warships or planes in SCS.

When did China say that?

I need proof.
From a neutral perspective on your side, lets watch the progress of the regional development. The military buildup is a fact and the US is just a catalyst. The neighbors will also start an arms race but whether this will lead to military conflicts remains to be seen. Anyway from my perspective it's definitely a positive sign, it's in our interest to ensure safety and security of the shipping lanes. Why on earth would China want to block transports of oil and goods to DPRK,South Korea and Japan right? Nor are we telling the US to stay away from SCS. You have to understand the Americans like to get very close to Chinese territory for intelligence gathering. Just look at where they are stationed on the world map. Enough is enough of the containment game. Time to rise as an emerging super power. If it wasn't for China the Yankees would have started Korean War v2 already. Peace and stability in East Asia would have been ruined.

Well said.

If we want peace and tranquility in East Asia, we need to decrease/push down the level of US military presence. Now, that cannot be forced upon them, but, building up capacity to make their presence impractical is possible.

This is what China has been doing. Island militarization is now in the books and being done as we speak. Through such asymmetrical capacity build-up, we are to put pressure on US finance and pushing them further thin on all fronts. Sort of what the US did to the USSR. Our advantage is we are not an expansionist aggressive war-minded barbarian country. We do not invade other nations at will and stay there for decades killing and raping civilians. So, our regional policy is often defensive; what we care about is to defense our land and our interests. The two very differing mentalities is exactly what China plays on.

Take out the US military contingency from East Asia, peace is ensured. Those governments that do not believe so are those that are enslaved or held hostage. China is in fact doing a favor by helping them having a sense of sovereignty and regional identity.

Arms race, build-up or whatever won's stop until China ensures that US military threat in East Asia is annulled.
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Well said.

If we want peace and tranquility in East Asia, we need to decrease/push down the level of US military presence. Now, that cannot be forced upon them, but, building up capacity to make their presence impractical is possible.

This is what China has been doing. Island militarization is now in the books and being done as we speak. Through such asymmetrical capacity build-up, we are put pressure on US finance and pushing them further thin on all fronts. Sort of what the US did to the USSR. Our advantage is we are not an expansionist aggressive war-minded barbarian country. We do not invade other nations at will and stay there for decades killing and raping the civilians. So, our regional policy is often defensive; what we care about is to defense our land and our interests. The two very differign mentalities is exactly what China plays on.

Take out the US military contingency from East Asia, peace is ensured. Those governments that do not believe so are those that are enslaved or held hostage. China is in fact doing a favor by helping them having a sense of sovereignty and regional identity.

Arms race, build-up or whatever won's stop until China ensures that US military threat in East Asia is annulled.

Very true, the US likes to convince everyone that a regional war is gonna occur in SCS due to the military buildup by China. If the US likes to meddle with affairs that doesn't concern them and sending the wrong signals by flying and sailing close to our territories then expect China to retaliate. What China does on our territories is legitimate, there's no question about it. The ridiculous demand from Obama telling everyone to stop their land reclamation activities is nothing but a joke, he was totally ignored by everyone. What does the Pinoys hope to achieve by inviting the Americans back? What has the US done to reassure the Pinoys? China is kicking the militarization to high gear now, in other words it has definitely backfired whatever they were hallucinating from the beginning. Even VCP understands very well it cannot cut ties with China and its puny military is no match for the Dragon. Not in the past, not in the present and not in the future. Midgets who like to act tough in front of the big boss is always futile.
When did China say that?

I need proof.

Your actions already is proof. You keep telling American warships and planes to get out of SCS. Even harassed an American warship by stopping in front of it.

Chinese warship nearly collided with USS Cowpens - Pacific - Stripes

Chinese warship nearly collided with USS Cowpens
WASHINGTON – On Dec. 5, a Chinese warship nearly collided with a U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, according to U.S. Pacific Fleet.

“While lawfully operating in international waters in the South China Sea, USS Cowpens (CG 63) and a PLA Navy vessel had an encounter that required maneuvering to avoid a collision. This incident underscores the need to ensure the highest standards of professional seamanship, including communications between vessels, to mitigate the risk of an unintended incident or mishap,” the Pacific Fleet said in a statement.

A U.S. military official confirmed the incident and said the PLA ship tried to get the Cowpens to stop in international waters. No shots were fired, according to the official, who asked not to be identified.

Another U.S. military official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, told Stars and Stripes that the incident was ultimately resolved through ship-to-ship communications via radio between the Cowpens and a Chinese aircraft carrier in the vicinity. The official said that at some point there was direct communication between the Cowpens and the Chinese vessel that was harassing it, but the official was unaware of what was said during the exchange.

"The U.S. has raised this issue at a high level with the Chinese government," a State Department spokesperson said in an email to Stars and Stripes.

It is unclear why the Chinese vessel wanted the Cowpens to stop.

“I don’t know the intent of the guy driving that PLA ship,” one of the officials said. “I just know that he was moving to impede and harass the Cowpens. I mean, from my perspective, having him stop in the middle of the South China Sea is kind of dumb … [The Chinese saying] ‘Go away, get out of here’ [would make more sense]. But ‘stop’ doesn’t really do anything because all that does is just maintain the status quo.”

The encounter with the Cowpens isn’t the first time that Chinese ships have acted aggressively against U.S. Navy vessels. In one high-profile incident in March 2009, five Chinese ships harassed the USNS Impeccable in international waters in the South China Sea, forcing the Impeccable to make an emergency maneuver in order to avoid collision. During the confrontation, crewmembers waved Chinese flags and told the Impeccable to leave the area, the Pentagon said at the time.

China "seriously concerned" about U.S. military move in South China Sea - Xinhua | English.news.cn

China "seriously concerned" about U.S. military move in South China Sea

BEIJING, May 13 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday voiced "serious concern" toward a U.S. official's remarks on the Pentagon's plan to send military aircraft and ships to the South China Sea.

Spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a routine press briefing that the U.S. side should clarify relevant remarks.

According to a Reuters report, a U.S. official said on Tuesday the Pentagon is considering sending U.S. military aircraft and ships to "assert freedom of navigation" around Chinese-made artificial islands in the South China Sea.

China has always advocated freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, Hua said. "But freedom of navigation does not give one country's military aircraft and ships free access to another country's territorial waters and airspace."

China will resolutely safeguard its territorial sovereignty, she said, urging the U.S. side not to take any risks or make any provocations so as to maintain regional peace and stability.

U.S. has no right to intervene in China's legitimate activities in S. China Sea: ambassador - Xinhua | English.news.cn
U.S. has no right to intervene in China's legitimate activities in S. China Sea: ambassador

Cui rebuked the claim made by some U.S. lawmakers at a Senate hearing Wednesday that China is raising tensions in the South China Sea, citing that it was the active intervention by the United States in the maritime disputes that has actually created tensions in the area.

The veteran Chinese diplomat also criticized the U.S. plan to send military planes and ships to assert "freedom of navigation" around China-owned islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

"The Cold-War mentality, which is prone to the use of force to resolve disputes, is already outdated."

He said China has been consistent in strongly opposing the high-intensity close-in reconnaissance activities conducted by U.S. military against China in the latter's costal waters and Special Economic Zones, because no country is given the right to do so under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

China’s Harassment of Civilian Ships and Aircraft in the South China Sea Reminds Us Why We Need More U.S. Freedom of Navigation Operations - Lawfare

In response to U.S. freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, the Chinese government has repeatedly stated that it is fully committed to respecting freedom of navigation in the region. Most have interpreted this to mean that China will respect all commercial non-military transits, and that China’s only objection is to U.S. military vessels and aircraft traversing their claimed territorial waters.

But there is new evidence that the Chinese Navy is also impeding and harassing civilian navigation through the region. The commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral Scott H. Swift, said in a speech Monday that:

Even now, ships and aircraft operating nearby these features, in accordance with international law, are subject to superfluous warnings that threaten routine commercial and military operations. Merchant vessels that have navigated shipping lanes freely on behalf of lawful international commerce are diverted after entering so-called military zones. Intimidated by the manner in which some navies, coast guards and maritime militia enforce claims in contested waters, fishermen who trawled the seas freely for generations are facing threats to their livelihoods imposed by nations with unresolved, and often unrecognized claims.

Although unnamed, it seems clear from the context that Admiral Swift is talking about China. Indeed, right on cue, the BBC released this fascinating report yesterday from Rupert Wingfield-Hayes detailing his flight in a civilian Filipino aircraft near and around newly-created Chinese artificial islands. Despite identifying itself as a civilian plane, the single engine Cessna received repeated messages from the Chinese Navy demanding its withdrawal.

Foreign military aircraft in north-west of Meiji Reef, this is the Chinese Navy, you are threatening the security of our station!

Unlike a similar CNN report aboard a U.S. Navy plane, the BBC trip was made independently. This makes the report all the more credible. The Chinese Navy is either purposely warning all ships and aircraft away, or it is not bothering to try very hard to distinguish between civilian and military ships and aircraft.

If it is true that China is now impeding civilian freedom of navigation, the U.S. case for conducting more freedom of navigation operations in the region is even stronger. Once established, military dominance is easily abused. U.S. and other nations’ freedom of navigation operations can keep countries like China honest and ensure the free flow of the billions of dollars of trade that flows through the region every day.

Sure, the U.S. freedom of navigation operations will not resolve the South China Sea disputes. But one only has to watch the BBC report, or listen to Admiral Swift's speech, to realize how much worse off we would be without them.
Your actions already is proof. You keep telling American warships and planes to get out of SCS. Even harassed an American warship by stopping in front of it.

Chinese warship nearly collided with USS Cowpens - Pacific - Stripes

Chinese warship nearly collided with USS Cowpens
WASHINGTON – On Dec. 5, a Chinese warship nearly collided with a U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, according to U.S. Pacific Fleet.

“While lawfully operating in international waters in the South China Sea, USS Cowpens (CG 63) and a PLA Navy vessel had an encounter that required maneuvering to avoid a collision. This incident underscores the need to ensure the highest standards of professional seamanship, including communications between vessels, to mitigate the risk of an unintended incident or mishap,” the Pacific Fleet said in a statement.

A U.S. military official confirmed the incident and said the PLA ship tried to get the Cowpens to stop in international waters. No shots were fired, according to the official, who asked not to be identified.

Another U.S. military official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, told Stars and Stripes that the incident was ultimately resolved through ship-to-ship communications via radio between the Cowpens and a Chinese aircraft carrier in the vicinity. The official said that at some point there was direct communication between the Cowpens and the Chinese vessel that was harassing it, but the official was unaware of what was said during the exchange.

"The U.S. has raised this issue at a high level with the Chinese government," a State Department spokesperson said in an email to Stars and Stripes.

It is unclear why the Chinese vessel wanted the Cowpens to stop.

“I don’t know the intent of the guy driving that PLA ship,” one of the officials said. “I just know that he was moving to impede and harass the Cowpens. I mean, from my perspective, having him stop in the middle of the South China Sea is kind of dumb … [The Chinese saying] ‘Go away, get out of here’ [would make more sense]. But ‘stop’ doesn’t really do anything because all that does is just maintain the status quo.”

The encounter with the Cowpens isn’t the first time that Chinese ships have acted aggressively against U.S. Navy vessels. In one high-profile incident in March 2009, five Chinese ships harassed the USNS Impeccable in international waters in the South China Sea, forcing the Impeccable to make an emergency maneuver in order to avoid collision. During the confrontation, crewmembers waved Chinese flags and told the Impeccable to leave the area, the Pentagon said at the time.

China "seriously concerned" about U.S. military move in South China Sea - Xinhua | English.news.cn

China "seriously concerned" about U.S. military move in South China Sea

BEIJING, May 13 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday voiced "serious concern" toward a U.S. official's remarks on the Pentagon's plan to send military aircraft and ships to the South China Sea.

Spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a routine press briefing that the U.S. side should clarify relevant remarks.

According to a Reuters report, a U.S. official said on Tuesday the Pentagon is considering sending U.S. military aircraft and ships to "assert freedom of navigation" around Chinese-made artificial islands in the South China Sea.

China has always advocated freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, Hua said. "But freedom of navigation does not give one country's military aircraft and ships free access to another country's territorial waters and airspace."

China will resolutely safeguard its territorial sovereignty, she said, urging the U.S. side not to take any risks or make any provocations so as to maintain regional peace and stability.

U.S. has no right to intervene in China's legitimate activities in S. China Sea: ambassador - Xinhua | English.news.cn
U.S. has no right to intervene in China's legitimate activities in S. China Sea: ambassador

Cui rebuked the claim made by some U.S. lawmakers at a Senate hearing Wednesday that China is raising tensions in the South China Sea, citing that it was the active intervention by the United States in the maritime disputes that has actually created tensions in the area.

The veteran Chinese diplomat also criticized the U.S. plan to send military planes and ships to assert "freedom of navigation" around China-owned islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

"The Cold-War mentality, which is prone to the use of force to resolve disputes, is already outdated."

He said China has been consistent in strongly opposing the high-intensity close-in reconnaissance activities conducted by U.S. military against China in the latter's costal waters and Special Economic Zones, because no country is given the right to do so under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

China’s Harassment of Civilian Ships and Aircraft in the South China Sea Reminds Us Why We Need More U.S. Freedom of Navigation Operations - Lawfare

In response to U.S. freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, the Chinese government has repeatedly stated that it is fully committed to respecting freedom of navigation in the region. Most have interpreted this to mean that China will respect all commercial non-military transits, and that China’s only objection is to U.S. military vessels and aircraft traversing their claimed territorial waters.

But there is new evidence that the Chinese Navy is also impeding and harassing civilian navigation through the region. The commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral Scott H. Swift, said in a speech Monday that:

Even now, ships and aircraft operating nearby these features, in accordance with international law, are subject to superfluous warnings that threaten routine commercial and military operations. Merchant vessels that have navigated shipping lanes freely on behalf of lawful international commerce are diverted after entering so-called military zones. Intimidated by the manner in which some navies, coast guards and maritime militia enforce claims in contested waters, fishermen who trawled the seas freely for generations are facing threats to their livelihoods imposed by nations with unresolved, and often unrecognized claims.

Although unnamed, it seems clear from the context that Admiral Swift is talking about China. Indeed, right on cue, the BBC released this fascinating report yesterday from Rupert Wingfield-Hayes detailing his flight in a civilian Filipino aircraft near and around newly-created Chinese artificial islands. Despite identifying itself as a civilian plane, the single engine Cessna received repeated messages from the Chinese Navy demanding its withdrawal.

Foreign military aircraft in north-west of Meiji Reef, this is the Chinese Navy, you are threatening the security of our station!

Unlike a similar CNN report aboard a U.S. Navy plane, the BBC trip was made independently. This makes the report all the more credible. The Chinese Navy is either purposely warning all ships and aircraft away, or it is not bothering to try very hard to distinguish between civilian and military ships and aircraft.

If it is true that China is now impeding civilian freedom of navigation, the U.S. case for conducting more freedom of navigation operations in the region is even stronger. Once established, military dominance is easily abused. U.S. and other nations’ freedom of navigation operations can keep countries like China honest and ensure the free flow of the billions of dollars of trade that flows through the region every day.

Sure, the U.S. freedom of navigation operations will not resolve the South China Sea disputes. But one only has to watch the BBC report, or listen to Admiral Swift's speech, to realize how much worse off we would be without them.

The warship entered into exercise area, check it.
That's invited observing.

Yeah sure.

That's invited observing.

China Defends RIMPAC Spy Ship - USNI News

Officials with the Chinese Ministry of Defense defended the presence of an electronic surveillance ship off the coast of Hawaii during the U.S. led Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) maritime exercise.

The yet-unidentified Dongdiao-class auxiliary general intelligence (AGI) ship — which arrived off the coast of Oahu shortly before the at-sea portion of the RIMPAC exercise — was well within its right to operate in the region, according to a Monday statement from the Chinese Ministry of Defense.

“The People’s Liberation Army naval ships’ operation in waters outside the territorial seas of other countries is in line with international law and international practice,” the Chinese defense ministry statement said as quoted by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news service.

The statement also took the opportunity to tweak U.S. conduct in the South China Sea, with out naming America directly.

“The Chinese side respect the rights of maritime countries in accordance with international laws, but also wishes relevant countries could respect the rights Chinese ships are entitled to enjoy by law,” the statement also read.
Yeah sure.

China Defends RIMPAC Spy Ship - USNI News

Officials with the Chinese Ministry of Defense defended the presence of an electronic surveillance ship off the coast of Hawaii during the U.S. led Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) maritime exercise.

The yet-unidentified Dongdiao-class auxiliary general intelligence (AGI) ship — which arrived off the coast of Oahu shortly before the at-sea portion of the RIMPAC exercise — was well within its right to operate in the region, according to a Monday statement from the Chinese Ministry of Defense.

“The People’s Liberation Army naval ships’ operation in waters outside the territorial seas of other countries is in line with international law and international practice,” the Chinese defense ministry statement said as quoted by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news service.

The statement also took the opportunity to tweak U.S. conduct in the South China Sea, with out naming America directly.

“The Chinese side respect the rights of maritime countries in accordance with international laws, but also wishes relevant countries could respect the rights Chinese ships are entitled to enjoy by law,” the statement also read.

Yeah, they have explained “The People’s Liberation Army naval ships’ operation in waters outside the territorial seas of other countries is in line with international law and international practice,”

The US ship was crossing the Chinese AC's fleet. It's dangerous, they are launching missiles and firing guns.
Yeah, they have explained “The People’s Liberation Army naval ships’ operation in waters outside the territorial seas of other countries is in line with international law and international practice,”

The US ship was crossing the Chinese AC's fleet. It's dangerous, they are launching missiles and firing guns.

Really? You know RIMPAC is the same thing where ships are firing missiles and guns and launching torpedoes.

Yeah, they have explained “The People’s Liberation Army naval ships’ operation in waters outside the territorial seas of other countries is in line with international law and international practice,”

The US ship was crossing the Chinese AC's fleet. It's dangerous, they are launching missiles and firing guns.

Just found out that it wasn't because of exercises by the Chinese at the time.
US ‘plays innocent’ after near collision at sea - Global Times

A Chinese military expert has criticized the US government as playing innocent after a US guided missile cruiser that has been getting too close to a Chinese navy drill in the South China Sea nearly collided with a Chinese warship.

The incident came on December 5 as the USS Cowpens was operating near China's aircraft carrier, Liaoning, and at a time of heightened tensions following China's declaration of Air Defense Identification Zone farther north in the East China Sea, the US Pacific Fleet said in a statement on Friday.

The US said its cruiser was forced to take evasive action to avoid a collision with the Chinese navy ship maneuvering nearby.

"Eventually, effective bridge-to-bridge communication occurred between the US and Chinese crews, and both vessels maneuvered to ensure safe passage," said a US official anonymously.

The near miss was the most significant Sino-US maritime incident in the South China Sea since 2009.

The US government has protested with the Chinese side through diplomatic and military channels, reports said.

"Bad guys always claim innocence first," a Chinese source that was familiar with this confrontation, told the Global Times on Sunday, adding that the American missile cruiser had entered within 45 kilometers of the inner defense layer of the Chinese fleet that day.

"The USS Cowpens was tailing after and harassing the Liaoning formation. It took offensive actions at first towards the Liaoning formation on the day of the confrontation," said the source.
Really? You know RIMPAC is the same thing where ships are firing missiles and guns and launching torpedoes.

The Chinese ship didn't cross the exercise fleet. It keep off the area. So, the RIMPAC carry out, all warships can't travel on the Pacific?
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