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US actions prompt islands militarization


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
US actions prompt islands militarization
2015-12-21 0:28:20

The Pentagon said that an American B-52 bomber "unintentionally" flew over the South China Sea within two nautical miles of an artificial island built by China. Chinese authorities described the move as "provocation."

The US military has adopted a mild tone this time, but its action is aggressive. The B-52 flew within two nautical miles of the islands built by China, which severely threatened the security of the islands.

The moves of the US will undoubtedly propel China to accelerate militarizing its newly built islands and make them capable of coping with direct military threat from the US. As the Chinese mainland is far from this area and China only has one aircraft carrier, it would be too late for China to send fighter jets from the mainland when US jets intrude into the airspace of the islands. The only choice is to deploy the fighter jets on these islands.

China has stressed that these islands serve a peaceful purpose, but the premise of such assertion is that no external military force threatens their security. The US military is undermining this premise, and China should carry out corresponding security deployment.

Nowadays US warplanes and bombers fly over nearby waters and airspace at will. If China does not take due measures, it can be implied that it tacitly approves such hostile actions. This in turn will jeopardize the country's South China Sea strategy. China therefore has no other options, but to build up its military capability on those islands. In that case, next time when the US warplanes come over again, there will be Chinese military planes taking off and safeguarding our sovereignty.

There is worry that militarization of the islands will bring more pressure on China from the international community and some Southeast Asian countries will especially be unhappy about it. But it is the US military provocations that are propelling China to do so. China's countermeasures will be morally correct. They may further complicate the situation in the South China Sea, but will not tarnish China's international image.

The Southeast Asian countries have no reason to oppose China's countermeasures against US provocations. Instead, countries such as the Philippines and Singapore should realize that their support for US military bases contributes to regional tension.

If all parties wish for a peaceful South China Sea, they should fulfill their responsibilities rather than providing assistance to the US which intends to intrude China's island de-militarization.

The island militarization doesn't mean a significant rising potential for military clashes. Neither Beijing nor Washington wants a war.

The US' exercise of freedom of navigation in the South China Sea should not threaten the security of Chinese facilities. In view of China's overall military capability and national strength, the US should renounce its arrogance.

@terranMarine , @Chinese-Dragon
Great, now we don't need to look for a reason to militarize the islands we built. :partay:

Obama has been a great president, really. During his tenure (especially in the second half), he contributed to the mess in the Middle East and got partly stuck in there, alienated Russia and cemented China-Russia partnership, and gave China the perfect excuse (through inconclusive stunts) to militarize the newly-developed islands.

He looked extremely weak in the entire Syrian situation and now is being manhandled by Mr. Putin.

He officially opposed to the AIIB and has been humiliated.

And most importantly, he mentally prepared the US people to support someone in the caliber of Donald Trump.

A stupid enemy is a dangerous one. But, if handled properly, it also offers lots of opportunities.
Obama has been a great president, really. During his tenure (especially in the second half), he contributed to the mess in the Middle East and got partly stuck in there, alienated Russia and cemented China-Russia partnership, and gave China the perfect excuse (through inconclusive stunts) to militarize the newly-developed islands.

He looked extremely weak in the entire Syrian situation and now is being manhandled by Mr. Putin.

He officially opposed to the AIIB and has been humiliated.

And most importantly, he mentally prepared the US people to support someone in the caliber of Donald Trump.

A stupid enemy is a dangerous one. But, if handled properly, it also offers lots of opportunities.

It seems the US is withdrawing F-15s from Turkey and Obama has asked Turkey to leave Iraq for its incompetency.
Speaking of incompetency the US bombed the Afghan hospital and bombed the Iraq troops, what legacy does Obama leave behind with so many political failures? :rofl:
You gotta love how China does it. Make it seem like out of necessity. But methinks China planned it all along...

It seems the US is withdrawing F-15s from Turkey and Obama has asked Turkey to leave Iraq for its incompetency.

Speaking of incompetency the US bombed the Afghan hospital and bombed the Iraq troops, what legacy does Obama leave behind with so many political failures? :rofl:

The US oftentimes bombs and flies and sails and strikes by mistake. It should fall upon them that their "victims" might as well "mistake in kind."

Obama the commander in chief must "brain up" his generals.
The US oftentimes bombs and flies and sails and strikes by mistake. It should fall upon them that their "victims" might as well "mistake in kind."

Obama the commander in chief must "brain up" his generals.

For a country that has acquired so much experience over the past few decades it sure keeps making more and more mistakes and causing fatal accidents. What do we know about it right? Since we have zero experience :lol:
For a country that has acquired so much experience over the past few decades it sure keeps making more and more mistakes and causing fatal accidents. What do we know about it right? Since we have zero experience :lol:

The issue, i suppose, that the Americans are claiming is that the build up will lead up to regional insular military buildup. B that as it may, seems like that is exactly what is happening. Powder keg. So the Yanks have a point, i suppose.
Militarization of those islands are now a given。

Earlier starts of Phase II and III reclamation are also now a given。

Feasibility study and preparatory work on the reclamation of reefs of Zhongsha Islands in the South China Sea will also be prioritized。
Well it shouldn't be that hard to do. It was already planned.

China assures no militarization plan for South China Sea: document | Kyodo News

China has denied that it is attempting to militarize the area.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told reporters on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur that the facilities constructed on the disputed reefs are for "civilian purposes," to provide services to fishermen, commercial ships and for disaster relief efforts.

"Of course as those islands and reefs are far from China's mainland, it is necessary to maintain and build necessary military facilities. This is necessitated by China's defense purpose and to protect those islands and reefs. So it is beyond reproach, but one should never link such military facilities with efforts to militarize the islands and reefs and militarize the South China Sea," he said.

South China Sea islands are Chinese plan to militarise zone, claims US | World news | The Guardian

South China Sea islands are Chinese plan to militarise zone, claims US

Emma Graham-Harrison

Saturday 30 May 2015 16.00 EDT

"One of the peculiarities of Beijing’s longstanding claim over the two South China Sea island chains, the Paracels and the Spratlys, is that they lie so far from the country that it has been effectively impossible for the Chinese military to patrol the area from its existing bases hundreds of nautical miles away."

"Beijing insists that the reclamation projects are part of an effort to support civilians and shipping in an area which has both heavy traffic and difficult weather and has brushed off reports that recent US satellite photos showed two artillery vehicles on one."

"That hardline view may have been behind a recent editorial in the Global Times, a fiercely nationalist government-controlled paper which warned that war was inevitable if the US tried to stop the reclamation projects. Beijing has since said that the paper speaks only for itself and that the government is focused on maintaining peace and stability in the area, but there is little question that the tabloid’s stance has been embraced by some hardliners within the Chinese military and government."

"Washington has always said that it takes no position on the sovereignty dispute, but objects to the islands because China is using the tiny new territories to take control of surrounding air and water, with a string of military warnings to stay away from one island recently captured on film by CNN.

“Turning an underwater rock into an airfield simply does not afford the rights of sovereignty or permit restrictions on international air or maritime transit,” said Carter, warning that China may find decades of dusty agreements far harder to transform than the sea itself.

He added: “America, alongside its allies and partners ... will not be deterred from exercising these rights.”
The issue, i suppose, that the Americans are claiming is that the build up will lead up to regional insular military buildup. B that as it may, seems like that is exactly what is happening. Powder keg. So the Yanks have a point, i suppose.

From a neutral perspective on your side, lets watch the progress of the regional development. The military buildup is a fact and the US is just a catalyst. The neighbors will also start an arms race but whether this will lead to military conflicts remains to be seen. Anyway from my perspective it's definitely a positive sign, it's in our interest to ensure safety and security of the shipping lanes. Why on earth would China want to block transports of oil and goods to DPRK,South Korea and Japan right? Nor are we telling the US to stay away from SCS. You have to understand the Americans like to get very close to Chinese territory for intelligence gathering. Just look at where they are stationed on the world map. Enough is enough of the containment game. Time to rise as an emerging super power. If it wasn't for China the Yankees would have started Korean War v2 already. Peace and stability in East Asia would have been ruined.
From a neutral perspective on your side, lets watch the progress of the regional development. The military buildup is a fact and the US is just a catalyst. The neighbors will also start an arms race but whether this will lead to military conflicts remains to be seen. Anyway from my perspective it's definitely a positive sign, it's in our interest to ensure safety and security of the shipping lanes. Why on earth would China want to block transports of oil and goods to DPRK,South Korea and Japan right? Nor are we telling the US to stay away from SCS. You have to understand the Americans like to get very close to Chinese territory for intelligence gathering. Just look at where they are stationed on the world map. Enough is enough of the containment game. Time to rise as an emerging super power. If it wasn't for China the Yankees would have started Korean War v2 already. Peace and stability in East Asia would have been ruined.

The U.S. is not the catalyst. You want to build the islands to lay claim to the whole South China Sea or 9 dash line or 10 dash line whatever. To do that, you need to enforce it by have military bases further from China to protect your claims against other Asian countries so close to those islands. I'm not criticizing that, thats smart thinking of China. Just don't blame the U.S. for that part.

And you have told the U.S. to stay away from SCS. Your actions in the past has said that. Your govt. even told the U.S. that we cannot allowed having warships or planes in SCS.
The U.S. is not the catalyst. You want to build the islands to lay claim to the whole South China Sea or 9 dash line or 10 dash line whatever. To do that, you need to enforce it by have military bases further from China to protect your claims against other Asian countries so close to those islands. I'm not criticizing that, thats smart thinking of China. Just don't blame the U.S. for that part.

And you have told the U.S. to stay away from SCS. Your actions in the past has said that. Your govt. even told the U.S. that we cannot allowed having warships or planes in SCS.

Okay, since the US has stated it's an unintentionally flew over. Avoid the unprofessional action from now on.
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