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Uri attack: Can India launch a covert operation across the border?

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I think modi is user pressure and stupid bharati rss think war is the last thing that can save their *** like faces...indians must have loved modi at start when he was tourng world spreading msg of economic prosperity maids in india etc but now his policies against Pakistan are failing and he needs to save his *** this attack might be first step towards the inevitable!

Indians wake up dont think from your bollywood and zee news fed asses use your brain and get rid of this terrorist...i a sure indian can do better than a terroris pm
Apart from sponsoring terrorism in the Pakistan, India might also decide crying and begging before USA to put pressure on Pakistan.

So that India can send some war planes into Pakistan and Pakistan should not shoot them down. Few years back India did the same.

Too bad, it did not work that time and it not gonna work in the coming 200 years as well.
These Modi fans, these kids, oh man it is so hilarious reading their posts.

They still believe Modi has 56 inches chest, :rofl:

indians ain't gonna do nothing. They're all talk, bluster and hot air. History has shown this. Reality is that we are too powerful right now for them to attack us directly. All that will happen are terrorist attacks against Pakistan and dribble from indians on the Internet.
This is the best option to retaliation according to Lt.Gen HS Panag and also according to me:

Waging a counter 4GW exploiting the adversary’s fault lines always remains a viable option and is as old as the history of warfare. This option hurts the adversary the most, but since it cannot be publicised, it rarely satisfies an emotional public fed by political jingoism. With turmoil in Balochistan, FATA and persecution of Shias, Ahmadiyas and other minorities, Pakistan is tailor-made for 4GW. Since this subject is in the covert domain, it is beyond the scope to discuss whether India can or should exercise this option. However, a cursory glance at Pakistani media shows that India is the villain for all internal troubles. All that is required is organisation, funds and the attack is directly at the Achilles heel! In my view, this is the best option.

Ohh and one more thing those border lessors and sensors where they made by maids in india?
And that base housed my sikh jawans that attack might be sikh rebellion against hindu india?
We don't need to launch any covert ops to retaliate to Uri.
All we need is to hire 2-3 suicide bombers(plenty of such suicide bombers are available in Pakistan) and they will do the rest.

The entire operation will need no more than 10K dollars.
You should spare yourself to make such comment. This is not India's strategy.
Listen I don't need to take certification from you, whether I visited IOK or spend my childhood in Badgam, played cricket in Batwara, Indranagar, Stadium, or travelled from Ladakh, kargil. What you only know is only a valley which is Srinagar valley which you think is Kashmir, and a Lal chauk which is center of the Srinagar.

There is no AK-47 in India, it only comes from one place which is P0K, and those Jahil brainwashed terrorist which you called as mujahedeen or fidayeen are only doing for the cause to hurt India. But you should remember, and make a knot of my statement that though KPS Gill is consider as the man behind who flushes terrorism from the Punjab, but in reality it was stopped, when India started giving the same favour to Pakistan via RAW, that Pakistan was forced to stop the funding and weapon supply.

Indian army officers sell weapons

Supreme Court pulls up Centre, Army for illegal sale of weapons by officers

Dear indian brothers. Let us not ponder on the hypothetical. Its a sad day and silence would be the best tribute to our brorhers. Things will happen, let us talk when things do happen. Till then just let others who have fun at our deaths do so.
Of course we will celebrate the death of indian soldiers. You creatures are the eternal enemy of the Pakistani race. Your military is geared towards our destruction. We hate your race and nation just as much as you hate ours. So when you creatures die it's time for us to rejoice. I'm sure the indian forums would reciprocate. This is a Pakistani forum after all. What do you expect?. If you don't like it then you and your compatriots are free to leave PDF.

LOL, you attacked India, and when we retaliate we want to distroy Pakistan. You started another War, and gets your 90000 men in our jail, when sitting on the Shimla agreement, We didn't forced you to leave the Kashmir claim, to save the civilian, and democracy in Pakistan but we are trying to destroy Pakistan. You spread terrorism in Punjab and Kashmir, pouring fake currency in Indian market, but still we are trying to destroy Pakistan. You started Kargil misadventure, when we took it back by force, we are trying to destroy Pakistan.

Here is the real reason == Pakistan is the country which was created on the ideology of Mr, Jinnah that Hindus and Muslims cannot live in one country and the religion should be the basis of two nations. Half of Muslims made one country, but the problem for this ideology (which was bluffed long in 1971) was INDIA itself, which was still there with more muslims than even Pakistan itself. Pakistani leaders in order to push the ideology, needs separate identity, so they tried everything to prove that the Pakistani have separate identity, and Identity crisis was always there and that's why the leaders always hell bend to prove themself close to the ARABS and TURKS which is really funny.

If you understand these simple facts, than you will understand that its the INDIA whose existence is against the ideology on the the basis of which Pakistan was created, where Muslims are living with Hindus and together with different religion and this is the FACT.
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