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Uri attack: Can India launch a covert operation across the border?

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Wrong. The terrorist Monkey was not an agent (meaning on spying mission). The monkey is a terrorism mastermind. He was running a big network of terrorists. The Monkey was an officer of Indian Navy and sent on official mission to use terrorism against Pakistan. That is the most credible proof that India is a terrorist state. Don't try to portray the terrorist Monkey as merely an agent.

Did you even proved that in your own court. There is some international standard and norms for that. Even though a country can deny counselor access to an alleged spy, the Geneva convention clearly states that he/she should be provided with all legal assistance as per the countries law where apprehended. That's why there were no much takers for your story outside Pakistan. :p:

Can you please link me to any international response regarding Yadav and international community condemning India for espionage ?? I bet, you can't. :p:

Simply claiming someone doesn't make him a terrorist, first try and prove that in your own court then speak. :-)


Nice bollywood movie script, they should name is it "distroy"
Point me to a news or link from recent past, which shows that an Indian suicide bomber had hit some target killing himself along with others ?? I bet you will none. :p:

P.S: Don't provide IED blasts and Maoist attacks, I am asking for specific suicide attack by an Indian citizen. :p:

How old are you, may I ask?

Seems like too young to know how Rajiv Ghandi died.

Or to know that suicide bombings in this region were introduced by none other than Indian trained LTTE.
india nuking pak will be end of whole of asia full complete destabilsation all the way to russia like throwing stone in pond and watch the waves travel and get bigger. but its good way for europe and usa to divert home problems with economy and israel can make it most strategic move, towards becoming greater israel.

Nice bollywood movie script, they should name is it "distroy"

maybe its copied from red dawn .
Well, what they(Pakistan) will do? At best (Jyada se Jyada) they will blackmail with the Bomb. Even drop it. That far they can go. What after that.? Many(Nearly 90%) Pakistan member's logic is that "Pakistan may be destroyed but Islam will survive and Hindus will be destroyed for ever"! If that's so then Pakistan's population must also be thinking same way. And if that's so then apart from war, what are the other option?
U goddamn terrorists for once in ur pathetid lives accept the truth, india is anot an independent nation, it is still slave to weatern diplomacy controlled by israel, they will dump you when u have served ur purpose u idiots, we only had one problem with u fundos, the cessation of kashmir to pakistan, kashmir is a muslim dominated region so naturally the want to come with pakistan, dont bother with ur stupid lame excuses cause they may help in image building and media chest thupping but atleast here accept the truth, gotta hand it to the western powers, masters of deception them, even when they couldnt sustain the empire directly after ww2, they kest kashmir issue to simply control sub continent, cant u see are slowly and steadily bieng isolated in the region, the will leave u alone u idiots to the mercy if pakistan, afghanistan, iran, china and russia, we only want kashmir, we want nothing else, if kashmir issue is resolved and u give muslims freedom to practice religion in india, our enimosity is gone, we could've been allies, afucking pak sino russia indo block could've rules the world yet u are bent on destroying ur self, dont fool urselves, afghania are not ur allies, only 10% of them which have a surrogate govt in india support u, the rest of 90% pashtoons are with us, russians are emotional people, they will and are now tilting towards pakistan, an alliance with india now doesnt sit well with thier geo strategic policy now, china already in our block, turks will always die for us, cant u see we are now getting to central asians nations and soon thier economies will be dependent on us via cpex, dont fool urselves, ur media and govt are making fools out of u by this war mongering for ratings and votes, india cant fight with pak, ur army and govt knws that pak army is way way better intactics, professionalism and utilizing its limited resources than indian army ever wil be its a hard accepted fact that the world knows, if large weapons in ample number were all it took to win ware germany could've easily defeated the allies in ww2 as germans had way way better weaponw than th allies, all it comes down to is strategy and im sorry to say but we learned from the best, and stop propogating nuclear war or covert ops in pakistan, the result would be catistrophic, we are all ready to die here but are u???, nuclear war between us could mean end of civilization, so be a human bieng, stand up against ur indian govt, stop them from propogating and supporting terrorism in pak, force them to free kashmir, u are a human arent u, why cant u people stand up for justice, ur govt is not serving ur interests, but playing in the hands of israel, deep down u know that u are wrong, but ur ego wont let u accept it, but understand one thing, u are a nation that crys havok at death of 17 soldiers, yet we have lifted 90000 corpses innpakistan but are still loyal to our country and sensiblem we didnt create unrest, we didnt tople our govts, any other nation would've, u cant fight with people of such extreme patience, no one can fight with us, everyone wants us gone but not even Us has guts enough for a frontal attack...
If you can find (with help from former communist Afghan elements) some Pakistanis to explode themselves for money, we can find much more Indians for doing that. But we'll not kill you children in schools, civilians in markets, and tramples. You fell to utter disgrace. We have dignity. But you'll have to pay dearly. You'll then easily understand the "strange logic".

Dignity in what. What Pakistan army had did to your own people in East Pakistan is known history. So please don't talk about dignity. :(

Moreover killing children, civilians etc. are all alleged, you don't have enough proof. :)
Please let us know if we can help in persuading the GOI to take such decision
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