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Uri attack: Can India launch a covert operation across the border?

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Yes I know since 2005/6
Ahsan Farooqui is webmaster
Slav Defence is a lady named Huda
Wajsal name is Wajid Salahuddin

and many more ask me.:lol:

Awsoom how make this forum popular by attacking another forum of defense pakistan using DDOS his name is Asim aquil

Oscar name is Dervaish Husaini

@Oscar @Jango @Emmie @Irfan Baloch

Btwn Asim also left.
He is an alleged agent. And the world know what an agent means. Every country have their own agents and I'm pretty sure there are lot more ISI agents in India than RAW agents in Pakistan. Even there would be more CIA agents in Pakistan than RAW. :p:

What I mean to say is that have you arrested or killed any Indian in general and RSS person in particular to claim that India is doing cross boarder terrorism ?? It's a big NO. That's why there are no takers for Pakistan's story around the world I guess. :p:

Moreover which RAW chief had said that terrorism in Pakistan is Indian policy ?? That too on record ?? Get a life dude. LOL :p:
Wrong. The terrorist Monkey was not an agent (meaning on spying mission). The monkey is a terrorism mastermind. He was running a big network of terrorists. The Monkey was an officer of Indian Navy and sent on official mission to use terrorism against Pakistan. That is the most credible proof that India is a terrorist state. Don't try to portray the terrorist Monkey as merely an agent.
This kashmir issue can trigger war.
Are we prepared for nuclear war...? I say No!!
We should give training to nation how to escape from Maximum damage in nuclear attack scenario.
Nobody knows it . We have no training.
Our governments and concerned authority have no sympathy with the nation. They don't care.
All, we will receive Max destruction if ever war happens, because our government & Army did'nt train the nation to escape/survive from max destruction in nuclear conflict.
I am hopeless if ever war happens.
This is right time, governments & concerned authorities should wake up, and give training to students, whole nation and prepare/train them to ensure minimum damage in nuclear conflict.

thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu brother i have been saying this since i joined we need survival prepper training.
iodine/gas mask/water filter/nuclear bunkers/ etc equipment availble for citizens. what about off the grid power/communication that is emp proof. vacuum tubes ? emp proofing etc faraday cage?.

Those that die from nuclear radation via Vaporization, are the lucky ones, those that do survive will suffer slowly from radation or starvation or rioting.
My original ID not banned you can check but when i see nice pakistani members bieng attacked and banned because of that bitch i loose my cool
my wonderchap
one and only
and many others

elmo too


Although RazPak my man is still alive n kickin !

Miss Syedali73 though ..
indians said similar things about Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state pre-May 1998

It is not Indian's who say that. It is your own newspaper "The Express Tribune" who is saying about your economy. :)
This kashmir issue can trigger war.
Are we prepared for nuclear war...? I say No!!
We should give training to nation how to escape from Maximum damage in nuclear attack scenario.
Nobody knows it . We have no training.
Our governments and concerned authority have no sympathy with the nation. They don't care.
All, we will receive Max destruction if ever war happens, because our government & Army did'nt train the nation to escape/survive from max destruction in nuclear conflict.
I am hopeless if ever war happens.
This is right time, governments & concerned authorities should wake up, and give training to students, whole nation and prepare/train them to ensure minimum damage in nuclear conflict.

thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu brother i have been saying this since i joined we need survival prepper training.
iodine/gas mask/water filter/nuclear bunkers/ etc equipment availble for citizens. what about off the grid power/communication that is emp proof. vacuum tubes ? emp proofing etc faraday cage?.

Those that die from nuclear radation via Vaporization, are the lucky ones, those that do survive will suffer slowly from radation or starvation or rioting.
Its funny you are quoting a POLITICIAN like this.

Dear Indians,

It's time to realize that Modi is just a politician who promised you the moon to get your votes. Time to realize that the struggle in Kashmir is HOMEGROWN. And time to realize that you can't do shit about Pakistan (a country 1/6th the India's size) no matter how many false flag operations you do and how many tweets your "brave" politicians shoot out of their rear ends.
Last time I checked you guys were blaming India for killing 70000 people of your country, destroying your economy and breaking your country in two. And here you are claiming with your fake pride " India can't do shit about Pakistan".
NEW DELHI: The Army is going to turn the heat on Pakistan+ along the 778-km Line of Control (LoC) with concentrated artillery barrages, sniping and other operations, even as a section of the Indian security establishment wants the government to also consider "limited but punitive cross-border strikes" to send an unequivocal message to Pakistan.

But while "enhanced military pressure" along the LoC is a tactical move to impose some costs on the Pakistan Army for continuing to aid and abet terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir, the government will have to take a considered decision on conventional cross-border strikes on terror-training camps because of possible escalation into a full-fledged conflict.

Army battalions along the LoC as well as forward IAF airbases on the western front have in any case been put on "full alert" to take care of any contingency, government sources said.


Though "surgical strikes", covert military operations or "hot pursuits" inside Pakistani territory may not be on the cards as yet, the Army can certainly "bleed" Pakistani troops without crossing the LoC.

Targeted artillery and heavy-mortar fire on Pakistan army posts and bunkers and intensive sniping to interfere with movement of their patrols are among the several tactical options used in the past. "Yes, there will be retaliation from the other side but it can be dealt with," said a source

As for cross-border strikes, some security establishment officials say a political decision has to be taken to send a clear message to Pakistan that "enough is enough". A senior official said, "How long will we keep on absorbing terror strikes, from 26/11 to Pathankot, without effectively retaliating? Our defensive approach only serves to embolden the Pakistan army-ISI combine further."

For longer range strikes, the 90-km range Smerch rockets or the 290-km BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles can come into play. An escalatory step would be "surgical air strikes" by fighters like Mirage-2000s, Jaguars and Sukhoi-30MKIs armed with laser-guided 'smart' bombs or cluster bombs. But this will have to be carefully calibrated because Pakistan's air defence system is totally geared towards India, with the possibility of IAF taking some losses.

But others sound a word of caution. "Pakistan is no Myanmar (where Indian Para-SF troops conducted a trans-border raid to take out militants in June 2015). The government has to take into account that any strike inside Pakistan can escalate into an all-out war. Pakistan, of course, often threatens first-use of tactical nuclear weapons if it is attacked by India," said an official.

Officials say there are a variety of military options with "different thresholds" that can be considered by the government short of a full-scale war or crossing Pakistan's nuclear red lines. The first could be "calculated trans-border operations" by infantry units or even the Special Forces, trained for such "irregular warfare", against military or terrorist targets across the LoC.

My original ID not banned you can check but when i see nice pakistani members bieng attacked and banned because of that bitch i loose my cool
my wonderchap
one and only
and many others

elmo too

Is razPak the one who went on into SteelCore Rifles production?
Now Army doing Stupid moves Why waste Strategic asset when you do this Job by Paying Mercenaries
If a Pakistani citizen is ready to blow himself just because he is getting paid (strange logic though, since what he is gonna do with all the money after his death ?? ). It is hard time Pakistan understand that there is something seriously wrong with some sections of your society. :(

Well I would personally prefer the "fear of death" scenario. :)
If you can find (with help from former communist Afghan elements) some Pakistanis to explode themselves for money, we can find much more Indians for doing that. But we'll not kill you children in schools, civilians in markets, and tramples. You fell to utter disgrace. We have dignity. But you'll have to pay dearly. You'll then easily understand the "strange logic".
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