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Can someone explain this???


Dec 11, 2013
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This is the brochure of ANURAG as shared by @Daedalus .,it talks about Migacore processor,Can someone shed more light on this??






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Does this mean we have devloped our own microprocessor???
When I read the title, I was like :rofl:

You might be interested in reading some of these articles.
In the beginning the gov. was very optimistic.
The chip could also help India develop a low-cost mobile phone, worth say just Rs 500, high-tech defence precision systems and a host of other applications in areas including healthcare and weather forecasting.
Govt to chip in with India Microprocessor - Economic Times
Nine months later
Nine months after the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) made public its intent to spearhead a national initiative on India Microprocessor, a public-private programme, forming a special purpose vehicle called Zerone Corporation, to design and develop a microprocessor at an initial investment of about $200 million (Rs908 crore) in collaboration with the ministry of information technology (IT), the latter remains non-committal about the project.

In all of this Brahmachari is the optimistic fellow.
Brahmachari said there was similar scepticism when he started the open source drug discovery programme two years ago, but that today it has hundreds of Indian and overseas researchers hooked on to it. Praising it, Bernard Munos, an adviser in corporate strategy at American drug maker Eli Lilly Co., said: “When it comes to big ideas for dealing with the innovation crisis in drug R&D, the leadership has come from three sources: Francis Collins (director of National Institutes of Health, US), Samir Brahmachari, and WHO/TDR (World Health Organization’s special programme in tropical diseases). If it were not for them, we would be in even bigger trouble. All three had the vision to see trouble ahead when the rest of the world could not be bothered; they had the courage to speak up about it, and the drive to act. In the case of Samir and WHO, they also did it on a shoestring.”
Why a made-in-India chip remains chimeric - Livemint

And then one blogger went a little further, foreseeing this whole project to end in disaster.
Well, all one can say is how bigger disaster this one is going to be?
ANUPAMA works on a 33 Mega Hertz clock. This means ANUPAMA can execute approximately 30,000 instructions per second. Even an undergrad student with an FPGA development kit could achieve this without any problems whatsoever on a simple microprocessor. Most of students in IITs as well as other premier institutes in India develop such computers for their lab assignments!
India Microprocessor | Vivekitam
@Daedalus I have read all these articles,they talk about ANUPMA microprocessor but here i am asking about "Migacore processor"
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@Daedalus I have read all these articles,they talk about ANUPMA microprocessor but here i am asking about "Microne processor"
If you are talking about the silicon based processor, then this very new technology. I don't think DRDO is trying to develop this. Let them first built something close to what is offered by Intel or others out there.
They are still going out for shopping processors. Last months tender.
Yeah the last one is the one i am talking about,Are there no electrical engineers on this forum??
Does this mean we have devloped our own microprocessor???

Yes ANURAG developed microprocessors

General Purpose Microprocessors
ANURAG has designed and developed general-purpose microprocessors. ANUPAMA is a 32-bit RISC processor. ANUPAMA works at 33 MHz clock speed. The complete software development tool kit consisting of C compiler, assembler, linker, loader, debugger etc is available for application development. A single-board computer based on ANUPAMA is available for evaluation and software development. ANUPAMA is also available as an IP core.

ABACUS is a 32-bit processor for multi-tasking applications with virtual memory support. It is designed around ANUPAMA core with additions like MMU, two levels of cache, double precision FPU, SDRAM controller. The IP core of ABACUS is available in Verilog RTL code. This processor is suited for desktop applications. Complete software platform is available for ABACUS processor and a single board computer with ABACUS is implemented. Linux Kernel is ported.

These are very low end processors and they are using 90 nanometer technology.

I can design a microprocessor similar to that on an fpga. :tup:

My B.tech project is "design and implementation of Micro controller".

If you have any queries , you can ask :tup:

Once I used to breathe, eat , sleep and play in this field .... :cheers:, now I have shifted my attention to other fields as well :)
@Srinivas I dont have any knowledge in this field,i just want to know where we stand in this field and please shed some more light on Migacore Soc.??
Can you also give me some links where i can learn the basic terminologies??
@Srinivas I dont have any knowledge in this field,i just want to know where we stand in this field and please shed some more light on Migacore Soc.??
Can you also give me some links where i can learn the basic terminologies??

Let me know your background like if your are from electronics, computers, electrical,mechanical or into other subjects. That would be easier for me to explain :)
Let me know your background like if your are from electronics, computers, electrical,mechanical or into other subjects. That would be easier for me to explain :)
I am preparing for IIT lolz
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