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Can someone explain this???

Yeah the last one is the one i am talking about,Are there no electrical engineers on this forum??

It is electronic field.Electrical engineers just only touch a small aprt of this subject.My subject is Electrical and Electronics
This one is a 32-bit RISC Microprocessor. RISC cores are simpler to design and fabricate compared to the mainstream general-use microprocessors like the Intel Microprocessor. They require lesser number of transistors.

RISC Microprocessors are suitable for Real-time applications and if a FPU (Floating Point Unit) is in-built then they can be used for Number crunching (e.g. for Control Applications). They are also suitable for embedded designs and SBCs because of low power consumption and low complexity.

Why they call it General Purpose Microprocessor? Here is the explanation:
There are two popular design architectures: Harward Architecture which is suitable for building mission-specific and Real-time Embedded Systems, Program and Data space is clearly segregated physically. Then there is something called Von Neumann Architecture which is suitable for building general purpose computers because the program is loaded into the same memory location which also stores the data. General Purpose computers can be reprogrammed quickly compared to the Microcontrollers. Microcontrollers can only be programmed a limited number of times (usually a few hundred thousand times).
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