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UPDATED ! Not Kaveri but NEW Indo-US JET Engine for India:MEA

That was old news before Kaveri was cancelled.

And before Kaveri was cancelled it was decided that AMCA will also have imported engine.
so tell us how we gonna power our AURA...........considering mTCR doesn't allow usage of foreign engine for ucav
Best decision, America makes the best engine, this will be extremely helpful in our future projects. Look at LCA, it needed American engine to make single engine aircraft. If it had Russian, it would have fallen many times over.
Well those who say and believe kaveri engine is a complete failure are mistaken.
Remember the engine consists of mastering several technologies including metallurgy (Single crystal blades showing very low thermal creep), machining, control systems designs (FADEC) etc. The fact that kaveri program started from scratch and reached at some point does show that we have developed some sort of capability and it is a matter of time before it gets matured.
The trouble with kaveri program was that it was linked with LCA and till the time LCA itself was having other non engine issues, people tolerated it. Once engine came in projects critical path, a call had to be taken and thus F 404.
This does not mean that research be abandoned, that would mean burying entire efforts till date.
Therefore Joint ventures are actually a correct way to go and such agreements would mean inducting more expertise in the area and faster completion of programs.
AMCA and LCA 2 will in all probability see foreign engines, but that should not discourage us from domestic efforts. The program needs external help and it must be provided.
Good to hear that...shabash keep gaining experience and when you get tired after spending tax payers money request Russia to help you make a cruise missile and now the newly found pitaji to help you make jet engines,
funny a pakistanis says about tax money and all that .............in your country tax are wasted like water flowing through river and here you people glot about how india should spend tax money.....hilarious

we already making and made crusie unlike some people .......who cannot make 2 stroke mope engine

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..............seriously you want to go this route or what .........................
a country still today can't stand one its spine and live on pieces thrown by their pitajis........aka US saudi china
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Q: When India blasted atomic bomb in 1998, Why did Pakistan take 15 days to respond with atomic bomb test?
A: The manual was in Chinese, it took 15 days to translate :)

Q: When India sent mission to Mars in 2014, Why did Pakistan not send its own mission to Mars in 15 days ?
A: The Chinese themselves do not know how to send a mission to Mars :P
this one is one of the hardest ever missle i saw on pdf..
kya bat
C 17 uses the same turbofan as Boeing 757...Its all dual use technologies..

I think we should Start a program to develop everytype of engine from Large ones to Small ones,From Land based to Naval based etc
Q: When India blasted atomic bomb in 1998, Why did Pakistan take 15 days to respond with atomic bomb test?
A: The manual was in Chinese, it took 15 days to translate :)

Q: When India sent mission to Mars in 2014, Why did Pakistan not send its own mission to Mars in 15 days ?
A: The Chinese themselves do not know how to send a mission to Mars :P

Good one, that can be the basis for a lot of jokes on pakistan henceforth.

We signed a agreement to divert the raw sewage to the Indus river and into Pakistan. Enjoy!

Why do you think there's a polio epidemic in pakistan?.
Americans providing technology for future Indian engines and I sense jealousy and envy from accross loc
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