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Update on Activism to expel Afghan Refugees from Pakistan

Afghans must annex parts of Pakistan to form greater Pashtunistan. :tup:

They tried before and failed.

The best outcome is both living side by side in a cordial and civilized fashion

Also, Afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah.

You'd be wearing furry hats and speaking Russian today
Brother Barry;4162018]I don't believe in acts of God. Lets look at this logically.

I am going by what you said not what you believe in and you said ''Also, Afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah.''.

There would be no refugees if the ISI had not supported the Mujahedeen. As noble as their struggle was, they ruined the country by bringing retaliation from Russia. Instead, they would be quickly dealt with, and Afghanistan would be a communist country like Uzbekistan today where we would be speaking Russian and our names would end in -ov. Not ideal, but far better than the current situation.

Then prime minister, Hazifullah Amin, tried to sweep aside Muslim tradition within the nation and he wanted a more western slant to Afghanistan. This outraged the majority of those in Afghanistan as a strong tradition of Muslim belief was common in the country.

Thousands of Muslim leaders had been arrested and many more had fled the capital and gone to the mountains to escape Amin's police. Amin also lead a communist based government - a belief that rejects religion and this was another reason for such obvious discontent with his government.

Pakistan's support for bloodthirsty warlords like Gulbuddin caused the destruction of Kabul and even more refugees. Then, when they backed the Taliban there was another stream of refugees.

On December 27th, 1979, Amin was shot by the Russians and he was replaced by Babrak Kamal. His position as head of the Afghan government depended entirely on the fact that he needed Russian military support to keep him in power. Many Afghan soldiers had deserted to the Mujahdeen and the Kamal government needed 85,000 Russian soldiers to keep him in power.

Finally, when the West invaded, more than 5 million people have returned to Afghanistan. If Pakistan is truly serious about bringing peace so Afghans can return home, they would not back the Taliban.

refugees started pouring in after 1979 and almost none of them ever went back last time we decided karazai asked the un to convince pakistan not to deport them back as afghans government cannot take care of them.

I take it you are a supporter of Hazifullah Amin and a communist.But as far as Afghanistan troubles are concerned it was all you.
I am going by what you said not what you believe in and you said ''Also, Afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah.''.

I take it you are a supporter of Hazifullah Amin and a communist.But as far as Afghanistan troubles are concerned it was all you.

I am not a communist if that is what you think. I just think that Jihad and religious extremism have damaged Afghanistan irreparably.
Afghans must annex parts of Pakistan to form greater Pashtunistan. :tup:

The Russians wont ally you on this endeavour once again!

Also, Afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah.

Afghan refugees is the price Pakistan has to pay for the follies of Afghan leaders in failing to maintain their country. As a cost of repatriation for hosting refugees, Pakistan should be settled in cash or annex parts of Afghanistan. World would be a much better place is Pakistan annexes all the Pashtun parts of Afghanistan and encourages the remaining to join their native majority parts of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan!

First take care of your country which is annexed by different countries time to time day dreamer

No Comments..spot on!

I don't believe in acts of God. Lets look at this logically.

There would be no refugees if the ISI had not supported the Mujahedeen. As noble as their struggle was, they ruined the country by bringing retaliation from Russia. Instead, they would be quickly dealt with, and Afghanistan would be a communist country like Uzbekistan today where we would be speaking Russian and our names would end in -ov. Not ideal, but far better than the current situation.

Refugees came as part of parcel of your leaders loyalty towards Mother Russia! ISI decided to act once the burden of refugees became too much.
I would hate to say it but I agree with the poster that Afghans are extremely ungrateful people. The people of Pakistan have greeted them with open arms, as their brothers in need. But their country is always against us.

I have met Afghans here in Canada who were refugees in Quetta or Peshawar. Their children born and brought up in Pakistan. But they have hate and nothing else for us. Its a shame to see people who should have been grateful to be so hateful.
I got attacked by one twitter.com/Heelai_Noor on Twitter.

I'd encourage anyone needing a good laugh to read the conversation on twitter - summary:
1. She started by accusing me of spreading hate
2. She accused me of being an ISI agent -- wow that was quick
3. She refused to answer if Afghans by and large hate Pakistan (she turned it into a I don't ...)
4. She refused to address issues of Daud Khan
5. Then she said I was unworthy of talking to since I was brain washed
6. I believe she lives in Germany
7. She hosts a show on Pastoon woman's issues
8. Now if there are the views of a Western educated Afghan - what hope is there working with the bell-curve Afghan

I would hate to say it but I agree with the poster that Afghans are extremely ungrateful people. The people of Pakistan have greeted them with open arms, as their brothers in need. But their country is always against us.

I have met Afghans here in Canada who were refugees in Quetta or Peshawar. Their children born and brought up in Pakistan. But they have hate and nothing else for us. Its a shame to see people who should have been grateful to be so hateful.
Haters hating and biting the one sole hand that always fed and clothed it while others looked away

Yes many of them are ingrates and they do hate us. Since we are all evil ISI then they should all leave and pull out their families too. They'd be doing Pakistan a huge favour.

They are liabilities
Its funny how some afghans come here saying afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah not unknowing that it was afghans on front lines with jihad fi sabilillah and it was afghans using US weapons provided by US trained by US to fight soviets. Should I cover more posting videos of CIA chief coming to Pakistan going to afghan border point to afghans that your Lord is true lord fight soviets. And more had any party whether US and Pakistan not helped afghanistan you can imagine what would it have been like in afghanistan. And if afghans had trouble with Pakistan why did they not contact UN to send troops in afghanistan against soviets.

I suggest afghan members to do their good home work before engaging into positive discussion.

You afghans ruined your own country fighting each other don't blame others war had ended in 89-90 it was time you rebuilt it not destroying it blame yourselves for the misery.
First fence the border then send them back so that they do not come back.
although they are destroying our country but they are our brothers ...but i think there shud b no borders between the islamic countries ......what u ppl say????
seriously? have you read your own statement?

Let me add some points to your statement:

So I think this is what you may be saying?:
Afghans are:
1. Destroying out country Pakistan
2. Hate Pakistani people
3. Hate Pakistan
4. Wish Pakistan harm

Yet: Afghans are our (Pakistanis') brothers.

I honestly don't know where to begin :-(
they have overstayed their welcome IMO and now should return to their country.
seriously? have you read your own statement?

Let me add some points to your statement:

So I think this is what you may be saying?:
Afghans are:
1. Destroying out country Pakistan
2. Hate Pakistani people
3. Hate Pakistan
4. Wish Pakistan harm

Yet: Afghans are our (Pakistanis') brothers.

I honestly don't know where to begin :-(

The refugees don't hate Pakistan, if they did, they'd go to Iran instead. The thing is that while Afghans have brought a massive Kalashnikov culture to Pakistan, sending them back to a war torn nation is inhumane. If it were the other way around, would you tolerate the Afghans kicking out Pakistanis? I think not.

The only Afghans that hate Pakistan are the ones that live in Kabul and the northern regions, not to mention the Tajiki dominated ANA-ANP.

What you're purposing is inherently xenophobic and should be condemned. You should not be proud of what you're trying to accomplish, because it's nothing to be proud of.

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