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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

He has more than 10 guaranteed votes ... don't fool yourself .... so many of people see both reformists and conservatives as two side of one coin ...

and don't talk about me , even I don't know whom I will vote till the last day ... but I'm angry about current situation ... how can I live with 200-220$ income in this country while I clearly work hard and I have greater knowledge than most of people ( at least in my jobs ) !?

I'm not member of any political party and I don't have any interest in wining of any of them ...

life is hard and my number one priority is "economic" and number 2 is my "ideology" ....

so I will vote to someone who can make the economic better and is closer to my ideology ...

These well fed people don't care about our country, students, workers. They became rich by corruption, blood money and ties with khamenei and his circles.

They don't care because they don't feel Iranian and don't have any love towards our history, country, nation, culture. Their ancestors are from saudi arabia, lebanon, syria, bahrain..imported 400 years ago by safavids to spread shia religion, so they have no connection to our soil and nation. The same with the terrorists who blow themselves up inside another country, but not in their own country.

You're angry because you care about the country. However do they listen to you? do they care about your voice? I don't think so. Millions of people think like you, a minority tries to shut down your voice and opinion, but believe me they will lose finally. There will be a winner, there is yet no balance of justice in Iran.

And finally I don't say ahmadinejad is good (he is part of this system), but he knows something about corruption which makes the head and the leader of the corrupt people scared....
"begam... begam.... migama... migama"...
Ahmadinejad is playing a game of threats against the corrupt deep state of islamic republic, that's why they can't kill him, he know to much, if they jail him, someone else will expose the corrupt deep state which is led by khamenei, larijani etc. Today my brother we are 131th in corruption index. In comparison, Germany ranks 10th (almost no corruption).

We are not living in Dark and White world
I didn't write long story and I hope you get your answer
Jannati and khamenei should plan your life, your future and decide the laws which will influence your life.
Now I don't know where you live, but if you're in Iran, I don't care because maybe you truely enjoy the current situation in the country.

But don't say these things while you're living in comfort and luxury or if you or your family are part of the corruption. We've millions of people who're struggling because of the policies of figures such as jannati, khamenei, raeesi, larijani etc.
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Jannati and khamenei should plan your life, your future and decide the laws which will influence your life.
Now I don't know where you live, but if you're in Iran, I don't care because maybe you truely enjoy the current situation in the country.

But don't say these things while you're living in comfort and luxury or if you or your family are part of the corruption. We've millions of people who're struggling because of the policies of figures such as jannati, khamenei, raeesi, larijani etc.
absolutely I am not saying situation is perfect and please don't judge me when you don't know me.seriously you think I'm part of the corruption and then wasting my time here instead enjoying.
I really like Iranian history and I find your kind of thinking several times in history.
Iranian betray powerful Sassanian kingdom because of it's political, economical and religions corruption, but what we get as result the two century of death and slavery of Iranian by muslims.
or Shah hussain corruption and his commanders which didn't stop Afghan army as excuse of they don't intervene in civil War and end of Safavid empire, just few years later one of these commanders conquer Dehli.

you are publicly advertising for Ahmadi gang b/c you think he would make situation worse and as result fasten diminishing of IRI but I strongly believe we should chose person that can make situation better and reduce distance b/w Iranian and don't repeat our ancestor mistake in destroying independent, strong Iran with corruption regime instead of that we should destroy corruption and that is more cultural historical problem.
Lol @ Jalili, he's a nobody.

Expect lots of maneuvering from Ahmadinejad/Mashaei. These guys have something big up their sleeves.
I doubt even 3 million Iranians vote to him. Anyway the ones who vote to him because he was a popular man during his first term presidency then they are respected. But those who vote him to make because of his stupidity May go to hell

Meanwhile I think you are from first of those people. I do offer you instead of liking that ahmadinejad or vote to him vote to better conservatives like Mr ghalibaf, jalili and zakani. Meanwhile my political view and your s are a bit different. I like moderate ones. I liked Ahmadinejad because of his solid policies against foreign countries especially West in many fields like nuclear. But because of some fool friends around him he became arrogant and dictator in last two years of his presidency and made so many unnecessary struggles between presidency and parlimant as well as irgc and even leader. He just wasted two years of Iran from 90 to 92 in struggles and tensions. His behavior made distance between people and conservatives (a bit). So Rouhani only with 50,7% of the votes became president! Very close! The funny thing is most the voters to Rouhani were (uneducated) Iranian women and Iranian Sunnis, otherwise Ghalibaf from conservatives despite all the shits that ahmadi had made would win the election. Rouhani won just because of 0.7% ! Leader told him not to come to presidency election cause he knew struggles and tensions would happen which is against Iran's profits. Millions of Iranians hate ahmadinejad as you know, why the should this dumb ignore millions Iranians and wants to become president ! Why that dumb really !

Ps his participation [as a traitor fake] conservative will reduce votes to other ghalibaf and jalili whicg is against conservatives benefits again. I will vote to a moderate person from conservatives (mr jalili is very nice but a bit extremist), my vote will be to ghalibaf since I don't know new conservatives much. So I should wait for coming hot days of presidency election and decide vote to him. Despite I don't like Rouhani but if there was only two candidates to choose between Rouhani and Ahmadi I would vote to Rouhani.

So many inconsistencies in this post.

You say you doubt even 3 million people voted for Ahmadinejad , yet, if you believe the 2009 election results, 24 million people did. Then you bring up the 2013 election results and believe it, saying Rouhani won with "0.7%"...

Let me tell you something, Rouhani didn't win with 50.7%. No one in the public knows the real election results. They announced Rouhani as the winner because they needed a moderate/reformist as President. They needed sanctions removal and prevent threat of war and to satisfy the people. Now they gave him 50.7% instead of 65% or any other % so if he does something out of line, they just remove him from power. And it has worked! People like you actually believe he won by 0.7%!

Even if you believe the election results, why insult the millions of people who supported Rouhani, calling them "uneducated woman", etc? And then you also insult Ahmadinejad supporters and wish them to go to hell. Nice!
So many inconsistencies in this post.

You say you doubt even 3 million people voted for Ahmadinejad , yet, if you believe the 2009 election results, 24 million people did. Then you bring up the 2013 election results and believe it, saying Rouhani won with "0.7%"...

Let me tell you something, Rouhani didn't win with 50.7%. No one in the public knows the real election results. They announced Rouhani as the winner because they needed a moderate/reformist as President. They needed sanctions removal and prevent threat of war and to satisfy the people. Now they gave him 50.7% instead of 65% or any other % so if he does something out of line, they just remove him from power. And it has worked! People like you actually believe he won by 0.7%!

Even if you believe the election results, why insult the millions of people who supported Rouhani, calling them "uneducated woman", etc? And then you also insult Ahmadinejad supporters and wish them to go to hell. Nice!
I didn't insult our women I meant most of rural women who know nothing about politics voted to Rouhani because of his demagoguery and factitive promises. I respect Rouhani as a good politician however the fact remains Iran got almost nothing from jcpoa but lost so many things. Even that jcpoa is now a barrier against our satellite launching!
Zarif : I do admit I made mistake I shouldn't trust John Kerry !

About Ahmadinejad, He is a too arrogant person and trouble maker only & just !
گفتن مناظرات زنده برگزار نشه ....

احمدی نژاد رو که می خوان رد صلاحیت کنند ، مناظره هم که قراره برگزار نشه ، اونوقت این یعنی چی !؟

من به خاطر این نمایش انتخابات وقتم رو تلف نمی کنم ...
حیف اونهمه آبی که ملت برای شستن جوهر از انگشتشون باید مصرف کنند!!
گفتن مناظرات زنده برگزار نشه ....

احمدی نژاد رو که می خوان رد صلاحیت کنند ، مناظره هم که قراره برگزار نشه ، اونوقت این یعنی چی !؟

من به خاطر این نمایش انتخابات وقتم رو تلف نمی کنم ...
حیف اونهمه آبی که ملت برای شستن جوهر از انگشتشون باید مصرف کنند!!
I hope so ...
It's all a big show, "elections".... Guardian counsil and khamenei and irgc rule the country. They decide. If works for them.. Almost 40 years it has worked. I never voted, I'm no sheep.
Ahmadi nejad and gharazi get disqualifiedby the guardian council ...

Now , I'm going to buy an used core I 5 and used GPU to be able to play videogames once again and don't think about other things ....

By the way , Rouhani will continue his second term ....

Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad disqualified from running in upcoming presidential election

list of final candidates:
  • Hassan Rouhani (campaign)
  • Ebrahim Raisi (campaign)
  • Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.
  • Mostafa Mir-Salim.
  • Eshaq Jahangiri. (support of Rouhani)
  • Mostafa Hashemitaba.
Ahmadinejad is finished. He is at the end of the line!
There's no political figure who would support him except two idiots named Mashayi and Baqayi!
He faced an strategic failure with messing up with both reformists and conservatives alongside messing with the whole world, and saw the outcome in the last two years of his presidency, when it finally leaded to the most harsh sanctions ever imposed on a country an a f***ed up economy as a result!
The only reason he came back was to take revenge! Don't make it up wrong @OldTwilight ! He does not care about poor people anymore.

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