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Upcoming Political Deadlock and Predictions


Jan 17, 2015
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Imran khan and Tahir ul Qadri once again decided to protest against government.

Although they are not united right now but thier converging political intrests will bring them closer in coming days/months to exert collective pressure on practically strong but morally weak government.

what will be the strategy of united opposition against government?

It is self evident that same strategy produces same result in similar conditions.
Political conditions are some what similar with the last year . Judiciary failed to perform any authoritative rule and I can't expect any proactive and authoritative role from Judiciary as it is beyond thier legitimate role to investigate NS in Panama Scandel without existence of Law on that subject and smilar suits.

It was the responsibility of the legislature to legislate but they couldn't due to obvious reasons. Sadly, in our country Party intrest is superior than National Intrest.

General Raheel Shareef is very much popular in public due to his anti terrorism and anti corruption strategies. He led the Nation with vision and took very bold decision. His bold and precise approach resulted into decisive victory and concluded operation Zarb e Azab with combing operations across thd country. Karachi operation remained successful. I will not go into more details and statistics as member of this forum already know the general pulse of the country.

It is beyond the legitimate role of the GRS to take control matters related to federal government and Parliament but there is no other organ of the state effective enough to prevent upcoming political dead lock. Again the same situation. Same strategy will produce same result in similar conditions.

GRS is not interested in extention or intervention as clearly evident from his professional posture. After his retirement as on November 16, new army chief will enter in his office with lots of high hopes and prayers.

If they couldn't resolve this political deadlock before retirement of GRS new man soon after taking control will review the situation with his own perspective. Now in this equations conditions are different. So allow me to rephrase above mentioned rule.

Same strategy will produce different result in different conditions. In more clear words one can expect from different person to act differently. So I welcome you all to share your views.

@WAJsal @MastanKhan @Horus @The Eagle @waz @Slav Defence
The best solution in current situation is for political system to continue... conditions inside and outside country are no longer permissive for miliary rule...

I personally and i think most pakistanis would strongly oppose military intervention...i love military but its intervention at this point is not in national interest...

Short of that there is absolutely no game that IK can play that will dethrone the government...
To be honest ... his politics are beyond me....

I am unable to comprehend a scenario from military intervention to early elections where he himself can become the PM.... if any one knows what he is doing please enlighten us all
The democratic opposition can protest till their hearts content, but how about being more effective in holding Nawaz and his people to account? I'm not sure how effective containers, several times a year in Islamabad are.
As for the military, they are trained to fight, leave it at that.
Tahir Qadri is Fethullah Gülen of Pakistan. A weak cleric who have second base outside his own country, make mockery of Islam beliefs to gain foreign support and are most probably controlled by them..
Short of that there is absolutely no game that IK can play that will dethrone the government...
To be honest ... his politics are beyond me....
Country stability is very important for foreign investment to flow in. So I don't suggest kickout nawaz so late in his tenure. Military danda is keeping Nawaz govt some what in line, even tho corruption is still widespread all the way to local MPA. But Unlike PPP, on macro level. things are atleast improving. If elected net election, IK govt will forsure reduce the top down local level corruption in institution, where Army has less control to use their danda.

Was Imam Khomeini any different.
Sorry mis-read your reply. idk about Khomeini. I guess he did had genuine support from masses, since he was the single top Imam (ie. Pope figure ) in shia belief. Plus western culture was being imposed on many iranians which they didn't liked and there was a disconnect b/w people and the royal ruling elite. Some say he was supported from west. there are documents suggestion his correspondence with washington and promises of support before his arrival in Iran. But than again we all know things didn't turned out as west hoped for.
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Country stability is very important for foreign investment to flow in. So I don't suggest kickout nawaz so late in his tenure. Military danda is keeping Nawaz govt some what in line, even tho corruption is still widespread all the way to local MPA. But Unlike PPP, on macro level. things are atleast improving. If elected net election, IK govt will forsure reduce the top down local level corruption in institution, where Army has less control to use their danda.

Idk what do you mean but atleast he is not a puppet looking for foreign backing to come to power.

He did---
Tahir Qadri is Fethullah Gülen of Pakistan. A weak cleric who have second base outside his own country, make mockery of Islam beliefs to gain foreign support and are most probably controlled by them..
the two are not the same but people will be the best judge of that!
He did---
edited my response, I miss read Imam as Imran.

the two are not the same but people will be the best judge of that!
You are right, I don't think you will find such videos on Fethullah Gülen. Tahir Qadri even sold his Kashmir fatwa to safe his Canadian residency. He knows if he call Kashmiri independence movement as legitimate Jihad, Canadians will jail him.

edited my response, I miss read Imam as Imran.

You are right, I don't think you will find such videos on Fethullah Gülen. Tahir Qadri even sold his Kashmir fatwa to safe his Canadian residency. He knows if he call Kashmiri independence movement as legitimate Jihad, Canadians will jail him.

Gulen is said to be protected by the establishment. As for qadri well honestly I dont know what can be said about him other than shooting 100 people by PML-N is no small thing that can go away easily.
Imran Khan loves to come to Punjab; shutdown cities, cause billions of dollars in damage, ferment chaos and have women dance on the streets.

What if PMLN did this in KPK?

Dharnas don't do any good; they only cause harm. People die, infrastructure is purposely damaged, commercial centers are forcefully closed, local shop-owners are bullied, and so much more.

I used to be a big supporter of Imran Khan but now I see that he is a selfish impatient hypocrite who would rather see Pakistan burn than anyone other than him get elected into power.
There should be ban on demonstrations strikes on day of 14th August. Both again ready to play only inside D which is useless and waste of time energy and human resources. Raheel Sahib not in a mood the SC not interested so let the system work till next elections.
The democratic opposition can protest till their hearts content, but how about being more effective in holding Nawaz and his people to account? I'm not sure how effective containers, several times a year in Islamabad are.
As for the military, they are trained to fight, leave it at that.

Same strategy produces same result in similar conditions. Same strategy produces different result in different conditions.

There is one more dimension of the same equation, not explained in the initial thread due to shortage of time.

That is different strategy produces different result in similar conditions.

Let us analyse this aspect as well.
if they chose to adopt different strategy what it will look like?

Tahir Qadri is Fethullah Gülen of Pakistan. A weak cleric who have second base outside his own country, make mockery of Islam beliefs to gain foreign support and are most probably controlled by them..

Read his message before shooting the messenger
Time is the major factor in Politics beside others. While we look at the stance of Tahir-Ul-Qadri and Imran Khan, seems like a clear message to the Government for reforms and justice but timing of such protest by Qadri alone can be viewed in different prospects as well. Just look at the announcement of protesting date I mean, whenever PTI is going to hold more ground and can show strength against Government, Qadri appears from nowhere on very different strategy against the Government which is totally different subject. Every time PTI is supposedly to gain ground and prepares like a strong opposition, Qadri effects the scenario whereby minds and stance of people diverts and divides. Qadri's protests are always announced right before or on the day whereby any other opposition party is going to protest in big number or big time and it seems like a divergent while paying back the Mian Sharif's favours (everything is possible in politics and for personal benefits). Everyone is trying to sell his political beans to gain more out of it and very less are concerned with Pakistan than personal benefits.

Now coming to the legislation point, the worth and weight is long lost especially whereby the most legislatures are interested in construction contracts, tenders and commissions in the name of favouring the voters of the area. The legislation office has long lost the concept that what its purpose and how the same office should have functioned its most powers. The work of roads, sewerage, water and etc was to be taken care by local government system but alas would effect the pockets and shares of big fish in the pond.

The Military intervention is not in picture at all and the same has been observed by many other sources as well though the stance of Military in this subject is clear and loud. However, looking at the condition of current government and its strength to pull the weight in good direction is indeed tensed and worrying for people. On such occasions that we have witnessed military intervention in history in the name of betterment of Pakistan which somehow has cost us more but in other contexts. One thing is sure that strategy of NS wouldn't change that even punished him twice but did not learn and will never but the one, joining the office, will surely adopt a different strategy this time because the one leaving the office has set many parameters and strategies so such deadlock would be dealt very peacefully and effectively as seen in recent past.

This political deadlock is going to decide the fate of many or I would say for almost the political lot this time. In my opinion, a care-taker government is needed to be formed not just to arrange and monitor the general elections but for a period of almost 1, 2, 3 and or needed years along with accountability for all the lot. The same care taker government would be looking after until & unless the filter is done with its job while the corrupts would be standing in separate line waiting for the justice which will be served accordingly once for all.

On one hand the ruling political class will die hard to protect NS in the scene of Panama and many other leaks which is indeed going to cause many problems for NS that cannot be avoided or ignored as are almost real time. To ensure the safety, looks like PMLn will take the road that PPPP has gone through by electing NS as president for immunity. In the meantime, NS will he put on hold right at Election Commission or such deadlock will force political elite to favor a care taker government. There is no doubt that the corrupt political elite has tried every trick to drag in the Military whereby these corrupts will be called political martyrs.

The new office bearer will make sure to not to intervene in political matters but the security of Pakistan in every aspect will be assured by every mean and those aspects includes internal threats such as political, corruption etc. Most probably, different strategy with different results in same condition, that I see.

Above mentioning are not claims nor related to any political intention at all but all may be viewed as an opinion and observation.
Time is the major factor in Politics beside others. While we look at the stance of Tahir-Ul-Qadri and Imran Khan, seems like a clear message to the Government for reforms and justice but timing of such protest by Qadri alone can be viewed in different prospects as well. Just look at the announcement of protesting date I mean, whenever PTI is going to hold more ground and can show strength against Government, Qadri appears from nowhere on very different strategy against the Government which is totally different subject. Every time PTI is supposedly to gain ground and prepares like a strong opposition, Qadri effects the scenario whereby minds and stance of people diverts and divides. Qadri's protests are always announced right before or on the day whereby any other opposition party is going to protest in big number or big time and it seems like a divergent while paying back the Mian Sharif's favours (everything is possible in politics and for personal benefits). Everyone is trying to sell his political beans to gain more out of it and very less are concerned with Pakistan than personal benefits.

Now coming to the legislation point, the worth and weight is long lost especially whereby the most legislatures are interested in construction contracts, tenders and commissions in the name of favouring the voters of the area. The legislation office has long lost the concept that what its purpose and how the same office should have functioned its most powers. The work of roads, sewerage, water and etc was to be taken care by local government system but alas would effect the pockets and shares of big fish in the pond.

The Military intervention is not in picture at all and the same has been observed by many other sources as well though the stance of Military in this subject is clear and loud. However, looking at the condition of current government and its strength to pull the weight in good direction is indeed tensed and worrying for people. On such occasions that we have witnessed military intervention in history in the name of betterment of Pakistan which somehow has cost us more but in other contexts. One thing is sure that strategy of NS wouldn't change that even punished him twice but did not learn and will never but the one, joining the office, will surely adopt a different strategy this time because the one leaving the office has set many parameters and strategies so such deadlock would be dealt very peacefully and effectively as seen in recent past.

This political deadlock is going to decide the fate of many or I would say for almost the political lot this time. In my opinion, a care-taker government is needed to be formed not just to arrange and monitor the general elections but for a period of almost 1, 2, 3 and or needed years along with accountability for all the lot. The same care taker government would be looking after until & unless the filter is done with its job while the corrupts would be standing in separate line waiting for the justice which will be served accordingly once for all.

On one hand the ruling political class will die hard to protect NS in the scene of Panama and many other leaks which is indeed going to cause many problems for NS that cannot be avoided or ignored as are almost real time. To ensure the safety, looks like PMLn will take the road that PPPP has gone through by electing NS as president for immunity. In the meantime, NS will he put on hold right at Election Commission or such deadlock will force political elite to favor a care taker government. There is no doubt that the corrupt political elite has tried every trick to drag in the Military whereby these corrupts will be called political martyrs.

The new office bearer will make sure to not to intervene in political matters but the security of Pakistan in every aspect will be assured by every mean and those aspects includes internal threats such as political, corruption etc. Most probably, different strategy with different results in same condition, that I see.

Above mentioning are not claims nor related to any political intention at all but all may be viewed as an opinion and observation.

You explained well and thanks for your valuable input.

In house change, care taker government, National government, Technocrats or death of tareek ahtsaab and tahreeek qasaas as a result of APS peshawer like incident.
There were few conspiracy theories circulating in our social media regarding APS attack last year. Somewhat like India planned this attack to safeguard NS government from opposition of IK due to obvious reasons.
Although I don't buy this idea but re occurance of similar disaster cannot be ruled out considering old track record.

We are heading towards kind of political crises, if judiciary, establishment and sane voices of political arena failed to preempt well intime. Although sane political voices are negligible and NS is kind of arrogant guy. He is worst example of bad governance.
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