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Upcoming Political Deadlock and Predictions

the current setup that has lost its legitimacy can also not be allowed to continue at any cost.The impression that elite are untouchable is wrong and needs to be killed.

Right aims.donot justify wrong means...
what are the wrong means ?

We need to stop the volleyball between marshallaw and democracy...abd stick to either...
IK has done what can be called a stupid calculation... if a third umpire raises finger...he will not make IK pm...
Stop drailing sysrem for own personal uncontrollable greed
@The Eagle
Let us review our previous analysis
Quetta attack, Indian shelling on eastren border and Dawn Scandel.
Connect these dots. Political deadlock can result into loss of many precious lives. The lust of power from both government and opposition benches is not in good interest of our country. God forbid if any tragic incident happens, Who will be responsible for the death of innocent people?

These are morally blind leaders. They sacrificed many people in model town massacre. They can repeat something worse than that to protect empire of one morally blind goof known as Nawaz Sharief. Why he can't step down just to protect the lives of innocent political workers and policeman?
Wake up Pakistan. This time don't damage single citizen just to protect the empire of someone.
It is better to kill one morally blind goof who can't step down then to watch deaths of dozen of innocent people. The simple solution, is silent qisas of model town victims if judiciary is not powerful enough.
Kill one and save dozen others. Poor should survive.
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@The Eagle
Let us review our previous analysis
Quetta attack, Indian shelling on eastren border and Dawn Scandel.
Connect these dots. Political deadlock can result into loss of many precious lives. The lust of power from both government and opposition benches is not in good interest of our country. God forbid if any tragic incident happens, Who will be responsible for the death of innocent people?

These are morally blind leaders. They sacrificed many people in model town massacre. They can repeat something worse than that to protect empire of one morally blind goof known as Nawaz Sharief. Why he can't step down just to protect the lives of innocent political workers and policeman?
Wake up Pakistan. This time don't damage single citizen just to protect the empire of someone.
It is better to kill one morally blind goof who can't step down then to watch deaths of dozen of innocent people. The simple solution, is silent qisas of model town victims if judiciary is not powerful enough.
Kill one and save dozen others. Poor should survive.

Well said. Indeed by connecting the dots, it is prominent that how the Royal family actually trying to hold its ground though NS & Co. is nowhere serious about people of Pakistan.

I was reading the thread few days (2 or 3) back and by viewing the current development, I am afraid that what if we present our analysts and something of the same nature happens, a disastrous occasion that could happened as per track record but would be loss of many precious lives. The King is no more concern with sovereignty and security of country but to save the legacy politics and looted money.

PMLn is pressing hard this time deliberately that PA may intervene so to be called political martyrs but I am sure, the justice would be done on Model Town, Panama Leaks and the suicidal Dawn Leak attempt, are good enough to deal with him but through judicial way. The treasonous action to be tried in Military Court and the rest in Civil Court though the Man and cults deserve the electric chair treatment.

I am afraid, what if something more damaging happened in Karachi or somewhere else this time like what happened in Quetta recently, that NS's friends will leave no stone unturned either to divert the focus or fully damage the situation that may take many days to get back to normal and malign the opposition as well as Military into this.

People have to play their role as if they can elect such incompetent lot then can through them out as well and don't need to call Military again to intervene as the score wouldn't be settled once again due to legislation and legal obligations and these culprits will be ranting again in front of masters being victimized so it is time to do it in proper, Democratic and under the Law way, for betterment of many generations to come as well as Pakistan.

NS history is full of being kicked out and the stance "Step Down" needs dignity in the one that none have among ruling elites so never to expect such from these habitual offenders from almost every party. The current situation, to any sane mind, is nowhere in favour of growth and development of country alongwith people and these traitors are paid/invested upon to do this that our enemies can't do directly or conventionally.

May ALLAH save Pakistan and it's people.
@The Eagle i think ..atleast one final time...its the moral obligation of military to help us get rid of this system...why? Because it was the same army, under Gen Musharraf and Gen Kiyani, which brought this NRO tainted democracy on us, along with international power brokers..So this current system, is brought to us upon, by army establishment..benazir and Nawaz Sharif had cases against them..they could not contest elections but they were brought back through NRO....so people alone cant be blamed for electing them... (even elections are rigged...so even if they won in elections..even tht is not a fair representation of people's verdict since elections were rigged) ....... So military, must fulfil its moral obligation to the people of Pakistan, and free us from clutches of NRO, once and for all...although not directly..but behind the scenes

Another reason..why people expect behind the scene..support from army is tht..uptil now..every movement tht has been successful in Pakistan, was with the help of army..even if it was only behind the scene support... Most recent example was when judges got restored in PPP era... It was Gen Kiyani who finally intervened and judges got restored.. It is tht type of support tht people demand from army..because ppl alone cant throw this system out...

In my opinion, the best alternative to this system is a civilian technocratic setup, for few years, with ruthless accountability of all..and then after few years, lets say, 5 years, we can have free and fair elections...
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@Farah Sohail
The security of the country and it's people is a duty for all of us but what really is missing, the sense within the people to choose and vote the right one. However, if someone is elected and became a king, it is still up-to people that can through the cult out. Military will make sure that such situation may not cause unrest and Chaos that the enemy can take advantage. Indeed in the past, it has been the norm that people like Kiyani have been utilizing the office for political supports but this time institution is working purely on SoP and in the proper manners however, as it is new to the people hence such rumored that Military is not taking care of developing situation.

In fact, this time it is following the proper way and working through proper channel, The Law, that it is alien to many of around but it fruits will be beneficial for long and all it needs, is support of Pakistanis that have to strive for rights in proper manner and avoid to seek further short cuts which always results in further NROs etc.

If people want change then have to come out for or have to ask for rather than merely condemning on social or electronic media and hoping for something to be done by Military, as usual, as a short cut that doesn't bore lasting fruits in past hence we again face the same turmoil so through proper way in Democratic manners by opposing the culprits fullest, it will be solved forever that current political elites doesn't want it to be like this so rule again.
@The Eagle ...Lets see...how many people gather on Nov 2.... But if ppl gather in huge numbers...then behind the scenes, military must ensure ..tht it plays its role...tht favors people of Pakistan, and not this status quo...

One thing needs to be kept in mind by our military leadership is tht...there is no auto correct in this current system.... Its a rotten system...in which things will keep on getting from bad to worse.. Theres is no check and balances in the current system at all..with judicial system, also favoring the powerfull... So theres no chance tht this sytem will auto correct itself...with time..

I thinks theres an urgent need for a surgical strike on this system..before we can get on with this democratic system... I think the best alternative..is tht..theres a civilian technocratic setup(by civilians..i dont mean ppl from the political lot..but experts of different fields) with a civilian president...which does ruthless accountability for few years...and then say, after 5 yrs, and then we can have free and fair elections...and then the democratic cycle can continue... Theres no alternative...
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Well said. Indeed by connecting the dots, it is prominent that how the Royal family actually trying to hold its ground though NS & Co. is nowhere serious about people of Pakistan.

I was reading the thread few days (2 or 3) back and by viewing the current development, I am afraid that what if we present our analysts and something of the same nature happens, a disastrous occasion that could happened as per track record but would be loss of many precious lives. The King is no more concern with sovereignty and security of country but to save the legacy politics and looted money.

PMLn is pressing hard this time deliberately that PA may intervene so to be called political martyrs but I am sure, the justice would be done on Model Town, Panama Leaks and the suicidal Dawn Leak attempt, are good enough to deal with him but through judicial way. The treasonous action to be tried in Military Court and the rest in Civil Court though the Man and cults deserve the electric chair treatment.

I am afraid, what if something more damaging happened in Karachi or somewhere else this time like what happened in Quetta recently, that NS's friends will leave no stone unturned either to divert the focus or fully damage the situation that may take many days to get back to normal and malign the opposition as well as Military into this.

People have to play their role as if they can elect such incompetent lot then can through them out as well and don't need to call Military again to intervene as the score wouldn't be settled once again due to legislation and legal obligations and these culprits will be ranting again in front of masters being victimized so it is time to do it in proper, Democratic and under the Law way, for betterment of many generations to come as well as Pakistan.

NS history is full of being kicked out and the stance "Step Down" needs dignity in the one that none have among ruling elites so never to expect such from these habitual offenders from almost every party. The current situation, to any sane mind, is nowhere in favour of growth and development of country alongwith people and these traitors are paid/invested upon to do this that our enemies can't do directly or conventionally.

May ALLAH save Pakistan and it's people.

Yah NS want some relief through military intervention and he was trying to move things in same direction. Thanks to judiciary and good decision by IK for the time being to postpone lock down. I think he saved many innocent lives with this act of wisdom.

Battle is not over yet. It is strategic pause. Now it is the responsibility of judiciary to probe all cases of national intrest and save this country from bloodshed.
Pakistan Government is not working according to law.
Everyone has right to protest but they are attacking on them. Its not right.
@The Eagle ...Lets see...how many people gather on Nov 2.... But if ppl gather in huge numbers...then behind the scenes, military must ensure ..tht it plays its role...tht favors people of Pakistan, and not this status quo...

One thing needs to be kept in mind by our military leadership is tht...there is no auto correct in this current system.... Its a rotten system...in which things will keep on getting from bad to worse.. Theres is no check and balances in the current system at all..with judicial system, also favoring the powerfull... So theres no chance tht this sytem will auto correct itself...with time..

I thinks theres an urgent need for a surgical strike on this system..before we can get on with this democratic system... I think the best alternative..is tht..theres a civilian technocratic setup(by civilians..i dont mean ppl from the political lot..but experts of different fields) with a civilian president...which does ruthless accountability for few years...and then say, after 5 yrs, and then we can have free and fair elections...and then the democratic cycle can continue... Theres no alternative...

It is responsibility of Judiciary to proact in this situation. Active military intervention is not good solution in my opinion. Military is already committed with many anti terrorist and nation building operations and it is I think overstretched. Military intervention in politics , or dictatorship will not produce good result for military in the longer run. Instead it can backfire.

We don't need electoral, Democratic or any other reforms on emergency basis. We need only one reform to fix everything. That is Judicial Reforms. We need powerful, transparent and proactive judiciary powerful enough to disqualify PM without political pressure. This is lawfull and right way to fix democratic system

Pakistan Government is not working according to law.
Everyone has right to protest but they are attacking on them. Its not right.

Yes government breached public right of protest in this scenario. Pakistan government is misusing power for personal intrests of Nawaz Sharief.
PPP is suffered most from IK decision .....PPP was expecting collision course ....But, it seems Army came again among the parties a hollow man...

Quetta blast...seems like his friends are active ..... RAW want to protect Nexus of corruption and terrorism in Pakistan.
If as of today border skirmish lowers then people will suspect , Nawaz is playing tag team with Modi.....let's see next few weeks, because since dharna announcement border was extremely hot.
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