So kid,coward and ignoramus.Give me something concrete not ur own perceptions backed by insults and i might take u seriously.
LOL.....of all that I have posted you have only understood kid, coward and ignoramus.
With display of such narrow interpretation and understand what more needs to be said ?.....I suggest you first start taking yourself seriously before worrying about others.
Did i say i promote eating beef?I'm only opposed to it being imposed nationwide,its already banned in most states.If the remaining staes want it to be banned,they'll decide themsleves.There is no need for the rss to issue a fatwa and impose its will on the populace.
I know how to lead my life plenty - love ur country and family.Live and enjoy life and try and help others when u are able.That is enough for me.I don't need to wear saffron to lead my life.
Where was the RSS in the independence movement?Thats right,played zero role..and now claiming to be the saviours of the nation.Plz.They never stood up to the british.
Hinduism do not have the concept of fatwa. That you would say such an absurd idiotic thing shows your "secular" mindset and lack of any critical thinking
That RSS, an social body would make such a "fatwa" shows your prejudice. This followed by a strawman argument. Pathetic.
Where were you during the independence movement ?

That's right, you played zero role ...and now claim to be an nationalist Indian. You have never even stood up to the british.
I think stupidity should be answers using equal amount of stupidity

..... you agree ?