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Up to 80 civilians 'killed in US air strike' in Mosul, UN confirms

I would be very surprised if bombings are not made after request by Iraqi forces.

If a Muslim request a bomb to be dropped on a house, and a Christian drops the bomb,
and hits the target, then the responsibility is on the Muslim.
If the Christian decides to drop the bomb somewhere else, then the responsibility is on the Christian.

Whether something is a war crime or not is 100% dependent
on the information available to the attacker.
If there are opposing combatants in a building attacking friendly forces,
and friendly forces have zero knowledge about any civilians inside the building,
then it can NEVER be a war crime to bomb it.
It is a military target, and presence of civilians do not protect a military target.

Only if the attacker knows that there are civilians present, there is a chance for a war crime.
If there is an sniper in the building, it is most often legal to bomb it anyway.
The rule of proportionality governs this case.

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