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Unseen Weapons

chemical weapons is a very messy type of weapons.

The again nukes are the same :D:tup:
Official mission of HAARP:

HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.

Source: General Information (Official website)

Here is some excellent information on HAARP: Background on the HAARP Project by Dr. Rosalie Bertell

And Yes! Classified sources do confirm that HAARP can be used as a weapon.

HAARP related experiments and operations do not get lot of press coverage. Hence, the mystery surrounding it.

Here is some interesting information:

During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.

Source: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/haarpecologist.pdf

Regardless of how much some might want to downplay the activities of HAARP, this tool should not be overlooked.
It's odd that several massive hurricanes have crushed U.S. coastal cities in the last decade, culminating in Katrina, if we have some magical means of controlling weather.

During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

It didn't work.
can any one tell me that what is HARRP

In simple terms , people drilling for oil and minerals discovered if they sent certain frewquencies of radio waves - under ground

The waves triggered earth quakes

Also they experimented bombarding waves into atomosphere and discovered that these waves alter the "wind streams" above in atmosphere , these changes "minor even" result in GREAT weather changes and unusual weather patterns such as

a) Forest fires (As seen in Russia same time we got our flood)
b) strong floods (As seen in Pakistan same time russia had fire)
c) Earth quakes (As ones suffered by Iran , Haiti or Pakistan)

Knowing these two facts, scientiest in west developed what is know called HARP
instead of using low radio wave emitters they have setup

HUGE areas in strategic area of world where they can send ABNORMAL amount of
waves any where in world ....

The HARP effects in atmosphere are visible


This ring was visible in Russian skies prior to unusual forest fires
and these same effects effected pakistani floods which started floods in areas of land
where US wanted Pakistan to conduct military missions.

HARP is dangerous becuase a nation can use it and 99.5 % get away with it because no one can tell it was them - as it would appear as a natural disaster

The Haitian Earth Quakes could be logical reason for US to build a base as it gives them a palce to setup their Missile defence sheild weapons in that location to protect US from missiles launched from Venazuella in South America -

Just as they want to setup missiles in Europe and Japan

While America tells other to not put weapons in Space it has secretly send in nuclear weapons on permenent locations in space to be used as secret weapon

But that is another topic becasue west tells Iran and other nations to not research while they themselves research technologies like CERN which could create blackholes by accident with out asking for apporval of other nations of world
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^^ I'm sorry, this is an awful summary of the worst of the conspiracies with regards to HAARP.

Are you claiming that such a terrible weapon of literally earth-shattering capabilities lies on a remote, unguarded base in Alaska?


Five men with explosives could destroy the entire site. And this is our sooper-dooper secret world domination weapon?

You claim, with seriousness, that this antenna farm can create terajoules of energy, capable of moving tectonic plates, AND altering the weather? It can DO BOTH!?

Hmm... maybe, just maybe, it's a simple research facility. Which is the more likely answer?
finally some thing in urdu,

---------- Post added at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 PM ----------

HAARP urdu documentary

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Those videos conveniently forget that the world is round, and there is a horizon. Any radio signal above about 50 megahertz simply goes into space. Depending upon the height of the antennas, the best range you can get is maybe 200 to 300 nm.

How is this system supposed to target something halfway around the world?

This is getting ridiculous.
Those videos conveniently forget that the world is round, and there is a horizon. Any radio signal above about 50 megahertz simply goes into space. Depending upon the height of the antennas, the best range you can get is maybe 200 to 300 nm.

How is this system supposed to target something halfway around the world?

This is getting ridiculous.

well i think you should see the videos with open eyes....the HAARP ELF reflects from ionosphere....

all HLF / VLF reflects from ionosphere (which you are calling has HORIZON!!)
This unseen weapon has been discussed in the thread below already but eventually got closed and I presume this thread too is going to be nailed.


Mainstream media has done nothing but dumb us down.

Technology is 35 years ahead of what we know today. We believe everything we are told and therefore are hopelessly dependent on what the media tells us. The internet and Mobile technology we are using today, has been used for classified military operations back in the 70s. So only Allah swt knows what they have nowadays as classified technology and this HAARP could be a possibility.

Turn your TV off for just 30 days and you'll understand where your brain went. There's nothing like the feeling of thinking for yourself.

We are indeed living in strange times.
well i think you should see the videos with open eyes....the HAARP ELF reflects from ionosphere....

all HLF / VLF reflects from ionosphere (which you are calling has HORIZON!!)

Of course. Read what I posted. Roughly 50 megahertz and below can skip if the conditions are accurate. It's called short-wave radio, and allows people to tune in stations around the world.

But as frequency drops, the usefulness of the beam diminishes. The reason we use X-band radars in fighters is because it can be properly focused. There is no way to aim low frequency radio in such a way that it can affect anything, and lower frequency RF energy is pretty much useless for anything other than simple voice broadcasts.

This whole thing is becoming so tiresome. Underground nuclear explosions don't cause massive flooding and the only earthquakes happen from the shock. Pakistan's own testing produced a 4.0 to 5.0 Richter signal. Yet somehow we are supposed to imagine radio waves moving the tectonic plates of the earth. :no:

Or affecting weather. Radio signals have been circling the globe since Marconi, and we have yet to see them cause weather phenomenon. The reason is simple... you need microwaves to heat water molecules. Lower frequencies do not heat anything. No heat = no weather adjustment.
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Of course. Read what I posted. Roughly 50 megahertz and below can skip if the conditions are accurate. It's called short-wave radio, and allows people to tune in stations around the world.

But as frequency drops, the usefulness of the beam diminishes. The reason we use X-band radars in fighters is because it can be properly focused. There is no way to aim low frequency radio in such a way that it can affect anything, and lower frequency RF energy is pretty much useless for anything other than simple voice broadcasts.

This whole thing is becoming so tiresome. Underground nuclear explosions don't cause massive flooding and the only earthquakes happen from the shock. Pakistan's own testing produced a 4.0 to 5.0 Richter signal. Yet somehow we are supposed to imagine radio waves moving the tectonic plates of the earth. :no:

Or affecting weather. Radio signals have been circling the globe since Marconi, and we have yet to see them cause weather phenomenon. The reason is simple... you need microwaves to heat water molecules. Lower frequencies do not heat anything. No heat = no weather adjustment.

well, search the internet for ELF reflector BUOY, and then let me know if no heat reaches back to surface... :)

search for AIM patents....

thanks bro.
@ Chogy

Your professional knowledge is commendable. However, HARRP scientists would know some things that others do not.

The research facility in Alaska might look like a normal thing. However, Alaska:

1. Gets less attention from other parts of the world.
2. Is thinly populated.
3. Has almost pollution free environment.
4. Is not threatened by potential enemies.

Therefore, lack of protective measures around that facility would make sense. It would seem like an ignorable object with little agenda and would not get world attention.

However, surprises can be expected from the most remote corners of Earth.

As I stated before; HAARP related experiments and operations do not get lot of press coverage. Hence, the mystery surrounding it.

At present, things might not be as serious as some conspiracies make them out to be. However, you may never know what happens in the future, as more secrets of nature are discovered by the researchers involved.
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As I stated before; HAARP related experiments and operations do not get lot of press coverage. Hence, the mystery surrounding it.

The same thing can be applied to Area 51 in Nevada. Consider the hundreds of outlandish claims for this base... alien bodies, flying saucers, etc. How much of that is truth? Or is it more likely that Area 51 houses classified (but man-made) projects?

Area 51 was where platforms like the U-2, SR-71, and (along with Tonopah Test) the F-117. Classified, but not earth-shattering.

Claiming HAARP can control weather AND create earthquakes is the equivalent of saying the U.S. has a secret squadron of flying saucers in Area 51, ready for world domination. Both are outlandish.

@ Nescafe: Googling "ELF reflector BUOY" yields this thread at the top of the list. ELF = Extremely Low Frequency. Used by submarines to communicate. But the laws of physics are what they are. If you pump 1,000 watts into an ELF antenna, there is no magical means to turn that 1,000 watts into the

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts needed to cause an earthquake.

It's thermodynamics. If underground nuclear tests don't cause massive 8.0 richter earthquakes, radio waves aren't going to, either.

If you have links to ELF reflector BUOY that are pertinent, I'll read them.
I cant believe it guys you are still discussing HAARP??

But I do think earthquakes can be caused in a certain way... More than a decade ago China tested a Thermonuke H Bomb and the same morning we had an earthquake in the NW of Pakistan... The device was tested in a province close to Pakistan's border... I know I know... I m trying to put two and two together but I dont see why a plate in Earth's crust should not move in case of an underground explosion of such magnitude... Does anyone else think it is possible?

Just read Chogy's above post after I posted this comment...

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