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Unprecedented Killings in Syria: May Allah Help Syria!!!!!!!!


Sep 20, 2006
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United Arab Emirates
May Allah almighty save the Syrian people from Alawite, Hizbullah & Islamic Republic Guards Kafir animals!! Ameen

May Allah almighty save the Syrian people from Alawite, Hizbullah & Islamic Republic Guards Kafir animals!! Ameen


How you can say Hizbullah is involved?

Bishar Ul Asad may have a result same as of Qaddafi,he is giving chance to USA and its Allies to intrude the country
Dictators hardly leave power because leaving power means end of their life
It is a known fact that Hizbullah was involved in suppressing the uprising.
i think its right time for muslim nations to join there hands to find a solution to this problem or take military action against syria
How you can say Hizbullah is involved?

i dont know if there is anyone that takes refugee in Lebanon anymore, but when the uprising started some Syrians who didn't want to die ran away to Lebanon. and "surprisingly" enough hezbullah gave away locations to the Syrian secret service who takes them back to Syria and tortures them there more!
Oh no, UK media is demonizing the next West and Arabs victim, therefore it must be true! :laugh: We already saw how Hussein had WMD, how Iran is making nuclear bombs as we speak (zero evidence, but who cares?), the genocide and mass rapes by Gaddafi forces (didnt happened either).

Use your brains, and take with a grain of salt whatever targeted countries opponents say.
Oh no, UK media is demonizing the next West and Arabs victim, therefore it must be true! :laugh: We already saw how Hussein had WMD, how Iran is making nuclear bombs as we speak (zero evidence, but who cares?), the genocide and mass rapes by Gaddafi forces (didnt happened either).

Use your brains, and take with a grain of salt whatever targeted countries opponents say.

so you believe everyone of theese Syrians who want their freedom from this butcher is a CIA brainwashed experiment who only works for the zionists beliefs of a new world order?! hmm...
why the whole world is mute on syria??? syria is burning for many months now still no one seems to care. whether it is western world or middle east both are acting like hypocrites on this one.
Everywhere that Iran sticks its dirty hand results in terror and death for human freedom. Syria, under the Alawite Assad, is an Iranian puppet, nothing more. Let's hope the true Muslims of Syria bring the tyrant Assad to justice and thwart the Iranian attempt to rule the Muslim world and the three Holy cities of Islam.
so you believe everyone of theese Syrians who want their freedom from this butcher is a CIA brainwashed experiment who only works for the zionists beliefs of a new world order?! hmm...
1. Turkey is vastly greater butcher than Syria government could possibly be, Turkey did not one, but two mass genocides in the last hundred of years.

2. More Syrians support government than oppose it. It has 22.7 mln. people, several demonstrations opposing to government tens of thousands people only? Plenty of demonstrations supporting government, in much greater numbers. So yes, majority of Syrians are against the "rebels".

3. NATO and Arabs countries (including Turkey) are funding, training and arming fighters, and send them to attack Syria. Same plan as it was with Libya. And when government is defending the country against armed fighters, West/Arabs and their media is screaming bloody murder. Syria has an absolute right to defend itself, and since majority of Syrians support it, outside forces can only exaggerate and fake news, while trying to create an unrest, to "legitimize intervention".

4. Common sense point:

a) There is usually 1000 civilian deaths per one soldier when government actually kills opposing civilians (Israel vs Palestine, etc)
b) there are only ~5000 dead, which includes armed fighters, both domestic and from abroad, as mentioned above.
c) Syria's police and military had 1000-2000 deaths. As per a) its obvious IF Syrian government would try to kill civilians, there would be ~2000.000 dead already, yet we are talking about 5000 only, which includes armed fighters.

Common sense explanation - Syria doesnt try to kill civilians, as their deaths would be vastly greater. Syria is fighting armed fighters (some locals + NATO/Arab sent fighters), and some civilians are caught in crossfire (by both Syria and the "rebels"). As long as majority of Syrians support its government, and knowing above points, outside forces are the true criminals and butchers there.
May Allah almighty save the Syrian people from Alawite, Hizbullah & Islamic Republic Guards Kafir animals!! Ameen

This is a racist comment. I know yo uare a fanatic anti shia but refrain a little bit with some minimum intelligence in this forum please.

Alawites are not all involved in the regime. If you were getting enough information about Syria,
but it seems you cry a lot in this forum but you don't know the basic facts,
you'd know that a very famous actress who is Alawite is among the protesters and she is very active.
She is explaining well that believiing Alawites all support Al Asad is not true.

Hezbollah? Hezbollah is not supporting the Syrian except some elements help the Syrians authorities it seems with people in Lebanon. Even this i only read in anti hezbollah websites. It is hard to take the reality over all this indeed.
What we can only be sure is the repression is terrible and Syria cannot improve the situation because:
- Al Asad is in front of people who don't want to discuss with him but wants him judged and pay for his crimes
- Al Asad himself was closed minded: he didn't have intelligence since the beginning to show he was listening
So it can only be the solution of Al Asad being kicked out. And there would be violence .. there for a long time until that moment.

When it was the revolution in Iran , i can remember the army step by step goes the side of the people.
It took time .

---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------

Everywhere that Iran sticks its dirty hand results in terror and death for human freedom. Syria, under the Alawite Assad, is an Iranian puppet, nothing more. Let's hope the true Muslims of Syria bring the tyrant Assad to justice and thwart the Iranian attempt to rule the Muslim world and the three Holy cities of Islam.
Syria an Iranian puppet?
Ah i see;. truthseeker fanatic again.
Assalam alaikum

Mundhir naqoos is very well known alawai opponents of the regime is part of the national council, alawies r not the same. but the problem this regime has put so much fear in them. i hope they come out in numbers to oppose this regime it is in their benefit.

that is him


this regime is going down, no matter how many ppl it kills

@Hussien unfortunately hizb is helping basahr

iranian regime is helping syria while i know many in iran would not like this killing

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