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Iran’s Raisi in Syria; visit hailed as ‘strategic victory’

Quote me when you have an explanation for the 35 Iranian-led military posts, the 7 border crossings co-manned by Iran, the IRGC's access to Syria's road network, as well as Iran's social-cultural clout in the midst of what you term a Russian protectorate.

You can have all the bases in the world doesn't mean anything.. The Russians are the main guraantor state.. This is an ethablished fact.. It doesn’t need explaination just like how they are currently the main guraantors in the 25% of nagorno karabakh that is with Armenia..

This is dead end and intellectual bankruptcy.. Can't go further on it.. it is like discussing whether water is wet
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You can have all the bases in the world doesn't mean anything..

It means a lot if you accept what a protectorate really entails.

The Russians are the main guraantor state.. This is an ethablished fact.. It doesn’t need explaination just like how they are currently the main guraantors in the 25% of nagorno karabakh that is with Armenia

Guarantors of what? A bilateral deconfliction agreement between Moscow and Washington which doesn't involve Syria?
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You can have all the bases in the world doesn't mean anything.. The Russians are the main guraantor state.. This is an ethablished fact.. It doesn’t need explaination just like how they are currently the main guraantors in the 25% of nagorno karabakh that is with Armenia..

This is dead end and intellectual bankruptcy.. Can't go further on it.. it is like discussing whether water is wet
Guy! RUssia is already engaged in multiple fronts. Iran is filling their depleted weapons resources. They are fighting against the whole NATO ground forces in Ukraine. They have almost left Syria mission to Iran.

Our big bro is busy with crushing the heads of NATO snakes in EU,.
The title is misleading as far as stragetic victory goes and how can a visit be such thing. Also him mentioning US dominance decline is just so generic and blatant BS.

Syria has ended on a stalemate conclusion. The US controlls approx 35% of Syria including the Oil and gas sector which is stragetically more significiant main while Turkey controls 10-15% which are mainly the grain sectors and the remaining is russian. There is hardly any stragetic victory here. But they sold Syria in order optain stragetic stalemate
What is the futuristic suit in your avatar??.
It is significiant bro as they hold the Oil and gas.
but Syria's oil and gas holdings arent that much in the 1st place, and that also shows US's depserate situation- broke US can only occupy small area of Syria using few troops and NEEDS to steal oil to sustain it- not a tenable situation in the long term.
The Americans won't exit nor Turkey.
they wont exit because they've failedat their real goal- getting Assad out and making Syria's border friendly with Israel- that's a failure since the war started till today.
Syria is another Cyprus but all sides are okay with it at the end of the day
lmao- false equivalence. Cyprus is NOt similar to Syria really.
honestly last 10 years made me don't trust Syria
but majority of Syrians trusted him all this while- why you think?
Bashar is weak and don't have courage to do what it take to do the job.
LMao- easy to say when your country hasnt faced the full wrath of US and NATO militaries.
probably if another one was president, perhaps if it was Maher we had seen another version of a Syria which could stand up to its potential.
hypothetical crap that doesnt stand up to the reality that Bashar outmaneuvered US , ISrael and NATO govts and militaries who tried to snatch Syria from SYrians to make it a vassal of Israel.

Why Iran should be the one who removes cancers...Are we cancer specialist!!..no question that there is a cancer but why we Iranians have to do it..Did God give us the task of removal and if so please tell this to Iranians and we all line up to do God's will.
Let me explain it to you, but first question -are you ready to learn and accept the truth? If yes, here you go:

1. Iran as a nation and Muslim country cares about having strong influence in the middle east
2. Being Persian and Shiite, the only way Iran can spread influence is through the SUnni(mostly) and Arab middle east (mostly)
3. SYria,being Arab and having a strategic position in the middle east, is the main route that allowed Iran have more "influence" in the middle east

Also, Iran's goal in the region is to dampen ISrael's influence so Iran can take over its position and role in the middle east- at hte end of the day, stop focusing on aesthetics and symptoms, focus on results- why is Iranian influence in the middle east at an all time high today? please explain, you cant ignore it and simplify that and just say "Iran isnt a cancer specialist"! wtf, lol.
Iran as a nation and Muslim country cares about having strong influence in the middle east
That policy has cost Iran $800 billion dollars in 43 years and for that money our foreign minster gets to go Golan heights and point a finger at Israel...that is a damn expensive finger pointing.." golden finger I say ".

The cancer removal operation costs Iran $ 50 million dollars in direct cost every single day by giving China 40% discount to buy our oil...

Interesting to note that most PDF members that support Iran's Mullah foreign policy are non Iranians...I guess as long as your countries do not have to pay the price for the Cancer removal operation you are all for it.
but majority of Syrians trusted him all this while- why you think?
Choosing between bad and cannibal it's a no brainer.

LMao- easy to say when your country hasnt faced the full wrath of US and NATO militaries.
He didn't have the courage to do what was needed even before NATO intervention and let not kidd ourself Syria did not even faced 1/100th of NATO power . He didn't have courage to stand against Israel , he didn't have courage to stand against turkey .without Iran and Russia he was ready to abandon Syria.
but majority of Syrians trusted him all this while- why you think?

LMao- easy to say when your country hasnt faced the full wrath of US and NATO militaries.

hypothetical crap that doesnt stand up to the reality that Bashar outmaneuvered US , ISrael and NATO govts and militaries who tried to snatch Syria from SYrians to make it a vassal of Israel.

Let me explain it to you, but first question -are you ready to learn and accept the truth? If yes, here you go:

1. Iran as a nation and Muslim country cares about having strong influence in the middle east
2. Being Persian and Shiite, the only way Iran can spread influence is through the SUnni(mostly) and Arab middle east (mostly)
3. SYria,being Arab and having a strategic position in the middle east, is the main route that allowed Iran have more "influence" in the middle east

Also, Iran's goal in the region is to dampen ISrael's influence so Iran can take over its position and role in the middle east- at hte end of the day, stop focusing on aesthetics and symptoms, focus on results- why is Iranian influence in the middle east at an all time high today? please explain, you cant ignore it and simplify that and just say "Iran isnt a cancer specialist"! wtf, lol.

Let me offer a possible explanation as to why reformist supporters on a platform such as this, will tend to come up with all sorts of convoluted, far fetched, lame attempts at finding fault with Iran's allies, Syria and its president Assad for example.

The reformists and moderate camps in Iran are fundamentally opposed to Iran maintaining strategic relations with any of those allies, let alone organizing them into an Axis of Resistance against the zionist regime and NATO. Their goal is basically to have Iran capitulate to the west and to Tel Aviv. Hence their thinly veiled admiration for the former regime of the shah, which indeed was a textbook western and a zionist vassal. Hence why you will see reformist elements on this forum go out of their way to defend the Pahlavi regime, even if they're forced to resort to hollow wordplay as a last ditch effort, and even if it runs counter to their claims of loyalty to the Revolution.

However, since the general outlook of Iranian users on military forums is rather patriotic in nature and that therefore, such users will naturally tend to consider Iran's system of alliances as a valuable asset, liberal agitators can logically be expected to tone down and adapt their discourse accordingly: they will try to concoct some funny stories designed to tarnish the image of Iran's allies whilst stopping short of depicting them as downright villains (something their political mentors however engage in).

I assume you don't speak Persian, else you could listen to how this high profile liberal in the debate below is labeling President Assad as a "dictator who massacred his people", and how he is speaking ill of the Supreme Leader because Iran came to the aid of Syria - in short, parroting the mainstream western-sponsored propaganda line relative to that conflict:

Other hilarious suggestions: "I"SIS in Iraq was gotten rid of "with the help of the USA", the blame for soured relations with Saudi Arabia after the 1979 Revolution "falls on Iran", if Iran and the Saudis came to agreement now it's because China "forced" Iran to "abandon her adventurism" etc.

Reformist and moderate parties represent a fifth column serving the interests of hostile western powers in Iran. At times they try to come across as patriotic when it is of tactical benefit to them, in order to mislead the audience about their actual agenda.
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