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Unlike his predecessors, Modi challenging us on Dalai Lama: China

Indians are not politically oriented, only the internet warriors here and that's scary since these people are supposedly the educated Indians.

You are wrong- Just search about the number of Political parties in India- you'd be surprised-
A few millions- But that stopped with Nixon and US became enemy Number 1- They did everything to damage India from 70s till 9/11- Its only during Afghan war that the relations improved- Still not friendly-

He was an obnoxious rich kid- Who knew nothing, But was Gandhi's poster boy- If India was left to the decisions of Nehru- We would've ceased to exist by now-

US gave more AID to India than even Israel since 1947.
Actually Pakistan was fighting a two front war back then,not India and fighting a two front war against China and Pakistan can be a very different story, how long do you think you can sustain a war fighting against the world biggest industrial power if China puts her full might of industrial and manufacturing might on you? India produces nothing, buying weapons from others won't help you win a war.

Pakistan in 1971 was a much better military force than China of that time- Thy didn't have the numbers as big as China but they certainly were Nato class force with western weapons, technology and training thanks to being a top ally of USA- Also they used to get help from Iran- Cheap oil from Arab-

China's industrial and manufacturing powers cannot flatten the mountains of Tibet- The valleys and inhospitable conditions means even smaller well trained and well equipped force and hold the enemy- This India has learnt in Kargil war- I am sure China have also learnt that in Korean war when they were pitted against the Industrial Might of west-

There a difference between "military aid" and "aid" which comes from NGOs and Missionaries usually in India's case-

Hopefully, Mr. Modi will promote indian democracy in China

That is the key- Whoever does It would be welcome- :partay:
Here is Oxford definition of double talk: Deliberately unintelligible speech combining nonsense syllables and actual words

Definition of double–talk
  1. 1: language that appears to be earnest and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense

  2. 2: inflated, involved, and often deliberately ambiguous language
China doesn't bow to the US. Similarly, India doesn't bow to China. The power difference isn't significant enough to make us reconsider our stance on this.
Of course, if China recognises the whole of kashmir as a part of India, we may be more understanding towards their concerns.
This does extend into the realm of fantasy, I must admit.
India tops Israel in economic aid. $12.9 Billion military Aid plus undisclosed allied funds during the 50s and 60s. China is also on there just for comparison.

They have given Charts which shows "military aid" perhaps you should be looking what you are posting-


On the contrary China got 26.3 Billion as Military aid from USA-
China doesn't bow to the US. Similarly, India doesn't bow to China. The power difference isn't significant enough to make us reconsider our stance on this.
Of course, if China recognises the whole of kashmir as a part of India, we may be more understanding towards their concerns.
This does extend into the realm of fantasy, I must admit.

India has already supported one China policy- It is only natural for India to expect them to support one India policy-
They have given Charts which shows "military aid" perhaps you should be looking what you are posting-


On the contrary China got 26.3 Billion as Military aid from USA-
Don't you read, economic aid is on the graph, India military aid is in the article. Most of China aid was to KMT pre 1949, NERU declared non alignment to India and the World but received 65 billion in economic aid, 897 million in military aid, India then turn to Russia to get more AID when China allied with the US. US through CIA used Dalai Lama card to played India and China alike.
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Most of China aid was to KMT pre 1949, India declared non alignment but received 65 billion in economic aid, 12.9 billion in military aid, and untold amount of coalition funds through. India then turn to Russia to get more AID when China allied with the US. US through CIA used Dalai Lama card to played India and China like puppets

You failed to prove India received billions in military aid from US- Your source says nothing about the 12.9 billion military aid you are talking about- Why should I take your word when you were found lying about It according to your source ?

India did get a few millions in aid for monitoring Chinese Nuclear tests and training Tibetians and for their equipment- I am not denying that- But even the total of those aids was no where near 12.9 billion- If you are right- India could've launched a serious offensive in Tibet- like Pakistan did against Soviet Union in Afghanistan with similar amount of money-
I stand corrected, should of being $897 million in military aid, but 65 billion in economic aid is nothing to sneeze at for hosting Dalai Lama. Where did all that money go?
1. India is NOT a western country. We are a Eastern country and we have our own rules and framework.
The parameter used to measure the west or the lens used to see the west does not work in India.

2. We are not You. There is no free lunch. India has been a capitalist society for all its thousands of years, you think we do not understand commerce or strategy ? :disagree:

Errr... yes that is how democracy works :lol:

We first have debates in parliament ad outside parliament before we do something. LOL

that's BS we have parliamentary debates here inSIngapore too, and everything is always done on time.

The truth is- Indians have a national procrastinating culture


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