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Unlike his predecessors, Modi challenging us on Dalai Lama: China

Too late for US to regret, now they rue the day.

I don't think the US ever regrets ANY of its action. That is the nature of that beast.

They just keep planing ahead and trying to form new alliances and new strategies to neutralize new enemies.

But they have lost too much good will in the world and in this new world order, they will find it hard to make new friends or even keep old ones.

Are you talking about Nixon's deal with China? That was the year 1971

We dont think we are larger than universe nation.Nor we forced our citizens to follow their govt.
We could have agree to your point if there was zilch mention about India in Chinese mouth piece papers .Why should they now starts talks about Panchasheel?
We didnt asked for your favour .We dont need OBOR ,then why should your govt mouth pieces trying to prove our decision was wrong .
If India didnt participitated in the intitative then so be it .Chapter closed and move on.
But here Chinese mouth pieces and govt is trying to convince us otherwise .Forget about them ,look at the recent history of threads .Always trying to convince that Modi was wrong ,Modi did this ,India did that ,OBOR was their loss etc.
If you are not bothered about us ,we are just a sideshow then just ignore us.
Why should you waste your time for convince us otherwise?
Chinese media says that much less than your own media does. China's focus is not on India, believe it or not.

US exported all the pollution and socio-economic stagnation and USSR threat away...it was a win-win for China and US at the time. I think despite Mao's crazy wars, Korea, India, Vietnam...US finally realize if you can't beat them, join them. Mao was absolutely paranoid to fight US in Korea, and even India to a certain extent. That's why Neru was dumbstruck because he didn't realize Mao was crazy.
Mao was crazy and paranoid about his power, I totally agree with you on this point.

If Mao had died 20 years early, China would've already far ahead of US by now.
Chinese media says that much less than your own media does. China's focus is not on India, believe it or not.

So be it .
We are not your focus and they shouldnt churn out article about India .
We didnt asked for your focus. Nor CCP interested in cooperation .Their focus and interests is lying with a Masood Azhar .So be it .
We will do whatever we want for our interests .Neither we asked for your focus nor the daily dosage of Chinese CCP mouth pieces nor your daily dosage of threads .
Did I say that? You are deviating. You are the one who made the false claim and now that you been caught with your pants down - you trying to divert. Typical.

They used China like a mule. The mule might think it is of great importance but at the end of the day it is expendable.
You should be careful about the mule part, because sino-india 1962 war was orchastrasted by the US, why China retreated back to LOC is because of US intentions...So both side were pawns to a certain degree, India got hit much harder and the consequences haunt India to this day. India govt still hasn't fully disclose all the findings from Henderson report, for a democracy, why is the India govt empowered to hide information from its citizens and why is it so afraid to disclose the details to the public and the world.
You should be careful about the mule part, because sino-india 1962 war was orchastrasted by the US, why China retreated back to LOC is because of US intentions...So both side were pawns to a certain degree, India got hit much harder and the consequences haunt India to this day.

'62 war happened during the Cuban Missile crisis between US and USSR.

China move tactically so that US was already engaged in cuba and could not assist India. It was a good move, a very good tactics, but a poor strategy.

Cuban missile crisis ended in October 62, china withdrew in November 62.

Actually that war was good for India because we lost face, but gained a new respect for the real politiks and need for strong army. But that is a different story.
So be it .
We are not your focus and they shouldnt churn out article about India .
We didnt asked for your focus. Nor CCP interested in cooperation .Their focus and interests is lying with a Masood Azhar .So be it .
We will do whatever we want for our interests .Neither we asked for your focus nor the daily dosage of Chinese CCP mouth pieces nor your daily dosage of threads .
I speak for myself , why you indians always mention CCP? We don't care about parties or ideology, we care more about real life.
Because the CCP control your real life and India policy.
CCP doesn't control my life, I control my life, how much do you know my life? it's ridiculous just like if I claim who controls your life while I know nothing about you. Politics is like non existent in average people's lives in China, I don't know if it is the same in India and I don't claim I know.
I speak for myself , why you indians always mention CCP? We don't care about parties or ideology, we care more about real life.

Because medias in China is under the control of CCP.
What I said here that we dont need their daily convincing statements .Mind their own business.
CCP doesn't control my life, I control my life, how much do you know my life? it's ridiculous just like if I claim who controls your life while I know nothing about you. Politics is like non existent in average people's lives in China, I don't know if it is the same in India and I don't claim I know.

Not directly, but indirectly by controlling the news, media, internet freedom, limiting movies etc.

By implementing a social credit score and system designed to exert more control on your life. By suppressing dissent and political thoughts.

You are made to walk a narrow path and the end result is a community that look , sound and feel the same.

Politics is Non existent because you are NOT ALLOWED to have political views and exercise political dissent. So you have just learned to live with it and made a virtue of your necessity.

You have been made to believe that respect comes from Olympic medals and that purpose of life is to make more money.

This is just my opinion based on what I have seen and heard. I may be wrong, but I don't think I am.
Seem like we've got two China experts here who happen to know everything about China. How many year have you live in China?
Seem like we've got two China experts here who happen to know everything about China. How many year have you live in China?
Same goes for you too. How many years have you lived in India to qualify to comment about India?
Seem like we've got two China experts here who happen to know everything about China. How many year have you live in China?

Like I said, its my opinon based on what I have seen, heard and read.

I keep an open mind and when ever I will come across a poster that defies this standard pattern, I will let you know. But for now, I am yet to come across a free thinker, a loud obnoxious dissenting jerk from china. And that says a lot.
Same goes for you too. How many years have you lived in India to qualify to comment about India?
Never, I said I don't know India and I don't claim I know how people live there.

Like I said, its my opinon based on what I have seen, heard and read.

I keep an open mind and when ever I will come across a poster that defies this standard pattern, I will let you know. But for now, I am yet to come across a free thinker, a loud obnoxious dissenting jerk from china. And that says a lot.
Average people can only see that, life is life, we are not politicians.
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