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Unlike China, India prefers being force-fed her destiny

if india joins the US in containing china in any way, shape or form, we wont let india get away with it without significant consequences, we have very long memories. we will make sure india suffers and disrupt india's development in a major way. india is very chaotic internally with many races seeking independence. if india is willing to hurt and stop china's development, then we will return the favour.
american empire will eventually collapse through debt just like all other previous empires (its already weakening).
but india will have to live with china for centuries upon centuries.

india is not an enemy of china, but you sure can make an enemy out of us for a very very long time(just like japan).

besides, india will be in the same position we are in when india reaches a level of development to us. india will seek to expand its influence and other countries will take india as a threat (just look at pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka already dislike india).
the US will never allow any power to surpass them, the second india starts to have divergent views from america, the americans will form new alliances to contain india.

india is best advised to stay neutral and have good relations with both countries.

yaa you ppl keep supplying pakistanese weapons of mass destruction .. keep giving Safe Havens for indian separatists ,,, and warning india not to ally with USA>... lol ....
what do you think that India will fear a rapidly aging china... India is a youth power... on an average we are 10 years younger than chinese... and the gap will be wider decade by decade... and trust me no one fears aged panda... so better keep your mouth shut... India is in advantage over china and its china who should fear being anti india as thr policies are showing ...
if india joins the US in containing china in any way, shape or form, we wont let india get away with it without significant consequences, we have very long memories. we will make sure india suffers and disrupt india's development in a major way. india is very chaotic internally with many races seeking independence. if india is willing to hurt and stop china's development, then we will return the favour.
american empire will eventually collapse through debt just like all other previous empires (its already weakening).
but india will have to live with china for centuries upon centuries.

india is not an enemy of china, but you sure can make an enemy out of us for a very very long time(just like japan).

besides, india will be in the same position we are in when india reaches a level of development to us. india will seek to expand its influence and other countries will take india as a threat (just look at pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka already dislike india).
the US will never allow any power to surpass them, the second india starts to have divergent views from america, the americans will form new alliances to contain india.

india is best advised to stay neutral and have good relations with both countries.

here comes the threats..empty ones mind u..
if india joins the US in containing china in any way, shape or form, we wont let india get away with it without significant consequences, we have very long memories. we will make sure india suffers and disrupt india's development in a major way. india is very chaotic internally with many races seeking independence. if india is willing to hurt and stop china's development, then we will return the favour.
american empire will eventually collapse through debt just like all other previous empires (its already weakening).
but india will have to live with china for centuries upon centuries.

india is not an enemy of china, but you sure can make an enemy out of us for a very very long time(just like japan).

besides, india will be in the same position we are in when india reaches a level of development to us. india will seek to expand its influence and other countries will take india as a threat (just look at pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka already dislike india).
the US will never allow any power to surpass them, the second india starts to have divergent views from america, the americans will form new alliances to contain india.

india is best advised to stay neutral and have good relations with both countries.

Lollllll I din't know we had a chinese CCP spokeperson on PDF..Well come to think of it Every Chinese here is a CCP stooge of 50 cent brigade

As far as hurting India's intrest goes ...you having doing that for decade ..providing pakistan nuclear secrets...Arming maoist...... Blocking India's entry in Sec council of UN & SCO.... And what not.....
Now its times for India to return the Favour...... in India we Believe "you reap what you sow...." Time for chinese to reap the fruit of the poison tree they have been sowing for last decade :devil:
if india joins the US in containing china in any way, shape or form, we wont let india get away with it without significant consequences, we have very long memories. we will make sure india suffers and disrupt india's development in a major way. india is very chaotic internally with many races seeking independence. if india is willing to hurt and stop china's development, then we will return the favour.
american empire will eventually collapse through debt just like all other previous empires (its already weakening).
but india will have to live with china for centuries upon centuries.

india is not an enemy of china, but you sure can make an enemy out of us for a very very long time(just like japan).

besides, india will be in the same position we are in when india reaches a level of development to us. india will seek to expand its influence and other countries will take india as a threat (just look at pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka already dislike india).
the US will never allow any power to surpass them, the second india starts to have divergent views from america, the americans will form new alliances to contain india.

india is best advised to stay neutral and have good relations with both countries.

How you can expect good/neutral relations with India when you keep supporting Pakistan at every turn is beyond me. These things are always 2 way. You do something, we reciprocate. Its that simple.
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