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United States and Egypt Sign Military Logistics Cross Servicing Memorandum of Understanding

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Cairo – On April 27, the United States of America and the Arab Republic of Egypt signed a memorandum of understanding to facilitate reciprocal provision of military logistic support, supplies, and services. The Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Memorandum of Understanding (ACSMOU) was signed by U.S. Central Command Director of Logistics and Engineering Major General Jeffrey Drushal and Egyptian Assistant Minister of Defense for International Affairs Major General Mohamed Salah at a ceremony at the Ministry of Defense, with U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Jonathan R. Cohen and Senior U.S. Defense Official/Defense Attaché Major General Mark W. Gillette and senior Ministry of Defense officials in attendance.

The ACSMOU establishes a framework for Egyptian and U.S. military forces to exchange logistic support, supplies and services. While the MOU does not obligate either side to provide support, it does create a standing mechanism to ensure that U.S. and Egyptian military forces can effectively offer reimbursable support to each other when required. Future joint exercises, exchanges, and training events can use the MOU to simplify cross-servicing and logistical requirements rather than signing short-term or activity-specific agreements. This year, the MOU will facilitate logistics and U.S. force participation during Bright Star 2021, a multilateral exercise that will continue the proud tradition of the United States, Egypt, and partner nations working together to promote readiness to respond to regional threats, while building a mutual framework of countering terrorism and maintaining regional peace and security.

In conjunction with the signing, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Jonathan R. Cohen noted that the U.S. military relationship with Egypt has been a foundation of the U.S.-Egypt strategic partnership for more than forty years. “U.S. equipment supports the Egyptian Air Force, Land Forces, Navy, and Border Guard in countering threats to Egypt’s security. Defense cooperation with Egypt is a cornerstone of our strategic partnership, spanning counterterrorism, border security, and joint training and planning to address complex geopolitical challenges.”

The United States has Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements (ACSA’s) with key partner states around the world. These mutually beneficial agreements enhance the ability to support exercises, peace-keeping operations, humanitarian support missions, and disaster relief efforts throughout the world. ACSA agreements/MOUs facilitate logistic interoperability, military cooperation, unit readiness and increases flexibility for operational commanders.

Biden is trying to change his previous dumb policies he realized he could lose them to an enemy from the far east.. Biden nearly gambled away the entire US legacy to China making them effectively frontrunners. If he does missteps he will have to kneel infront of MbS to undo that
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Biden is trying to change his previous dumb policies he realized he could lose them to an enemy from the far east.. Biden nearly gambled away the entire US legacy to China making them effectively frontrunners. If he does missteps he will have to kneel infront of MbS to undo that

ACSA basically supports the global logistics movements of the USA. Honestly, I just learned that Egypt is not a part of it until today, and very surprised. I will not comment on this issue in order not to be misunderstood, but I hope Turkey will terminate this agreement in the near future.

What that means? What different that make?

It's probably a deal made by the big dogs that if Egypt joins this (which has a lot of beneficial items many area being done but now instead of agreeing on each individual event or exercise, it's automatic under this memorandum) the USA then won't impose any sanctions on Egypt for purchasing Russian equipment since we pretty much know it won't stop at the 30 Su-35s. But let's hope this allows the MLU and Viper upgrade. If allowing to use US satellites and coms, there might be more to come in form of upgrades.
Biden is trying to change his previous dumb policies he realized he could lose them to an enemy from the far east.. Biden nearly gambled away the entire US legacy to China making them effectively frontrunners. If he does missteps he will have to kneel infront of MbS to undo that

Yeah during his campaign run, he wasn't very nice to Egypt, well, not necessarily Egypt but to Sisi. He said something to the effect that because of the military aid (which I wish I knew how long it's supposed to go on for, probably as long as the peace treaty which I believe was signed back in 1979 for a duration of 100 years) but the aid is not fully tied together with the peace treaty since the US is not stupid and they sign contracts that make sure they can pull out of them at anytime for any reason and the aid is probably one of them. So when he was vice president to Obama and the "removal" of Morsi was done in the middle of the 24 F-16 block 52 deliveries, the US obviously didn't like that what they thought was the first legitimately elected president which represents democracy has been flipped on its back by the Egyptian military junta at the time headed by Sisi and Sisi also said the parliament will take over duties until new elections are organized.

The problem was that Obama and many of the rest of most of the world saw a coup and didn't see that Morsi was attempting to change the constitution to give him almost unlimited powers which coincidentally at that time, Sisi being the head of intelligence and appointed to that position by Morsi himself LOL figured this back channel manipulation by the Muslim Brotherhood and especially their members in parliament who were going to do certain things to push the vote for Morsi's unlimited powers like they were doing during the elections walking right up to people in like and whispering in their ears that if they didn't vote for Morsi, the country will collapse and things of that sort. Nothing threatening because they are a smart and group of conniving thugs who wanted full control of the country and turn it into a modern Afghanistan which is against what the majority of Egyptians want. Obama ignored that part and only saw a coup especially when people started chanting in the street for Sisi to be president. So Obama had to do something to show that he wasn't supportive of a "coup" that he stopped the delivery of the rest of the Vipers (I think there was 9 left at the time). That lasted about a year, I think, or even less and deliveries resumed and Sisi got elected lol.

Now Biden hears the orangutan Trump call Sisi "his favorite dictator" which was the dumbest thing that moron did and he did A LOT of dumb things so when an Egyptian/American citizen was jailed for a law he broke or something, Biden got mad and in his campaign said "No more freebies for Trump's favorite dictator." Obviously he didn't realize that to stop the aid completely, it has to be a HUGE bill passed through the house and then senate and voted on unanimously etc. So he realized with the Su-35SE deal and especially when Sisi and the head of the EAF came out and told Pompeo at the time who offered the F-15 (I'm sure it was nothing close to the EX or even Saudi Arabia's SE) that the Su-35SE is a vastly superior aircraft to the F-15 you're offering and we are proceeding with the Russian purchase regardless.

So Biden knowing all that and that imposing CAASTA on Egypt would only intensify the strained relationship, he decided to go the other way and offer this memorandum. Sorry for the long explanation but there is a lot in there that the average doesn't know, especially the anti-Sisi haters.

EDIT: BTW, Egypt in the 90's requested 12 F-15 Strike E Eagles and they were denied at the time. Now they're offering them as a condition to end the Su-35SE deal. We don't know if they offered the F-15s with what type of A2A armament and if they would be castrated like the Vipers and offer only Sparrows, while the Su-35SE will have a BVR capability that will be almost impossible to match, Hence the statement about the Russian aircraft being vastly better because the US probably offered it without the AIM-120 and AIM-9X LOLOLOL! No thanks, we are not playing that game any more especially once that France opened the door with the MICA IR & ER and Meteors once they can be integrates and the MiG-29m/35s came with the R-77 & R-73.
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