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United against Iran

Hussein is either MKO or PJAK which is not surprising since France is full of them. Anyways this is a good article for those wanting to know the truth about these terrorists and how they want to seize an opportunity by spreading lies and through street rioting bring in US to dominate Iran but they failed in 2009: http://brillwebsite.com/writings/iran2009election.html
Mr smart > don't you think that if i was a kurd or a member of MKO, why i would hide it?
explain me why they show themselves quite easily in France for exemple

But instead of having fantasms, majority of Iranians in France are very much anti MKO and have nothing to do with this organisation.

Sina > as i said you were blaming a reformist because he didn't agree that we give death penalty to homosexuals?
for me it shows how retard you are.
first there are many other subjects in politics than homosexuality.. why be so obsessed about it? second i agree with him: this is a personal choice. this is a problem or morality: if you don't like it or i don't like it, why an homosexual should not have the right to exist?
third > Khomeini accepted the transexuals, why not the homosexuals?

see u soon mr taliban
With all respect that you know i have for you longbrained (hoped i knew your name) i don't agree in this case,he doesn't belong to any group.he is just a regular guy ho opposes IR.there are opposition in every country in the world.
However i agree that he has the wrong idea in most topics,but yet i respect his opinion.That's what called freedom of speech,we should try to enlighten him (or he enlighten us if we are wrong) not to accuse each other with something that we know it's not true ourselves.

It might be the case as you say, and I agree in general with what you say. But I have had discussion with him and my impression of him is what I wrote above. I wish your scenario is true. But remember these guys are the biggest threat to your sovereignty more than Israel and US combined. These will be the guys who will open the doors of the fort for the invaders. The enemy within. Freedom of speech is a noble thing. But it can be lethal when exercises without supervision on a battlefield in a middle of a war. And Iran is at war.
Back to topic. Iran has every much as a right to develop nukes as Israel or Americans. Saudis are irrelevant. The foreign policy of Saudis is dictated to by one family whose sole interest is to protect their survival no matter what cost to Muslims Arabs Iranians or anyone else.

I am pleased that Pakistani people are supportive of Iran.
Mr smart > don't you think that if i was a kurd or a member of MKO, why i would hide it?
explain me why they show themselves quite easily in France for exemple

But instead of having fantasms, majority of Iranians in France are very much anti MKO and have nothing to do with this organisation.

MKO has its HQ in France. And MKO is famous for false flag. So I am not surprised that you are one of these opportunists. Look here at your leader supporting green rioting traitors in 2009 trying to bring about another operation ajax:

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^^ lol she looks like a frog

anyway, these MKO people have no place in current Iran. Just ask any Iranian, wether they are monarchists,islamists,nationalists,communist. All of them reject this terrorist group and its small followers
Mr smart > don't you think that if i was a kurd or a member of MKO, why i would hide it?
explain me why they show themselves quite easily in France for exemple

But instead of having fantasms, majority of Iranians in France are very much anti MKO and have nothing to do with this organisation.

Sina > as i said you were blaming a reformist because he didn't agree that we give death penalty to homosexuals?
for me it shows how retard you are.
first there are many other subjects in politics than homosexuality.. why be so obsessed about it? second i agree with him: this is a personal choice. this is a problem or morality: if you don't like it or i don't like it, why an homosexual should not have the right to exist?
third > Khomeini accepted the transexuals, why not the homosexuals?

see u soon mr taliban
To be honest,acting against homosexuals in Iran is just written in books and does not come to action most of the times.I have seen and met homosexuals in Iran and they expressed their desires openly without being arrested or prosecuted and they didn't have any complains about acts against sexual orientation.They just can't do some explicit things in public and i think that's fair because we live in a country that most of it's people are Muslims.

It might be the case as you say, and I agree in general with what you say. But I have had discussion with him and my impression of him is what I wrote above. I wish your scenario is true. But remember these guys are the biggest threat to your sovereignty more than Israel and US combined. These will be the guys who will open the doors of the fort for the invaders. The enemy within. Freedom of speech is a noble thing. But it can be lethal when exercises without supervision on a battlefield in a middle of a war. And Iran is at war.
Totally agreed.don't have anything more to add.Just that we shouldn't have prejudice about people untile we know them well.I hope you know him enough to say that :)
MKO has its HQ in France. And MKO is famous for false flag. So I am not surprised that you are one of these opportunists. Look here at your leader supporting green rioting traitors in 2009 trying to bring about another operation ajax:

MKO famous for false flag?

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

With all respect that you know i have for you longbrained (hoped i knew your name) i don't agree in this case,he doesn't belong to any group.he is just a regular guy ho opposes IR.there are opposition in every country in the world.
However i agree that he has the wrong idea in most topics,but yet i respect his opinion.That's what called freedom of speech,we should try to enlighten him (or he enlighten us if we are wrong) not to accuse each other with something that we know it's not true ourselves.
for the hundred time, i am not anti IRI
As i explained hundred time, i am pro free elections and pro referendum that Khomeini was speaking about:
ask the people what they want
and have international and national partis total check on the elections process
plus change the elections process/system that Khamenei should not choose the candidates

they are people to decide of Iran to decide the future of the country
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We should stand united behind Iranians and not allow interlopers like Israel and America use their proxies to implement their anti Muslim policies and killing of Muslims all around the world. As we have found out Israeli and Americans bombs and weapons do not distinguish between shia sunni etc
It might be the case as you say, and I agree in general with what you say. But I have had discussion with him and my impression of him is what I wrote above. I wish your scenario is true. But remember these guys are the biggest threat to your sovereignty more than Israel and US combined. These will be the guys who will open the doors of the fort for the invaders. The enemy within. Freedom of speech is a noble thing. But it can be lethal when exercises without supervision on a battlefield in a middle of a war. And Iran is at war.
Luckily, the keys of the fort are in the hands of the true Guardians of Iran (IRGC,Army)

We destroyed MKO army in 1988. Nothing is left about that group, just few homosexual liberals and lesbiennes in France and other European states, thats it. They are no match for Iran
I love this.

Hussein: 1- Homosexuals should be free to do their crap. 2- we shouldn't show enmity towards Israel. 3- we don't need Wilaayat Faqeeh... 3- We should give up on Quran

But at the same time, he says he is not against IRI. :lol:

This guys is most likely high on something.
Hussein said:
Sina > as i said you were blaming a reformist because he didn't agree that we give death penalty to homosexuals?
for me it shows how retard you are.
first there are many other subjects in politics than homosexuality.. why be so obsessed about it? second i agree with him: this is a personal choice. this is a problem or morality: if you don't like it or i don't like it, why an homosexual should not have the right to exist?
third > Khomeini accepted the transexuals, why not the homosexuals?

Who said homosexuals should be executed? Islam doesn't say that. Iran's law doesn't say that.

“Being homosexual” is different from “practicing same sex relationships”. And according to Islamic law, if you do it and there are 4 witnesses, you'll be sent to hell with the first flight. Now, your “reformist” guy was saying we shouldn't implement Islam's law regarding this and let them be free.

Hussein said:
see u soon mr taliban
So you're planning to come out of your hole?
First i was Saudi
Then i became US man , country i never put the feet on it
Then i was Jew from Iran working for Israel
Maybe it will be a time that you definitively decide who i am LOL

Hussein Sharon.

Serve USA KSA Israhell.
WTF Iran had a nuclear programe for 20 years and they still don't have a bomb, how can KSA which doesn't even make underwear make a bomb in a week? Think before you type.
remember Indo-Pak nuclear test of 1998? We made a bomb 24 years ago and u know the reply was with in weeks . Right?
I love this.

Hussein: 1- Homosexuals should be free to do their crap. 2- we shouldn't show enmity towards Israel. 3- we don't need Wilaayat Faqeeh... 3- We should give up on Quran

But at the same time, he says he is not against IRI. :lol:

This guys is most likely high on something.
go on with your crap. and give me words that i don't say for keeping on your propaganda.

YOu are the one who were speaking about homosexuals . YOU.
You blamed a reformist to say he opposes the death penalty to homosexuals.

And yeah homosexuals get death penalty in Iran. stop your lies:
Iran: Two More Executions for Homosexual Conduct | Human Rights Watch

to answer your stupid statements:
1- i said that you are obsessed with homosexuals because you hate a reformist just because he didn't want death penalty
2- we shouldn't show enmity to any nation of the world
if we don't agree with a policy, we should use UNO or cooperations systems between countries to make a pressure
on some injustice ..
I have no obsession towards Israel. Of course i cannot go there for the obvious reason you know... being Iranian.
3- lol i never said that ... fact is you think Islam is a taliban version . i don't have this taliban education as yours.
I followed Montazeri i am seyyed and from a conservative family even if myself i prefer reformists.

problems with the sick people of this forum : they put Israel in any discussion.
they always say "hey traitor" because it is convenient to hide the huge problems our country is facing concerning big lacks of democracy, women rights, and so.
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