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Unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan

Last time I checked It was the Turkish flag that was waving over those lands. Who lives in it does not matter. If Turkey and Azerbaijan decided to unite, nobody would ask Kurds their opinion.

Can you read a map? Turkey has no border with Azerbaijan mainland, whether physically or ethnically.

Iran is not gaining anything. Iran is trying to defend what it already had. My government did stupid mistakes from the beginning. But now we are slowly aligning to the same side. Usa will leave Syrian issue with the least possible gain if Turkey, Iran and Russia work together.

Iran did not have military bases in Syria, tens of thousands of allies militia fighters under its command, a completely new government military institution which it set up (NDF), etc. Iran has vastly straightened its influence over Syria, unlike Turkey, which is trying to cope with the negative consequences of its amateurish foreign policy.

The Turk resources like human, geography(as your ancestor admitted ''Tur-an''), etc. are enough to reinforce and overcome, can you say the same for persians that are the minority in the region?

You seem to live in lala-land, and seem to suffer from the same kind of delusional thinking as your government foreign policy officials. First of all, Iran contains more Iranian people than just Persians. Pretty much 80% of Iran's ethnic make-up consists of people who speak a Iranian language, whether Persian, Kurdish, Baluchi, Bakhtiari, Lori, Mazandarani or Talysh. Second, by region you probably mean the Middle East, right? The Turks are much of a minority as Iranians, and there is a reason why both countries work hard to lure Arabs into their domain. The difference is that Iran has competent strategists, while your country is being run by emotional buffoons like Erdogan and previously Davatoglu.

A little clue...Persians had ''lost'' it to ISIS in Iraq, Syria untill the Russian involvement, but feel free to think being the mighty in the region, thanks to Mullah propaganda center that was hit recently.

A little clue: it was Iran who stopped ISIS at the gates of Baghdad, provided Erbil as the first country with military support to stop ISIS near the city while Iranian advisors rushed to set up the PMU, which now consists of approx. 100.000 fighters, and is beating back IS at every front. In Syria, the Russian intervention was planned together with a Iranian intervention, and both countries stepped up their game to protect the Syrian government. It has costs the lives of approx. 600 Iranian officers and soldiers. A small price when figuring out the strategic benefits Iran has made.

Anything else dear mullah?

We are getting stronger. You are being seen as the amateur clown in the region.
You seem to live in lala-land, and seem to suffer from the same kind of delusional thinking as your government foreign policy officials. First of all, Iran contains more Iranian people than just Persians. Pretty much 80% of Iran's ethnic make-up consists of people who speak a Iranian language, whether Persian, Kurdish, Baluchi, Bakhtiari, Lori, Mazandarani or Talysh. Second, by region you probably mean the Middle East, right? The Turks are much of a minority as Iranians, and there is a reason why both countries work hard to lure Arabs into their domain. The difference is that Iran has competent strategists, while your country is being run by emotional buffoons like Erdogan and previously Davatoglu.

A little clue: it was Iran who stopped ISIS at the gates of Baghdad, provided Erbil as the first country with military support to stop ISIS near the city while Iranian advisors rushed to set up the PMU, which now consists of approx. 100.000 fighters, and is beating back IS at every front. In Syria, the Russian intervention was planned together with a Iranian intervention, and both countries stepped up their game to protect the Syrian government. It has costs the lives of approx. 600 Iranian officers and soldiers. A small price when figuring out the strategic benefits Iran has made.

We are getting stronger. You are being seen as the amateur clown in the region.

You confuse the ethnic diversity/languages and cover it with a highly controversial politic name despite claiming to be the Islamic, also come with ''Iranian language'' absurd means you started to realize being the minority by any ways in any region,or even in today's geography called ''Iran'', good we make progress tho.

Since you like maps, for your claim to be stronger, will you please share the maps of the Before/After Russian involvment along with the permanent Russian bases gained in return?

Dear mullah, with shortage of resources ends in the lap of ohter people/countries, in your case a ''Bear'' the Russian, enjoy!

Any other argument dear mullah?
Unification of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey would be better. All have history dating back centuries. It will be the most powerful country in the world. Geographically, economically, etc.

Unification of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey would be better. All have history dating back centuries. It will be the most powerful country in the world. Geographically, economically, etc.


Iran has one enemy it is Muslims, they never gonna make unite to other Muslims.
Iran has one enemy it is Muslims, they never gonna make unite to other Muslims.
Sorry bro,
Consider it about Turkey, hosts Israeli embassy in it's capital and then claims of brotherhood with Muslims.
Whenever you shut that embassy, i would try to at least think about your ideas.

OnTopic, with respect to nationalists and their illegal emotions, it is impossible that a nation give up it's sovereignty only because of mutual race with an other country.

Turkey can keep all of Muslim countries as it's supporters, with honesty.
Sorry bro,
Consider it about Turkey, hosts Israeli embassy in it's capital and then claims of brotherhood with Muslims.
Whenever you shut that embassy, i would try to at least think about your ideas.

OnTopic, with respect to nationalists and their illegal emotions, it is impossible that a nation give up it's sovereignty only because of mutual race with an other country.

Turkey can keep all of Muslim countries as it's supporters, with honesty.

Ye whatever.

Why? What's every Pakistanis problem with Turkey trading and have relations with Israel?

When Pakistan shuts Chinese, Russian, US embassies for there oppression and occupation against Muslims which have been much more brutal then we will at least think about the ideas of a Pakistani. It's easy talk.

Turkey is biggest charity giver and political supporter of Muslim causes and communities, including to Pakistan.

What people fail to realise it is down to Turkeys relationship with Israel that it can funnel state sponsored charity to Palestine.

Unification of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey would be better. All have history dating back centuries. It will be the most powerful country in the world. Geographically, economically, etc.


What? Why would Turkey want to unite with Pakistan and Iran, no thanks. I would doubt the Turkness of any Turk who proposes such an idea.
Sorry bro,
Consider it about Turkey, hosts Israeli embassy in it's capital and then claims of brotherhood with Muslims.
Whenever you shut that embassy, i would try to at least think about your ideas.

OnTopic, with respect to nationalists and their illegal emotions, it is impossible that a nation give up it's sovereignty only because of mutual race with an other country.

Turkey can keep all of Muslim countries as it's supporters, with honesty.

Türkiyə'də molla ideologiyası öyrədilmir.
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