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Unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan

Seriously just answer the question like a human or F off troll.

I was stating some of the obvoius, don't turn this into a AKP bashing platform for your whims.
Learn some manners dumb idiot,if you ask such dumb questions,you get dumber answer.
Azeris would never want a Union with us,even without Aliyev.
I already named the Obvious reasons.
Unification is most probably won't possible. There are examples in world that's why. Austria-Germany and Ireland-Northern Ireland examples show that religious differences prevent unions even in such developed and secular states. Shia majority Azeri people don't want to ruled by Sunni Turks as we have population size superiority (assuming a republic). Beside that they have negative previous experience with Russians. As with Austria-Germany example, we can co-exist happily.
Turan as a single state is a dead horse in my point of view, but as a union of independent states can be talkable which is impossible in near future as a result of the today's conjuncture. What about the far future? It depends and we will see.
1- I never asked you.

2- Sure -- Ataturk milliyetci, Turkcu, Turanci. Enemy of your type


S/he is in an idenditity crisis, consider her/himself as Zaza,K.rd,Caferi,Mullah in reality, but ''Turk'', liberal and pro-gay in rhetoric/talks to get legitamcy and credibility in eyes of us, like Demirtaş as pro-Democracy and peace in rhetoric,but pro-PKK terrorism in reality. Easy to expose, but let's tolerate a little bit more.

As for Atatürk, Regular people with an average IQ can make some deductions only by looking at the surname ''Atatürk''.

we didn't escape from one union to join another

Do you consider Soviet era and Turk union as the same? Interesting to read more, if you shed some more lights.
Why is this thread still alive, it's political and not relevant whatsoever.

There is no reason for Azerbaijan to merge with Turkey especially if it's a democracy and the ressources are going to be pooled. Majority would rule and that definitely won't be in favour of Azerbaijan.

The political actions or inactions would be even greater. If we assume Turkey and Azerbaijan unified, there would be a bigger hell to pay for starting problems with Armenia, but as long as it's only Azerbaijan working to reclaim their lands then it'll be "small skirmish" between two small countries trying to hustle.
without Turkish protection Azerbaijan will be invaded by Russian backed Armenia and Iran ...

in 2001 Iran has ejected two oil company survey ships from an area claimed by Azerbaijan and 2 Iranian air force Jets overflew BP ships that were exploring the Caspian’s Area, which is claimed by Azerbaijan also Iranian warship entered what Baku considers Azeri territorial waters and threatened to fire on an Azeri oil exploration ship and Iranian Jets then violated Azeri airspace on three occasions and Iranian Politicans said that Azerbaijan belonged to Iran 150 years ago

shitee Iran wanted to invade shitee Azerbaijan but Turkey has long been a close ally of Azerbaijan ..... Turkish General Staff Huseyin Kivrikoglu arrived in Baku -Azerbaijan on an official visit accompanied by 10 Turkish F-16 Fighter Jets

it was a warning to Azerbaijan’s enemies ,,especially to Iran and Iran was shocked .... and Turkish General Staff Kivrikoglu’s arrival, Azerbaijan's President Haidar Aliyev announced that Turkey and Azerbaijan were two countries, one nation

Turkey and Azerbaijan are two Countries, one Nation

Learn some manners dumb idiot,if you ask such dumb questions,you get dumber answer.
Azeris would never want a Union with us,even without Aliyev.
I already named the Obvious reasons.

Senin amacin belli oldu burda hukumete laf sokmak, sana guzellikle trolluk yampa dedim, fetonun picleri ne alaka konumuzla.

we didn't escape from one union to join another

You consider both the same? That's why it is called unification, if both sides come to an agreement why not.

We would all love to see a political or geographical unification with our brothers. Yes it maybe unreal for now however it can be done. Maybe not under the current governments but you never know what the future holds. Wars, borders changes, events happen that change your the of history.

Also you guys are forgetting the Kafkas Islam ordusu that went that way, the people of Azerbaijan were hiding graves of Ottoman soldiers during the Russian oppression, these are all little signs (for me at least) of the bond that we are Turks before our religious and political differences. Of course they exist that is another matter.

I know it's not reality as of now, but we are allowed to discuss the possibility and make awareness.

At least we can discuss working together and creating a stronger Azeri and Turkish state to counter the influence of Russia and Iran.
no no no and thousand time no idk how this stupid question come up in the first place .who is going to give up it's independence ?? this questions is so stupid idk where to begin with and i hate when some new turkish members who are more familiar with arab countries barking left and right about Russian or Iran's influence ?? what do u mean by that as if they rule the county or they have say about how the country govern ?? i find this kind of comment insulting . if not being religious is be under russian influence then all Europe is under Russian influence

turks of azerbijan are proud people they had their empires they were the first democracy in Islamic world they had women right even before uk and us . they had their own pride and for such people to give up on their pride (who sacrifice so much for this pride ) is unacceptable
Iran has a greater historical claim on Azerbaijan (the name of the country itself is Persian) than which country whatsoever, but I wouldn't want Iran annexing or unifying with whatever piece of land in modern day Azerbaijan.

The same with which part of Kurdistan whatsoever, even though the Kurds are a Iranian people.

While Turkish turanists (another nice Persian word adapted by pan-Turks) fanboys are dreaming of a Turkic world, Iran is taking over strategic and critical areas in the Middle East. To pass by and read these imaginary dreams of a bunch of internet strategists gives me a great chuckle.

Besides, demographic wise, Anatolian Turks and Azerbaijani Turks do not share a border. The Kurds block any link:

Iran has a greater historical claim on Azerbaijan (the name of the country itself is Persian) than which country whatsoever, but I wouldn't want Iran annexing or unifying with whatever piece of land in modern day Azerbaijan.

The same with which part of Kurdistan whatsoever, even though the Kurds are a Iranian people.

While Turkish turanists (another nice Persian word adapted by pan-Turks) fanboys are dreaming of a Turkic world, Iran is taking over strategic and critical areas in the Middle East. To pass by and read these imaginary dreams of a bunch of internet strategists gives me a great chuckle.

Besides, demographic wise, Anatolian Turks and Azerbaijani Turks do not share a border. The Kurds block any link:


Turkish population in the region, even in today's geopgraphy called ''Iran'' makes persians as the minority on the reality(also shown in your map) to begin with, no matter what a few words mean in dictionary or ''Aryan'' the pure race dream claims.

Shia is the only hope of Mullahs despite Turks' big part in spreading among the persians like a few other things to keep persians over the surface under the Turk rules for centuries; however, the only thing no human being can change is the race, so Shia means nothing on the reality.

At some point in the time The developments in those very young Turk countries will naturaly dictate any kind of union just like they claimed their independence at some point in Soviet era despite some ''Soviet'' ''fanboy strategists' imaginary dreams'' on the contrary.

There are already few official organisations among Turk countries.
Any thing else left to put forward as argument dear mullah?
no no no and thousand time no idk how this stupid question come up in the first place .who is going to give up it's independence ?? this questions is so stupid idk where to begin with and i hate when some new turkish members who are more familiar with arab countries barking left and right about Russian or Iran's influence ?? what do u mean by that as if they rule the county or they have say about how the country govern ?? i find this kind of comment insulting . if not being religious is be under russian influence then all Europe is under Russian influence

turks of azerbijan are proud people they had their empires they were the first democracy in Islamic world they had women right even before uk and us . they had their own pride and for such people to give up on their pride (who sacrifice so much for this pride ) is unacceptable

No one insulted Azerbaijan....

How is asking the question of unification insulting? You simply answer it is/ is not possible. We can make a political union if nothing.

And yes Azeribaijan is still under Russian influence if anything Russia determines the politics in the region, just like US and Iran is doing so in Syria and Iraq.

Many countries have unified and been dismantled, you have countries such as Belgium they are two totally different ethnicities yet they live together.

Fool. Try to read a map. As for your other nonsense, keep up the dream. In the meanwhile, mullah Iran is beating Turkey in the region when it comes to power play. Even the Kurds are out manouvering Turkey.

That's more to do with the current government, which will change at some point however the Mullahs of Iran will remain and Iran will continue as paranoid police state.

As for the map, Kurds west of the river of Tuz Golu What's next Ankara and Konya is Kurdish?

It's boring foreigners especially Arabs and Iranians keep mentioning Kurds, Kurds and Turks are dispersed all over Turkey, they have much more in common with each other then differences.

The map means nothing if they do really wish to unite borders can be redrawn like they were in Cyprus and is happening in Syria.
Fool. Try to read a map. As for your other nonsense, keep up the dream. In the meanwhile, mullah Iran is beating Turkey in the region when it comes to power play. Even the Kurds are out manouvering Turkey.

We are not talking about historical fairy tales. We are discussing modern realities.

Last time I checked It was the Turkish flag that was waving over those lands. Who lives in it does not matter. If Turkey and Azerbaijan decided to unite, nobody would ask Kurds their opinion.

Iran is not gaining anything. Iran is trying to defend what it already had. My government did stupid mistakes from the beginning. But now we are slowly aligning to the same side. Usa will leave Syrian issue with the least possible gain if Turkey, Iran and Russia work together.

No argument but insulting, feel cornered that much early, ha?

The Turk resources like human, geography(as your ancestor admitted ''Tur-an''), etc. are enough to reinforce and overcome, can you say the same for persians that are the minority in the region? A little clue...Persians had ''lost'' it to ISIS in Iraq, Syria untill the Russian involvement, but feel free to think being the mighty in the region, thanks to Mullah propaganda center that was hit recently.

Anything else dear mullah?
Is the unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan possible? Or is it a dream?

Yes we speak the same language and have the same traditions, however we must consider.

1) Azeri Turks and Turks from Turkey have a different religion.
2) Azerbaijan is still very much under the Russian sphere of influence (or am I wrong)
3) Any unification we would be in direct conflict with Russia via the Armenia dispute.
4) Azerbaijan is governed by a dictator who would not let go of power.
5) We share not common border to mainland Azerbaijan, only a strip.

Is there any point of talking about this? Could you see this happening? Are there any steps being taken? Or is it impossible?

Final note, such a unification would work very well, imagine the natural reserve wealth of Baku combined with the economy and military power of Ankara.
Go for joint defense and single currency, no need for same law and system in both countries. Also go for joint foreign affair policy. This is the only possible solution
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