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Unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan

Please don't troll, I would love to see this happen hence the question.

1) Majority of Turks of Turkey are Sunni and Azeri Turks are Shia not that it matters to me but to the heads of state and common people it may do. Yes I know this should not matter as both states are secular on paper.

2) We are not, last time I knew Turkey holds fair elections.
So,what you are doing is not trolling?
1) Since when did we Turks care if one is Shia,Alevi,Ismaili,Ahmedi or Sunni,why did you call it ''different religion'',isnt that sectarianism,arent we all Muslims?
The nationhood(in this case being Turk) is above everything else if you want unification but instead you started with calling out the different sects as different religions.
By your logic,there are only 70% Muslims in Turkiye so how come we can live together for so many decades but it wont work with the Azeri Turks who happen to be Shia?
You named the head of states for a reason and i know why,because our head of state only sees Sunni Muslims as our ''brothers'',its hard to admit isnt it?
2) Yes you are right,we held elections and what happened after,how many people lost their freedom(jail),jobs(mostly government) and military positions in the name of ''Fetocu'' who had nothing to do with Feto?
Who has absolute power in Turkiye?
See,winning fair elections and turning the country into a Dictatorship doesnt mean that you are democratic,it only means that you came there by fair democratic elections.
In a democracy,the winner doesnt get to do whatever he/she wants to whome he/she wants.
Officially our country is a democracy but it is not,those days are over and you know it to.
Religion wouldnt matter. Azeris are largely irreligious anyway(Muslim in name only) and most Turks care only about their ethnicity. But it cant happen because we are politically seperated, brotherhood stuff is all talk. Nobody would want to let their sovereignity go unless the profits of it are very very overhelming and their current situation sucks. All the other side reasons such as dictator, Russians, borders would be irrevelant if the above reason wasnt there.

Best we can get is half-common military and free access borders.
Never been to Turkey, but I had a great time for 18 hours in Baku when my plane was stopped. Azeris are like Pakistanis when it comes to treating guests. I didn't have a huge problem there when I went to pray Jumaa. Most of the people asked me why I prayed differently in a friendly manner. I mean they crowded me, and only a few of them knew english. :lol:

But I explained it to them and they were very interested. Also they are the few people on Earth, other than Turkey that genuinely like Pakistanis. I had a very good experience. I think Azeris and Turks are probably the only people that genuinely like Pakistani people. I think Azeris might like Pakistani more. :lol:

I must say, Baku is absolutely beautiful. Whether Turkey and Azerbaijan unite into a country is strictly between them. I have no say in that matter, because I don't live in either country. I hear that Turkish people are very friendly with Pakistani people and consider us their brothers, but I have never been. Personally, I can say Azeris treat Pakistani people very well in regard of respect. Only a few dickheads that were son of Russians were rude, but even then Azeris tell them to stfu.

If Turkey and Azerbaijan unite, it's good for them. If not, I still love both countries. It is their business what they do or not do. I haven't been to Turkey, but Azeri people are very nice.

Lot of love for Azerbaijanis. I had a great time in their country, even If it was for 12 hours. :tup::agree:

I think we as Pakistani people should try and learn about Azerbaijan, because it is one our allies and they have a great history and culture.

So,what you are doing is not trolling?
1) Since when did we Turks care if one is Shia,Alevi,Ismaili,Ahmedi or Sunni,why did you call it ''different religion'',isnt that sectarianism,arent we all Muslims?
The nationhood(in this case being Turk) is above everything else if you want unification but instead you started with calling out the different sects as different religions.
By your logic,there are only 70% Muslims in Turkiye so how come we can live together for so many decades but it wont work with the Azeri Turks who happen to be Shia?
You named the head of states for a reason and i know why,because our head of state only sees Sunni Muslims as our ''brothers'',its hard to admit isnt it?
2) Yes you are right,we held elections and what happened after,how many people lost their freedom(jail),jobs(mostly government) and military positions in the name of ''Fetocu'' who had nothing to do with Feto?
Who has absolute power in Turkiye?
See,winning fair elections and turning the country into a Dictatorship doesnt mean that you are democratic,it only means that you came there by fair democratic elections.
In a democracy,the winner doesnt get to do whatever he/she wants to whome he/she wants.
Officially our country is a democracy but it is not,those days are over and you know it to.

Seriously just answer the question like a human or F off troll.

I was stating some of the obvoius, don't turn this into a AKP bashing platform for your whims.
I doubt that both dictators want to share power.

I doubt that Azeris would want to share their ressources.

I doubt that the people would get along, whether its religion (shia vs. sunni). Turkey does not even get along with its own Alevis.

I doubt that the less religious Azeris and the conservative people of Anatolia would get along.

There are so many doubts, I could continue. A better alternative would be a EU like Union.
We were very close to unification, thanks to the same root, which is all matters. The only thing left is the time.

Oghuz Turks do today exist in Turkey,Azerbaijan,today's geography of ''Iran'', Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosova,Albania.
No. And even as a secular person, religion does matter to me. Being Shia means much more than just having a different opinion on some religious issues regarding the history of Islam. Culture, tradition, rites - all of these values are influenced by one's religious affiliation. Even though they're secular and Christian, a Greek and French person don't celebrate Christmas at the same day.

I am not going to accept 10 million + x Shia citizen in my country at a moment's notice and I don't care whether they are irreligious or not. The Azeri culture is coined by a secular Shiism and the Turkish culture is shaped by a secular Sunni understanding of Islam.

I don't condemn Shias or Shiaism. For me, Takfirism is just another variation of terrorism. But your comments here are extremely naive and quixotic.

It is our duty as fellow-Turks to support Azerbaijan no matter what. But unification? No thanks.
No. And even as a secular person, religion does matter to me. Being Shia means much more than just having a different opinion on some religious issues regarding the history of Islam. Culture, tradition, rites - all of these values are influenced by one's religious affiliation. Even though they're secular and Christian, a Greek and French person don't celebrate Christmas at the same day.

I am not going to accept 10 million + x Shia citizen in my country at a moment's notice and I don't care whether they are irreligious or not. The Azeri culture is coined by a secular Shiism and the Turkish culture is shaped by a secular Sunni understanding of Islam.

I don't condemn Shias or Shiaism. For me, Takfirism is just another variation of terrorism. But your comments here are extremely naive and quixotic.

It is our duty as fellow-Turks to support Azerbaijan no matter what. But unification? No thanks.

Your secular ????? :woot::woot::woot::woot::laugh: Lan yuru git surdan guldurme beni, yobaz bebe gelmis burda im secular diyor.

Is the unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan possible? Or is it a dream?

Yes we speak the same language and have the same traditions, however we must consider.

1) Azeri Turks and Turks from Turkey have a different religion.
2) Azerbaijan is still very much under the Russian sphere of influence (or am I wrong)
3) Any unification we would be in direct conflict with Russia via the Armenia dispute.
4) Azerbaijan is governed by a dictator who would not let go of power.
5) We share not common border to mainland Azerbaijan, only a strip.

Is there any point of talking about this? Could you see this happening? Are there any steps being taken? Or is it impossible?

Final note, such a unification would work very well, imagine the natural reserve wealth of Baku combined with the economy and military power of Ankara.

1) We have some mezhepci people but overall wont be a problem
2) Not really, but Russia is supporting armenia in NK so thats a big problem
3) Not really - if somehow they can take back NK without us getting involved then thats a solution
4) Maybe
5)- Does not prevent a unification

Only time this can happen is
1) As the stronger power and bigger power we are self sufficient in military equipment and become a nucleur power
2) NK is taken back

If these two are solved then its not a problem. We supported Crimean khanate for centuries and as soon as we got weaker and could not support them it was taken. Everything depends on how strong we are.
Azeris are largely irreligious anyway

Unfortunately you are right, I have a AZ friend with pretty good influence in AZ, Iran and Turkey he is married with a Turkish woman from Anatolia who wears headscarf.
But my friend says he is Zerdüst. But he is a true pan-turkist.
His uncle was a former governor in an Irani AZ region.

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