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Unheard cries: atrocities in Patiala, 1947

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Unheard cries: atrocities in Patiala, 1947
“Scores of women and children began jumping into the well, expecting impending rape and conversions. My aunt and her daughter also jumped into the well, which was by then filled with corpses”

Patiala, the powerful princely state in eastern Punjab, ruled by Maharaja Yadavindra Singh, witnessed intense communal and gender violence against Muslims. On September 3, 1947, Sikhs decorated a special train with Pakistan flags and picked up thousands of Muslims under the pretext that they would be sent safely to Pakistan. To their utter shock, armed military Sikhs attacked the train at Fatehgarh station and killed many.
The most brutal incidents of violence took place in the village of Baras, Patran tehsil. Violence broke out in August against Muslims seeking shelter for survival. Many residents were attacked in August 1947 including targeting the women who jumped into wells to save their honour. Professor Niaz Erfan, interviewed on April 9, 2013, narrates this account. A resident of Ambala District, he happened to be in Patiala during partition. Even after recording his story, many clarifications were sought to settle the confusions that prevail in verbal accounts.
The story:
“I was born in 1933 in village Sill, Tehsil Kharar, Ambala. Our village had three wards wherein the Muslims Rajputs constituted the majority. Most of the non-Muslims belonged to the lower castes — sweepers, cotton fluffers and barbers. The lone Sikh family was headed by Sardar Gurbakash Singh whose son Jaspal was my friend. My family was respected by all. My father Naseerudin Khan and uncle Khairudin were in the Patiala State Army. After my primary education, we shifted to the state of Patiala. It took me a month to learn the Gurmukhi script, required for further studies. It was around mid-July that the law and order situation started deteriorating. Communal riots broke out while my family was in Patiala, while my uncles were still in our Ambala village. We were fortunate that Major Babu Singh from my father’s unit had become the S P of Patiala Cantonment and took us to his house where we spent the next one month. Because we were staying at the police superintendent’s house, other Muslims assumed that Baras village would be safe; a sizeable Muslim population decided to settle there. A deadly mistake, as it turned out. I recall that the Sikh community observed around August that a sizeable Muslim fraternity was based in Baras and must have planned to attack them because, in the meanwhile, they crammed the Patiala army with Sikhs. One evening, they opened fire on our people and the mayhem started.
In a desperate bid to save his life, my cousin Muhammad Aleem sustained injuries but succeeded in escaping and hiding in the nearby fields. He stood there helplessly watching the brutal massacre of our family. My grandfather, Muhammad Baksh, took direct bullets and died on the spot. My cousin heard the volley of bullets and cries of men and women who pleaded for mercy in vain. Soon, thereafter, my granduncle and his father were also gunned down with his sons, Muhammad Rafiq and Muhammad Jamil. My uncle Khairudin Khan and my father’s cousin Abdul Aziz were also killed brutally as Aleem watched from his hiding place. In the meantime, scores of women and children began jumping into the well, expecting impending rape and conversions. My aunt, Rafiq-un-Nisa, and her daughter Firdous also jumped into the well, which was by then filled with corpses. My other aunt, Wahab-un-Nisa, escaped because she fell on the heap of corpses and was rescued later along with two other women. She later migrated to Pakistan and died last year in Gujranwala.
During our stay with the superintendent of the police we heard screams from across the city of Patiala. The havoc and mayhem unleashed night after night simply went on and on. We had little sleep or peace in the house. Finally, when we ventured out, the city stood cleansed by the cantonment forces. When we were brought to Patiala cantonment and the Kotwali railway station, I saw hundreds of corpses lined up against the walls. The whole station resounded with the cries of injured women. It dawned upon me that the raiders must have attacked the station just before our arrival. I considered it divine intervention that we were saved by arriving late at the station. The corpses, which lined the station, were loaded onto the train and sent off to west Punjab.
By this time, the Muslim force was also equipped and my father was a part of it. We proceeded to Bahadurgarh Fort, which was five kilometres from Patiala. We were in the fort on Eidul Azha. There was no sanitation system there and I remember being in a group, which dug out makeshift toilets. I had received a message that my Hindu and Sikh classmates were looking for me outside the fort. Despite protests from our people inside and disregarding the danger I stepped out and indeed found them waiting for me. Classmates embraced me and offered me fruits, a sign that all humanity was not dead.
We stayed at the refugee camp of Bahadurgarh until December. At long last, when the train arrived at the Kohli station, we were eager to leave. There was no space inside the compartments so the boys and men huddled onto the roof in neat rows clutching the ropes. We spent two days and nights in this condition, braving the cold winter. We were thirsty but could not find water anywhere. Even the wells were rumoured to be poisoned by Sikhs. We also heard of other trains being stopped and people murdered mercilessly. Major Ayub Khan, who later became president of Pakistan, was ably leading the guard of our train to avoid such attacks.
On the banks of the Beas, hundreds of bodies lay along the tracks and vultures hovered around them. Amidst seething rage and helpless tears, we reached Amritsar station. There we learned that the train, which had left just before ours, was attacked by Sikh mobs and people were slaughtered. Upon reaching the Attari station, we saw torn pages of the Holy Quran strewn across the roads to vex us. When we finally reached the Wagah border and saw the flag of Pakistan, we wept with mixed emotions: gratitude to have survived and grief for the loved ones lost. We were immensely relieved to be in Pakistan. In October 1948, I went back to Jullundur with the help of Sufi Abdul Hameed to get back my cousin Aleem who had sustained injuries during his escape from Baras.”
Individual narratives make connections, which are ignored by official history. Partition can be seen as a bloodied story of the damned and dispossessed, of grief and devastation, tormented cries and broken hearts. Apart from historical context, the remembered experiences of survivors constitute a valuable supplement to history. The saga of memories continues through films, novels, history and everyday stories. These survivors are all old and with them their stories will be lost forever. That will be a forgotten footnote to history. It is my endeavour to ensure that these testimonies will fill in some blanks in the sad chronicles of the events of 1947.
Unheard cries: atrocities in Patiala, 1947
Armed Military Sikhs??? Military or Militant? :cuckoo:

Even today Pakistanis are living in 47 and creating hatred instead of moving forward towards Peace and Prosperity. :tsk:

In simple terms they just want their generations to suffer in the flame of hatred which their ancestors suffered. :flame:

If situation was that bad then how come India has more Muslims than Pakistan even today.They are much safer in India than being bombed from drone/blasts/shia/sunni riots happening everyday in Islamic Pakistan made to be a safe heaven for "World Muslims".

In short Pakistan has FAILED miserable in it's vision and strategy because of falsified hatred and enemity.
the subcontinental mentality of not forgiving what happened in the past and NOT learning from mistakes is devouring us. Europe has moved on after fighting two world wars while the our mentality on a collective level has never evolved. Add to that way Pakistani Generals have created an instigated a pan Islamic mind set we are ignoring our real issues, hooked to the past, have a miserable present and a seemingly dark future. Time to get over it and move on
There are more Muslims(legal & illegal) in India than the entire population of Pakistan. And, many of them are in the top posts. 90% of the Muslims of India did not move during partition. And, in Pakistan, pure Muslims are now killing impure Muslims every day in scores. :blah:
the subcontinental mentality of not forgiving what happened in the past and NOT learning from mistakes is devouring us. Europe has moved on after fighting two world wars while the our mentality on a collective level has never evolved. Add to that way Pakistani Generals have created an instigated a pan Islamic mind set we are ignoring our real issues, hooked to the past, have a miserable present and a seemingly dark future. Time to get over it and move on

..and here i was thinking that the last genocide in Europe was just 20 yers ago. It took place right next to the Rawandan genocide.

Please don't think of Europe as a 'beacon of harmony'. A continent that has killed 40 million people in two world wars hasn't 'moved on', its just taking a nap.

Secondly, on one side some people (you know who) would want to highlight the so called 'muder of history' on one hand but ignore the established pieces of history, telling the nation to 'move on', on the other.

While being peaceful and friendly is all good fun talk, however those nations guilty of dismembering history are doomed for a repeatition. History has to be established for it to be reconciled with, ignoring it..would have us culled like sheep once more.

Try giving your advise to the Chinese people who were ruthlessly butchered by the Japanese...tell them to move on...lets see what response you get from them.

This article helps no one, atrocities were committed on both sides, to paint one side as victim only will be a gross manipulation of facts. Yes we must not forget the people who sacrificed everything for Pakistan but we mustn't use old wounds to cause further pain to each other. The problem with so many Pakistanis, as Hassan nisar points out, that too many Pakistanis live in this nostalgic past of either unburdened glory (Mughal era, Islamic Spain etc) or a conspiracy fairy tale where everything moving is plotting against Pakistan.
No one's saying that we should forget the atrocities the point is that what happened in past should not interfere with shaping of our future. Chinese and Japanese remember it they don't let all that shape their priorities and interfere in their strive for betterment of their people. It must be one hell of a nap that has allowed them to gain that much 'quality' of living, sub continent must try it too
..........66 yrs have passed,,,,,n yet the discussion goes on.......
...n to what end:coffee:
..and here i was thinking that the last genocide in Europe was just 20 yers ago. It took place right next to the Rawandan genocide.

Please don't think of Europe as a 'beacon of harmony'. A continent that has killed 40 million people in two world wars hasn't 'moved on', its just taking a nap.

Secondly, on one side some people (you know who) would want to highlight the so called 'muder of history' on one hand but ignore the established pieces of history, telling the nation to 'move on', on the other.

While being peaceful and friendly is all good fun talk, however those nations guilty of dismembering history are doomed for a repeatition. History has to be established for it to be reconciled with, ignoring it..would have us culled like sheep once more.

Try giving your advise to the Chinese people who were ruthlessly butchered by the Japanese...tell them to move on...lets see what response you get from them.


You can show a Serbian issue out of these years, whereas on the positive side..just look at Germany & Italy how they are well integrated now with their old foes including their unification.

After all, its your choice ....whether to move on or keep hanging on the same issue.

This article helps no one, atrocities were committed on both sides, to paint one side as victim only will be a gross manipulation of facts. Yes we must not forget the people who sacrificed everything for Pakistan but we mustn't use old wounds to cause further pain to each other. The problem with so many Pakistanis, as Hassan nisar points out, that too many Pakistanis live in this nostalgic past of either unburdened glory (Mughal era, Islamic Spain etc) or a conspiracy fairy tale where everything moving is plotting against Pakistan.

@Pakistani Exile I think the Nostalgic past is used by the Right Wing in India too. Everything was fine and dandy before the invaders ruined it all. Despite the fact that a lot of Hindu rulers cooperated with the invaders. The effect is two fold. The conspiracy plots to absolve themselves of responsibility, and the pining of the good old times because it was the good old times for them.

It wasn't for Women, lower castes and other people.
Heartless remarks of members here tells that humans are born as animal, some learn humanity when they grow up some not.

I find the Human race fascinating in terms of what excuses we use to kill each other

ok.....ab kya karna hai???
tell me how mch more time is required to put it behind????

I don't think we will ever put it behind. The best that can be achieved is a tentative peace, marked with skirmishes here and there.

I am too much of a cynic to believe in Dosti or Aman Ki Asha
I don't think we will ever put it behind. The best that can be achieved is a tentative peace, marked with skirmishes here and there.
I am too much of a cynic to believe in Dosti or Aman Ki Asha
well thats the question isn't it?........keep living in the past with hatred
............forget n forgive...........n look towards the future with hope.
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