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UNGA speech: Nawaz proposes 4-point peace initiative with India

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Demilitarization of Kashmir and Siachin Glacier. All of that peace overtures.

My friend look at the ground reality in Pakistan - They feel the similar way about India as we Indians feel about Pakistan's patronage of infiltration and LoC violations.

If Modi would have talked peace and de-militarization we would have crucified him - their was a risk Pakistanis would have similar feelings towards NS. He still took the chance - However impractical and non-serious - I have to appreciate his courage if not that then his craftiness.

It is an another matter every one knows nothing will come out of it.

demilitarization is what every one wants.. except pakistan army. even people of kashmir, gov. of india, indian army people of P.O.K every one wants demilitarization...
indians will feel happy if modi asked for demilitarization.. but only after eradicating the insurgency in kashmir. even indian army wants.. they don't want to deployed in kashmir,.. but they are in kashmir because of infiltration of pakistani terrorists into kashmir.

yes.. NS is noting but a cunning man playing victim-card...he did that in 1999 and he is doing it now.
NS was fully aware of kargil operation. but he blamed pakistan army chief for the kargill mess. he would have take credit if pakistan army's operation in kargill was success.. but their army failed measurably.. NS ran to US to play victim of indian aggression.. and when US precedent Clinton(who knows what is happening in kargill) asked NS to withdraw the pakistan army from kargill.. he blamed Musharraf for kargill operation. but the fact is that NS was fully aware of the kargill operation and PA chief had full support from NS.

Not enforceable.

Not enforceable.

End of story.

yes... NS knows it well... he is trying to act as a good man in UN.
Good work. Leave the ball in Indian's court and project yourself as a nation that wants to strive for peace.

Finally our strategic advisers are doing something right.

Ball in Indian Court ?? Indian Media is MAD and Outraged why Pakistan Brought up the "K" word in UN. India has Drawn up new Red Lines under Modi Govt and Pakistan Always Crosses those, These new red lines include no mention of "K" word on any forum and no meeting with Hurryiat Leaders. Good Luck with your Peace initiative with India
Indian Media is MAD and Outraged why Pakistan Brought up the "K" word in UN
no indian media is Outraged...we expected more than this.
India has Drawn up new Red Lines under Modi Govt and Pakistan Always Crosses those, These new red lines include no mention of "K" word on any forum and no meeting with Hurryiat Leaders. Good Luck with your Peace initiative with India
UN members had no interest in pakistan's "K" word.. they are just bored of pakistan's "K" world.. that is why every country, including UN generals secretary told pakistani to solve kashmir problem within india and pakistan...
every country is saying this. they don't want to know about kashmir. they simply don't have any interest in it.. and this what india wants..

I really enjoyed the part where he said "UN Have Failed Completely In Implementing its Own Resolutions" :)

Funnily enough, I enjoyed it too.

Something tells me we weren't enjoying the exact same thing.
One question...

Why he didn't takeup Indian involvement in terrorism inside Pakistan from Afghanistan issue ? where is the f******** dossier bakwaas ? after spending heavy $$ on the trip what is the outcome ? is that really raised the questions which the entire nation want ? BIG NO!
Its a significant step down from all previous demands, quite a diplomatic play, looks like Sharif seriously wants to rewrite his legacy but I am not too optimistic for a solution in an India that is fixated with Modi's 56 inch chest. He has to play to an audience that is counting on him to deliver two things:

1. Business
2. Power Projection

And a good deal of number 2 involves disengaging with Pakistan. Although they might think its a good strategy for now, it is myopic and also will result in no results so its as good as the status quo.

Sir but was he realistic? No.

Asking both the countries to vacate Siachin Glacier when Pakistan is not present smacks of indifference to facts and arrogance.
Brace yourselves a Tit for Tat is coming on 1st of November. India will continue with its Anti Pakistan Rhetoric. Indian Media is Busy in Fueling the flames of Hype to Force a stronger Response from Indian Spokesperson
I didn't know Nawaz could talk like that. Not bad.
One question...

Why he didn't takeup Indian involvement in terrorism inside Pakistan from Afghanistan issue ? where is the f******** dossier bakwaas ? after spending heavy $$ on the trip what is the outcome ? is that really raised the questions which the entire nation want ? BIG NO!


He didn't take it up because there is nothing to take up. Not even your prime minister tries to bluff the world any longer.
Sir but was he realistic? No.

Asking both the countries to vacate Siachin Glacier when Pakistan is not present smacks of indifference to facts and arrogance.

If he is ready to guarantee a bilateral withdrawal, then I think it saves both nations 300 lives each year which is quite a sum. Secondly, if the Indo-Bangla Enclave swap is anything to go by, it shows that the Indian Government, as any other government remains a rational actor. They could have easily absorbed the Bangladeshi enclaves into their territory which was inevitably going to happen after the deal anyway but they codified it instead.
I think that's the direction that NS is coming from.
no indian media is Outraged...we expected more than this.

UN members had no interest in pakistan's "K" word.. they are just bored of pakistan's "K" world.. that is why every country, including UN generals secretary told pakistani to solve kashmir problem within india and pakistan...
every country is saying this. they don't want to know about kashmir. they simply don't have any interest in it.. and this what india wants..

Indian Fantasy world where nobody Listened to Pakistan and India will get a UNSC Seat with "VETO" Power, No body is Interested in Pakistan :cuckoo::cuckoo:. You cannot get Everything you Desire, Pakistan will NEVER be Intimidated by Indian Bullying.
are there any international news organizations reporting the story ?
If he is ready to guarantee a bilateral withdrawal, then I think it saves both nations 300 lives each year which is quite a sum. Secondly, if the Indo-Bangla Enclave swap is anything to go by, it shows that the Indian Government, as any other government remains a rational actor. They could have easily absorbed the Bangladeshi enclaves into their territory which was inevitably going to happen after the deal anyway but they codified it instead.
I think that's the direction that NS is coming from.

No leader in his/her right mind can leave such a topic to be interpreted in any way, especially at UN.

While the loss of lives are sad and undesirable but it takes two to tango.

I don't really think that Pakistan is serious to resolve this issue because it expects concessions from India while it could not handle one NSA level meeting with specific agenda on terrorism.
Pakistani leader: India, Pakistan should formalize Kashmir truce
Source: Reuters - Wed, 30 Sep 2015 19:52 GMT
Author: Reuters

By David Brunnstrom

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called on Wednesday for cooperation, not confrontation, with on-and-off foe India and said the two countries should formalize a cease-fire in disputed Kashmir.

In an address to the United Nations General Assembly, Sharif said cease-fire violations in Kashmir were intensifying, causing civilian deaths, including of women and children.

"Wisdom dictates that our immediate neighbor refrains from fomenting instability in Pakistan," he told the 193-nation assembly. "The two countries should address and resolve the causes of tension and take all possible measures to avert further escalation."

Sharif said he was proposing a new four-point peace initiative with India, starting with measures that are the simplest to implement.

"One, we propose that Pakistan and India formalize and respect the 2003 understanding for a complete cease-fire on the Line of Control in Kashmir," Sharif said, referring to the cease-fire line between India and Pakistan. He called for an expansion of the U.N. Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan to monitor the cease-fire.

The Pakistani president proposed that his country and India reaffirm that they will not resort to force under any circumstances and that steps be taken to demilitarize Kashmir.

He also called for an agreement on an unconditional mutual withdrawal of forces from Kashmir's Siachen Glacier region, the world's highest battleground, where 10,000 to 20,000 Indian and Pakistani troops have faced off against each other since 1984.

"An easing of threat perceptions through such peace efforts will make it possible for Pakistan and India to agree on a broad range of measures to address the peril posed by offensive and advanced weapons systems," Sharif said.

Planned talks between national security advisers from the two neighbors were canceled last month hours before they were due to start, dashing hopes the two might tackle the violence that many fear could one day spark a nuclear showdown.

India and Pakistan both have nuclear weapons and have fought three wars since becoming independent countries in 1947, two of them over the Himalayan region of Kashmir, which both claim in full but rule in part.

Sharif, elected in 2013, promised to improve relations with India. But since then domestic troubles have forced him to cede more control over foreign and security policy to Pakistan's more hawkish military.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a hard line with Pakistan, insisting he is unwilling to discuss other issues unless Pakistan admits its role in terror attacks in India.

In last month's canceled talks, India wanted to only discuss terrorism-related issues. Pakistan sought a wider agenda, including the status of Kashmir. (Reporting by David Brunnstrom; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)
None of the points are agreeable as it does not address the issue of terrorism. All those who have been affected over the years must be compensated for their losses and perpetrators have to be brought to justice first.
Let's start by compensating pakistani families, they are also affected by Indian sponsored terrorism. Perpetrators are sitting in Indian civil and military bureaucracy.
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