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UNGA speech: Nawaz proposes 4-point peace initiative with India

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Well to start with, let there be dialogue. Details can of course be ironed out in respect to our mutual agreements.

Talking is good, yes, but to set an agenda of any dialogue, trying to bring in any third party such as the UN would not work, given the Simla Agreement.
India turned down no talks on the Ufa format. It was Pakistan which sought to bring in an issue that was not under discussion. The Indian NSA has no remit to discuss the political question of Kashmir, that when it ever came to it, would be within the purview of the MEA. Your NSA might be many things rolled into one, ours is not.

correction the UFA declaration read talk on "all issues" which by default included Kashmir.

however, you are right that Indian NSA operates completely differently compared to Pakistan.
A component of the TTP, not the whole of the TTP. In itself, the TTP is a franchise, a brand name extended to various groups in different areas but they are quite independent in their approach and often hostile to each other. Take Hafiz Gul Bahadur for example who was a member of the TTP, had his own group in NWA and also honoured a peace accord with the PA for the longest time.

Placed under house arrest, if you insist on being particular.

I see you handling few of us simultaneously in this thread, So I guess will give you a breathing space and shall take it forward later :)
Good move by Mr.Sharif.
Now if Indians will reject the diplomatic proposal and surely they will disagree with point no.3 then Pakistan will be in a position to show world that how much she wanted peace.The more Indians will reject the better chances for Pakistan to take benefit of situation in several ways.

I would not be fair to expect any empathy on the WOT ., self created, poorly handled and half heartedly too with no independent media verification.

Two things happened after 2003 - Mumbai & Abbotabad.

Therefore your assertion carries no weight & reinforces the double timing PA has been upto.

I am not interested in empathy and neither is anyone else in Pakistan. We ask merely to not be stacked in the same section with those we have fought.
As for the second, yes there is no shortage of instances we can custom fit to construct an argument. Which is why I declared that there was no hope that this gesture will be appreciated by India. They are obsessed with 'what was' rather than 'what is'. Which does not hurt Pakistan, NS's choice of venue and tone reflect that he was playing to a wider audience and showing that the doors to compromise are open from our side.

No, but since when do legal distinction matter among the people who are out for blood and trust me on this most Indians have lost faith and only want the metaphorical blood. During my brief stay on PDF i have come to observe that feeling is returned with interest.

Bad blood between Indian and Pakistanis is a very real deal, makes for good politics and is thus likely to continue well into the future too.
I'm saying there wasn't any state patronage behind them. We are cognisant of our security shortcomings and we are dealing with them but alleging complicity is what I was talking about..

I could have believed that if there wasn't the case of Abu Jundal. The guy was arrested in KSA, India sought extradition & Pakistan did it's best to prevent that, claiming he was a Pakistani & that they had all the evidence & records to show that he was. After DNA tests & American pressure, when KSA extradited him to India, Pakistan immediately changed the tune & said he was Indian & they had nothing to do with him, his Pakistani passport not withstanding. Why the sudden change in stance? Is KSA the deciding authority on who is Pakistani? The Indian Home Minister then - Chidambaram said clearly that Pakistani actions on the Abu Jundal affair made it very clear that the state/elements of the state were involved in 26/11.

There is enough supporting evidence given by the jailed Pakistani American David Headley aka Daood Gilani. While for public posturing, it may be necessary to act as if the Pakistani state was not involved, no one in GoI believes that to be the case.
Good move by Mr.Sharif.
Now if Indians will reject the diplomatic proposal and surely they will disagree with point no.3 then Pakistan will be in a position to show world that how much she wanted peace.The more Indians will reject the better chances for Pakistan to take benefit of situation in several ways.


Doubt it will be noted or appreciated - world today has much bigger problems and the current gesture would not deserve even a footnote.
Good move by Mr.Sharif.
Now if Indians will reject the diplomatic proposal and surely they will disagree with point no.3 then Pakistan will be in a position to show world that how much she wanted peace.The more Indians will reject the better chances for Pakistan to take benefit of situation in several ways.


All India needs to do is point out the stipulations of the Simla Agreement, and it will put Pakistan in the disadvantageous position, legally..
Friends,sorry for the inconvenience but a mod has instructed me to close this thread temporarily for clean up.

Pity you feel that way, Sadly Modi is nowhere near your assumption. Forget about Modi or Indians, Try retrospecting what you are gonna do about the current situation of Pakistan. Everyone in this forum including you want someone to blame for the current state of Pakistan ( Obviously its India) . Feel really sorry for you guys.
Im not blaming one single entity. I feel sad that the sanctimonious nature is universal.
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