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UNGA speech: Nawaz proposes 4-point peace initiative with India

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We call it keeping the relations low profile to avoid unnecessary attention towards them, back channels talks with Russia goes on and on and during support, either India supports or remains absent, but does not go against.

Modi is attracting Indian diaspora towards India not USA!

My friend, I respectfully disagree - Indian stance on Russia is quite clear - Silence on Russia is equivalent to disengagement on Russia and signalling that relationship would be transactional not strategic in nature.

Russia does not need back channel talks - it needs overt support and endorsement specially in UN. It has China as the sole major power as an ally and Indian stand is going to reinforce that position.

I am not at all criticizing but just noting the current state of affairs. Personally I welcome this as Russia and India are not compatible in the long run.
Alright folks... all that chest beating is over now... good job to every one... now lets get back to our pathetic lives... Nothing is going to change on the ground...Nothing has... nothing will...
My friend, I respectfully disagree - Indian stance on Russia is quite clear - Silence on Russia is equivalent to disengagement on Russia and signalling that relationship would be transactional not strategic in nature.

Russia does not need back channel talks - it needs overt support and endorsement specially in UN. It has China as the sole major power as an ally and Indian stand is going to reinforce that position.

I am not at all criticizing but just noting the current state of affairs. Personally I welcome this as Russia and India are not compatible in the long run.

India has to show itself neutral to attract western firms to invest in India. While keeping complete tap of Indo Russian strategic affairs.

Pakistan while building the bomb diverted the attention of world towards Chinese nuclear program by supplying them HEU, which gave a successful nuclear opacity to their program.

These tactics are used in diplomacy. Currently Indo Russian ties are under diplomatic opacity.
1. We propose Pakistan and India formalise and respect 2003 understanding of a complete ceasefire in Kashsmir and LoC

Seems Ok, worth another try

2. We propose Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the threat of force under any circumstances

Why not, once again worth a try. Threats come as a sequel to activities by ' non state' actors . Pak needs to rein them in .Only then can it expect any commitment from the Indians

3. Steps must be taken to demilitarise Kashmir

Non issue . Out of syllabus as far as Pak is concerned , they need to implement 1 & @ above for India to even consider this.. They

4. Agree to mutually withdraw troops from Siachen

Sure, any time. Just sign on the dotted line, accept the ground positions and leave.

Can Pak do this ?
so what is your take on it and what is the current status of so called "dossieres" which sartaj aziz was waving and khwaja asif was so certain in sharing them with the world community in UNGA :azn:

The dossier he was waving had a GOI insignia on it :)
I anyway stopped believing what Paksitan says years back, so at this time, I dont even pay much attention to what jokers like Sartaz Aziz, Nawaz Sharif, Zardari etc say.
Its a significant step down from all previous demands, quite a diplomatic play, looks like Sharif seriously wants to rewrite his legacy but I am not too optimistic for a solution in an India that is fixated with Modi's 56 inch chest. He has to play to an audience that is counting on him to deliver two things:

1. Business
2. Power Projection

And a good deal of number 2 involves disengaging with Pakistan. Although they might think its a good strategy for now, it is myopic and also will result in no results so its as good as the status quo

Actually, for Indians it does not matter what the Pak POV is .

Pak does not want to stop its ' non state' actors , what other option does it leave India with ?
India has to show itself neutral to attract western firms to invest in India. While keeping complete tap of Indo Russian strategic affairs.

Pakistan while building the bomb diverted the attention of world towards Chinese nuclear program by supplying them HEU, which gave a successful nuclear opacity to their program.

These tactics are used in diplomacy. Currently Indo Russian ties are under diplomatic opacity.

I understand this quite well but perhaps you are not getting my point. Diplomacy is a two way street and if your arguments have merit then it works only in Indian interests not Russian ones.

As I have earlier stated India is in quite a good position diplomatically and economically - It is Russia who needs a ringing endorsement from India which India has not provided. That in itself is quite telling.
NEW YORK (Usman Shami) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said Pakistan will fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
Ok but how about starting with manifestations of the likes of Zakki u Rehman, Hafiz Zaid and the two LeT terrorists who were caught in J&K recently? He needs to sort out these 'good terrorists' too!

Addressing United Nations General Assembly session on Wednesday, he opposed extension of Security Council, saying that there is no need to increase permanent members of the UNSC.
Why? Is he mortally scared of the fact that India may be included one day?

“We need SC that is more democratic, accountable, and transparent. Not a council that is an expanded club of the powerful and privileged,” he said.
So he admits India is one of the powerful and privileged?

He stressed peace and prosperity in Afghanistan, saying that Pakistan will assist to help resume the dialogue process with the Afghan Taliban.
Hasn't he been trying this for the past several years? But it's all come to naught due to the internal contradictions within the Taliban.

He said ceasefire violations along LoC and Working Boundary are intensifying, adding that peace can only be achieved through dialogue, not disengagement
Then why did he trash the Ufa agreement for a dialogue? Isn't this a contradiction?

He further said, “We look forward to playing our part to build a brighter era of peace in South Asia. Pakistan neither wants to nor is engaged in an arms race in South Asia.”
But Pakistan has the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world?

He proposed that Pakistan and India formalize and respect the 2003 understanding for a complete ceasefire on the Line of Control in Kashmir.
Agreed! Ceasefire violations must stop. But then he needs to order his forces to stop providing covering fire to infiltrating terrorists that result in ceasefire violations.

“Consultations with Kashmiris, are essential to evolving a peaceful solution,” he said.
Three decades of so called 'consultations' with the Hurriyat and what has been achieved? Nothing, except gorging on mutton biryani at the Pakistan consulate in New Delhi! Because the Hurriyat, having zero credibility, doesn't represent the Kashmiris!

Secondly, he proposed that Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the use or the threat of use of force under any circumstances.
Will that only be on paper like the ceasefire agreement of 2003?

Thirdly, the Prime Minister proposed steps be taken to demilitarize
That's exactly what Part II of the UN Resolution says, i.e, Pakistani forces must vacate Kashmir first before a plebiscite is undertaken. It's been 67 years and counting!

The Prime Minister said Pakistan and India should agree to an unconditional mutual withdrawal from Siachen Glacier, the world’s highest battleground.
'Unconditional' so that the PA occupies it once Indian Forces withdraw? Not a chance! India had agreed to withdraw under the condition that Pakistan authenticate the AGPL. But the PA refused! No prizes for guessing why!

The Prime Minister said South Asia needs strategic stability and this requires serious dialogue to achieve nuclear restraint, conventional balance and conflict resolution.
Good point! :tup:
I understand this quite well but perhaps you are not getting my point. Diplomacy is a two way street and if your arguments have merit then it works only in Indian interests not Russian ones.

As I have earlier stated India is in quite a good position diplomatically and economically - It is Russia who needs a ringing endorsement from India which India has not provided. That in itself is quite telling.

We are buying weapons from them and still a lot more to come. We restricted ourselves to naval partnership in South China Sea only, with US and Japan, so that we don't become part of a threat to Russia. Because, our interest is in Vietnam only ;)

It is in interest of Russia, they get the message. More over, Russians would know US capability in Indian ocean ans south China sea from us :D
so what is your take on it and what is the current status of so called "dossieres" which sartaj aziz was waving and khwaja asif was so certain in sharing them with the world community in UNGA :azn:


Dossier on Indian interference in Pakistan ready, says PM
Posted by: Muhammad Saleh Zaafir | Posted: October 01, 2015 - 910 PKT | Comment

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that the dossier pertaining to Indian interference in Pakistan's affairs and fomenting terrorism on Pakistan's soil by India was ready, and that he would soon send it to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Sharif said that if he had a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the UN Headquarters, he would have handed the dossier over to him.

Addressing a news conference immediately after his address to the United Nations here at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where he is staying, he said that Pakistan is keen to have peaceful neighbourly relations with India but New Delhi has not responded with the same sentiments.

“It is the time that India should act by coming forward and desist from violating the ceasefire on LoC/ Working Boundary,” he said.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction about his meetings here at the UN headquarters and said that these would help in improving the image of the country.

Prime Minister Sharif has left for London on his way to Pakistan after five days in New York.

Earlier, a meeting was held in the camp office of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in which it was decided that Pakistan will hand over dossiers pertaining to Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistan's soil to the United Nations early next week.

Various aspects of the matter were discussed and it was decided that the dossiers would be handed over to the UN Secretary General by Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz.


Dossier on Indian interference in Pakistan ready, says PM
Posted by: Muhammad Saleh Zaafir | Posted: October 01, 2015 - 910 PKT | Comment

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that the dossier pertaining to Indian interference in Pakistan's affairs and fomenting terrorism on Pakistan's soil by India was ready, and that he would soon send it to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Sharif said that if he had a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the UN Headquarters, he would have handed the dossier over to him.

Addressing a news conference immediately after his address to the United Nations here at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where he is staying, he said that Pakistan is keen to have peaceful neighbourly relations with India but New Delhi has not responded with the same sentiments.

“It is the time that India should act by coming forward and desist from violating the ceasefire on LoC/ Working Boundary,” he said.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction about his meetings here at the UN headquarters and said that these would help in improving the image of the country.

Prime Minister Sharif has left for London on his way to Pakistan after five days in New York.

Earlier, a meeting was held in the camp office of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in which it was decided that Pakistan will hand over dossiers pertaining to Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistan's soil to the United Nations early next week.

Various aspects of the matter were discussed and it was decided that the dossiers would be handed over to the UN Secretary General by Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz.

The dossier will be empty till the second last page, and then in the last page, India bashing on Kashmir issuer :P

Dossier on Indian interference in Pakistan ready, says PM
Posted by: Muhammad Saleh Zaafir | Posted: October 01, 2015 - 910 PKT | Comment

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that the dossier pertaining to Indian interference in Pakistan's affairs and fomenting terrorism on Pakistan's soil by India was ready, and that he would soon send it to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Sharif said that if he had a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the UN Headquarters, he would have handed the dossier over to him.

Addressing a news conference immediately after his address to the United Nations here at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where he is staying, he said that Pakistan is keen to have peaceful neighbourly relations with India but New Delhi has not responded with the same sentiments.

“It is the time that India should act by coming forward and desist from violating the ceasefire on LoC/ Working Boundary,” he said.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction about his meetings here at the UN headquarters and said that these would help in improving the image of the country.

Prime Minister Sharif has left for London on his way to Pakistan after five days in New York.

Earlier, a meeting was held in the camp office of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in which it was decided that Pakistan will hand over dossiers pertaining to Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistan's soil to the United Nations early next week.

Various aspects of the matter were discussed and it was decided that the dossiers would be handed over to the UN Secretary General by Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz.
well thats silly to say the least last i heard some very pure Urdu speaking pakistani diplomat some mr khan and there defnce minister khwaja asif and there NSA sartaj aziz were saying that a copy of the same will be circulated to every member nation of UNGA meet prior to his (Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif) adress what happenned... what stopped pakistani establishment in doing the same :azn:

and since they project that india is the main culprit then according to logic the proofs are shown to the judge not the culprit as he will always denay it :crazy:

i still dont get it what stopped pakistani establishment in sharing the proofs with one and all (member nations and world media) arent they making there own case weeker what is the logik behind this :hitwall:
well thats silly to say the least last i heard some very pure Urdu speaking pakistani diplomat some mr khan and there defnce minister khwaja asif and there NSA sartaj aziz were saying that a copy of the same will be circulated to every member nation of UNGA meet prior to his (Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif) adress what happenned... what stopped pakistani establishment in doing the same :azn:

and since they project that india is the main culprit then according to logic the proofs are shown to the judge not the culprit as he will always denay it :crazy:

i still dont get it what stopped pakistani establishment in sharing the proofs with one and all (member nations and world media) arent they making there own case weeker what is the logik behind this :hitwall:

Unfortunately, it's still not fully ready (wonder what Sartaj Aziz was waving about in his press conference - the one with the Ashoka Chakra...). It would have been ready if Nawaz Sharif had met Modi but since he did not, it is still .... NS did meet Ban Ki-Moon but the timing was not correct, all the planets not aligned, you see.....So next week....;)
Unfortunately, it's still not fully ready (wonder what Sartaj Aziz was waving about in his press conference - the one with the Ashoka Chakra...). It would have been ready if Nawaz Sharif had met Modi but since he did not, it is still .... NS did meet Ban Ki-Moon but the timing was not correct, all the planets not aligned, you see.....So next week....;)
Namo & NS are trolling whole south asia together :pissed:

Dossier on Indian interference in Pakistan ready, says PM
Posted by: Muhammad Saleh Zaafir | Posted: October 01, 2015 - 910 PKT | Comment

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that the dossier pertaining to Indian interference in Pakistan's affairs and fomenting terrorism on Pakistan's soil by India was ready, and that he would soon send it to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Sharif said that if he had a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the UN Headquarters, he would have handed the dossier over to him.

Addressing a news conference immediately after his address to the United Nations here at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where he is staying, he said that Pakistan is keen to have peaceful neighbourly relations with India but New Delhi has not responded with the same sentiments.

“It is the time that India should act by coming forward and desist from violating the ceasefire on LoC/ Working Boundary,” he said.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction about his meetings here at the UN headquarters and said that these would help in improving the image of the country.

Prime Minister Sharif has left for London on his way to Pakistan after five days in New York.

Earlier, a meeting was held in the camp office of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in which it was decided that Pakistan will hand over dossiers pertaining to Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistan's soil to the United Nations early next week.

Various aspects of the matter were discussed and it was decided that the dossiers would be handed over to the UN Secretary General by Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz.

Proofs of Indian interference to be handed over to UN chief: PM

so dossier would be given to


@GURU DUTT @karan.1970 @Bang Galore
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