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UN Security council okays Syrian Resolution

Maybe. It might be like Sudan and South Sudan, where one gets the oil, and the other gets the pipeline. So they have to work together to sell oil.

Just a theory, I don't know which regions Syria's oil or pipelines would fall into, or which side would control them.

Hardly , in Sudan it was Sudanese who fought each other , in Syria its rejects of 49 nine other nation who are fighting Syrians.

Maybe. It might be like Sudan and South Sudan, where one gets the oil, and the other gets the pipeline. So they have to work together to sell oil.

Just a theory, I don't know which regions Syria's oil or pipelines would fall into, or which side would control them.

Hardly , in Sudan it was Sudanese who fought each other , in Syria its rejects of 49 nine other nation who are fighting Syrians.
In this game China has come out the worst while Russia has regained its stature.

Ample proof that Economic power does not equate to Military power or political influence.

Like India, China is actually an insular, inward looking nation. And like India, its actions are ultimately defensive. It can never be a major world player. At the most, its influence, like India's, will extend to its periphery.

China will face decline both economically and politically in coming years as Russia ascends.

What the hell why would china face a decline becauz of Russia's rise to it's superpower stature again
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