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UN: Palestinian rocket, not Israeli strike, killed baby during Gaza war


Jun 10, 2011
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An errant Palestinian rocket, not an Israeli airstrike, likely killed the baby of a BBC reporter during fighting in the Hamas-ruled territory last November, a UN report indicated, challenging the widely believed story behind an image that became a symbol of what Palestinians said was Israeli aggression.

Omar al-Masharawi, an 11-month-old infant, was killed on Nov. 14, the first day of fighting. An Associated Press photograph showed Omar's anguished father, Jihad al-Masharawi, clutching his slain child wrapped in a shroud. Palestinians blamed Israel, and the image was broadcast around the world and widely shared on social media.

Now a report from the UN office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights says the baby was "killed by what appeared to be a Palestinian rocket that fell short of Israel."

Gaza's rulers, the militant Islamic group Hamas, whose fighters fired most of the rockets into Israel during the conflict, had no response Monday.

BBC officials had no immediate comment, and Jihad al-Masharawi said he couldn't discuss the issue. An Israeli military spokesman said they could not confirm or deny whether they hit the al-Masharawi house.

Matthias Behnke, head of OHCHR office for the Palestinian territories, cautioned he couldn't "unequivocally conclude" that the death was caused by an errantly fired Palestinian rocket. He said information gathered from eyewitnesses led them to report that "it appeared to be attributable to a Palestinian rocket."

He said Palestinian militants were firing rockets at Israel not far from the al-Masharawi home. Behnke said the area was targeted by Israeli airstrikes, but the salvo that hit the al-Masharawi home was "markedly different."

He said there was no significant damage to the house, unusual for an Israeli strike. He said witnesses reported that a fireball struck the roof of the house, suggesting it was a part of a homemade rocket. Behnke said the type of injuries sustained by al-Masharawi family members were consistent with rocket shrapnel.

The Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights said it still held Israel responsible for Omar's death.

The PCHR has condemned Hamas fighters and other militants in the past for errantly-fired rockets that have killed Palestinians, including during the November clash.

A researcher said the group interviewed family members, neighbors and security officials before they concluded that an Israeli strike killed the baby. She requested anonymity because she wasn't authorized to speak to reporters.

The baby was killed hours following the eruption of fighting after Israel killed a top Hamas militant leader in an airstrike, in response to incessant rocket fire by Palestinian militants in Gaza.

Israel carried out hundreds of airstrikes, saying it targeted militant centers and fighters in Gaza. Palestinian militants indiscriminately fired hundreds of rockets and mortar shells toward Israel.

During the 8-day conflict, about 160 Palestinians and six Israelis were killed.
The UN report did not name the al-Masharawi family in its one-sentence statement about the incident. Behnke, the UN official, said the report referred to the incident.

The report discussed the incident in the context of Palestinian militants disregarding civilians, both by firing rockets from crowded Palestinian areas and by aiming them indiscriminately into Israel.

In the same report, the authors also criticized Israel for appearing to disregard civilians while pursuing militants and military targets, and for targeting civilian sites, like hospitals, bridges and media offices.

*He must have choked on those words.

UN: Palestinian rocket, not Israeli strike, killed baby during Gaza war - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
I can still remember that vivid picture, it was plastered all over the Arab and far-left media:

Qasaam rockets are not accurate or even reliable .
Let's see another report on this matter. It appears that, at the time of the strike, the IDF admitted it was they who fired the missile.

The Israeli military says it never denied carrying out the strike because it was not clear what had happened.

The UN says 33 other Palestinian children died in Israeli attacks during the conflict.

It happened only an hour after Israel launched its operation with the killing of Hamas's military commander.

The family, and human rights groups, said that the house was hit in an Israeli attack.

The Israeli military made no comment at the time of the incident but never denied carrying out the strike.

Privately, military officials briefed journalists that they had been targeting a militant who was in the building.

Now, though, the United Nations says the house may have been hit by a Palestinian rocket that fell short.

This is despite the fact that the Israeli military had reported no rockets being fired out of Gaza so soon after the start of the conflict.

UN officials visited the house four weeks after the strike.

They said they did not carry out a forensic investigation, but said their team did not think the damage was consistent with an Israeli air strike.

However, the UN said it could not "unequivocally conclude" it was a misfired Palestinian rocket.

A UN official said it was also possible the house was hit by a secondary explosion after an Israeli air strike on Palestinian weapons stores.

Jehad Mashhrawi [the father] dismissed the UN findings as "rubbish".

He said nobody from the United Nations had spoken to him, and said Palestinian militant groups would usually apologise to the family if they had been responsible.

Sorry, but it still seems it was the IDF that fired the rocket, specially since it admitted to journalists at the time of the conflict that it did so. The UN investigation was ill-done, and the institution itself admits that it has reached no firm conclusions. The one thing this story proves so far, is that Zionists who accuse the UN of anti-Israel bias are full of bullshit. They eagerly quote from its reports when they can spin something in Israel's favor, as PTeX showed above.
Let's see another report on this matter. It appears that, at the time of the strike, the IDF admitted it was they who fired the missile.

Sorry, but it still seems it was the IDF that fired the rocket, specially since it admitted to journalists at the time of the conflict that it did so. The UN investigation was ill-done, and the institution itself admits that it has reached no firm conclusions. The one thing this story proves so far, is that Zionists who accuse the UN of anti-Israel bias are full of bullshit. They eagerly quote from its reports when they can spin something in Israel's favor, as PTeX showed above.

Who to trust? This is a hard one..

Even if I were to trust the UN on this event, it drowns in comparison for what the UN has written about Israel actually killing babies.
Who to trust? This is a hard one..

The IDF is always so eager to whitewash their crimes. If it was really a Gazan rocket that did that, the IDF would be jumping on the opportunity to lash back against the "anti-Israel" leanings of the press. But even now the IDF is refusing to either confirm or deny that it carried out the strike. It was them. Otherwise, why did the IDF assume responsibility for the strike when it briefed journalists about the tragedy? Out of altruism and in order to not embarass Hamas?:omghaha:

Even if I were to trust the UN on this event, it drowns in comparison for what the UN has written about Israel actually killing babies.

Exactly. The UN report that the Zionists are celebrating above, still blames the IDF for the deaths of over 100 civilians. That is, 60-70% of Israel's victims in the November war were civilians (and a third of these were kids). Why don't they make threads about that? Why ignore much larger-scale tragedies?
the UN report don't says it was a Palestinian rocket that killed that family of BBC reporter it say they can't determine what it was and it may have been a Palestinian rocket .but it also could have been a Israeli missile for example a hellfire wont made a damage to much different from an artillery rocket
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