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UN: Israel is attacking 'sleeping children'

Your attempts to declare Israeli civilians as combatants are merely an expression of your prejudices that are simply unsupportable by law.

A military trained combatant with a gun is not a civilian by any law. :lol:
It is nutty and erroneous declarations like these that continue to reinforce the stereotype of crazy jihadis, to the detriment of all of the rest true Muslims.

How does your statement legally exonerate IDF trained combatants? It doesn't.

Note: You have failed to find even a single shred of legal evidence to answer my question. Don't sink any lower by trying to insult me.
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How does your statement legally exonerate IDF trained combatants? It doesn't.

Note: You have failed to find even a single shred of legal evidence to answer my question. Don't sink any lower by trying to insult me.

Civil Defense training, according to the needs of each country, does not make civilians undergoing it anything other than civilians. The burden of proving them otherwise is not mine to bear.
Civil Defense training, according to the needs of each country, does not make civilians undergoing it anything other than civilians. The burden of proving them otherwise is not mine to bear.

Perhaps you are confusing Civil defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with Militia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I encourage you to read up and learn the difference between the two. If you hold a view on a matter, then i expect you to know enough to justify your view. You can try to insult me instead of discussing with me, but you will only lose respect (which you have).
Perhaps you are confusing Civil defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with Militia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I encourage you to read up and learn the difference between the two. If you hold a view on a matter, then i expect you to know enough to justify your view. You can try to insult me instead of discussing with me, but you will only lose respect (which you have).

If here is any confusion here, it is all on your side Sir, and it is deviously intentional. Hamas is the militia, and Israeli civilians are civilians, just like Palestinian civilians. I do not care for whether you respect me or not, for respect comes only from saying the truth, which I do.
If here is any confusion here, it is all on your side Sir, and it is deviously intentional. Hamas is the militia, and Israeli civilians are civilians, just like Palestinian civilians. I do not care for whether you respect me or not, for respect comes only from saying the truth, which I do.

Go and read up both pages i linked. You have alot of reading to do. :lol:
A cold blooded military calculation by Hamas for extracting maximum propaganda value traded for the blood of innocents , no doubt,

What does a chart from a EU human rights group have anything to do with Hamas? Are you serious, you're starting to come off as a rabid lowlife. I originally thought I could reason with you.

@DesertFox @DESERT FIGHTER @Pakistanisage @qamar1990

Is there something I don't know about this guy? I bet he's a self hating Pakistani/Muslim?
What does a chart from a EU human rights group have anything to do with Hamas? Are you serious, you're starting to come off as a rabid lowlife. I originally thought I could reason with you.

@DesertFox @DESERT FIGHTER @Pakistanisage @qamar1990

Is there something I don't know about this guy? I bet he's a self hating Pakistani/Muslim?

He is an Israeli who also knows Urdu.

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