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UN: Israel is attacking 'sleeping children'

Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?

Do you support what Hamas is doing now?
So you're going to avoid the question...sigh...

So are you.

Both sides have a right, and indeed duty, to fight as best as they using all their abilities. Can we agree on that?
Actually, special forces and spies conducting covert operations are not regarded as military personnel and therefore not accorded the protections of the Geneva Convention.

Using your logic, spies and special forces are clearly non-military combatants (I disagree, Special Forces are military) and Geneva Convention is also unwilling to give them protections (due to their dirty tactics). So using your logic, that puts the Israelis (Reserve Military Combatant Force) in the zone in which they are combatants but don't have to be taken as POWs if they offer surrender. So since they are combatants who don't have to be taken as POWs, are the Palestinians right in taking them as POWs or should they just target these combatants and not take any prisoners?
So are you.

Both sides have a right, and indeed duty, to fight as best as they using all their abilities. Can we agree on that?

No I'm not. I proposed a question to you. You deflected. I'm not required to answer anything. And don't think that I fear you or anyone else or consider it unjust to support Hamas's retaliation. Many billions support them.

However, we were having a debate which you kept going all over the place during. My question had complete relevance to your statements.

So once again, I'm waiting for an answer whenever you can:


Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?

Using your logic, spies and special forces are clearly non-military combatants (I disagree, Special Forces are military) and Geneva Convention is also unwilling to give them protections (due to their dirty tactics). So using your logic, that puts the Israelis (Reserve Military Combatant Force) in the zone in which they are combatants but don't have to be taken as POWs if they offer surrender. So since they are combatants who don't have to be taken as POWs, are the Palestinians right in taking them as POWs or should they just target these combatants and not take any prisoners?

Do you notice how he is avoiding my question, because that is what Israel has been and is going during this offensive against the Palestinians.

So I wonder if he would accept that policy against Israelis.
Do you notice how he is avoiding my question, because that is what Israel has been and is going during this offensive against the Palestinians.

So I wonder if he would accept that policy against Israelis.

Well at least, he is debating with logic not trolling. I can respect that, unlike the other Israelis here who just troll Israeli propaganda all day rather than debate.
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Well at least, he is debating with logic not trolling. I can respect that, unlike the other Israelis here who just troll Israeli propaganda all day rather than debate.

I appreciate that too, but would like to carry on starting by him answering my question which is relevant.
I appreciate that too, but would like to carry on starting by him answering my question which is relevant.

If he isn't answering it, it means he doesn't want to answer it. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
If he isn't answering it, it means he doesn't want to answer it. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

The point is, the majority of civilian casualties have come as a result of that policy. So it answers his question, if he's wondering why so many civilians have been killed. Rather than exonerate Israel from blame by citing empty unsupported slogans.
Using your logic, spies and special forces are clearly non-military combatants (I disagree, Special Forces are military) and Geneva Convention is also unwilling to give them protections (due to their dirty tactics). So using your logic, that puts the Israelis (Reserve Military Combatant Force) in the zone in which they are combatants but don't have to be taken as POWs if they offer surrender. So since they are combatants who don't have to be taken as POWs, are the Palestinians right in taking them as POWs or should they just target these combatants and not take any prisoners?

He is correct regarding Uniforms. Only uniformed soldiers are accorded protection under Geneva conventions. Spies and Special forces ( when out of uniform ) are not protected under Geneva convention.

And you are wrong about Reservist but right about Palestinians. Reservists are accorded protection under Geneva convention because the wear uniform while discharging their duty.

However, Hamas is not obligated to treat captured Israeli soldier as POW because HAMAS is not a signatory of Geneva convention, but on the downside, Israel is also not obligated to treat HAMAS terrorist as POW's; they could line them and shoot.
He is correct regarding Uniforms. Only uniformed soldiers are accorded protection under Geneva conventions. Spies and Special forces ( when out of uniform ) are not protected under Geneva convention.

And you are wrong about Reservist but right about Palestinians. Reservists are accorded protection under Geneva convention because the wear uniform while discharging their duty.

However, Hamas is not obligated to treat captured Israeli soldier as POW because HAMAS is not a signatory of Geneva convention, but on the downside, Israel is also not obligated to treat HAMAS terrorist as POW's; they could line them and shoot.

So then according to you, the Israeli populous are military personnel because they are reserve soldiers who are military trained combatants who are reserved for all out war. So then should Israel claim civilian casualties when these military personnel are targeted?
So then according to you, the Israeli populous are military personnel because they are reserve soldiers who are military trained combatants who are reserved for all out war. So then should Israel claim civilian casualties when these military personnel are targeted?

Not according to me but according to third Geneva convention.Don't project your inability to understand International treaties onto others.

And Soldiers, whether those on Permanent commission or Reservist, when out of uniform are treated as civilians unless they indulge in acts of war ( Spying,or even holding a weapon howsoever innocuous in hostile territory, or even their presence in hostile territory whether armed or unarmed ) in which case they are considered as unlawful combatants and are covered under Fourth Geneva convention, which leaves their treatment to their captors discretion.
Not according to me but according to third Geneva convention.Don't project your inability to understand International treaties onto others.

And Soldiers, whether those on Permanent commission or Reservist, when out of uniform are treated as civilians unless they indulge in acts of war ( Spying,or even holding a weapon howsoever innocuous in hostile territory, or even their presence in hostile territory whether armed or unarmed ) in which case they are considered as unlawful combatants and are covered under Fourth Geneva convention, which leaves their treatment to their captors discretion.

So you believe Israeli soldiers who don't wear uniforms can't be targeted?
Not according to me but according to third Geneva convention.Don't project your inability to understand International treaties onto others.

And Soldiers, whether those on Permanent commission or Reservist, when out of uniform are treated as civilians unless they indulge in acts of war ( Spying,or even holding a weapon howsoever innocuous in hostile territory, or even their presence in hostile territory whether armed or unarmed ) in which case they are considered as unlawful combatants and are covered under Fourth Geneva convention, which leaves their treatment to their captors discretion.

Using your logic, Israelis would be categorized as unlawful combatants who maintain presence in hostile territory (Occupied Palestine - They never bought the land from Palestinian owners) and since Israelis keep their service rifles with them, that counts as holding a weapon which also makes them a combatant, and enforcing the occupation with their physical presence in Israel constitues an indulgement in acts of war. So keeping that in mind, should Israel claim civilian casualties for it's populous of trained military personnel (ready for deployment at a moment's notice) who are also unlawful combatants, when they are targeted?
So you believe Israeli soldiers who don't wear uniforms can't be targeted?

Again this is not my belief ( google Geneva convention + unlawful combatants ).

And Israeli soldiers, who do not wear uniform could be targeted ( what is with reading comprehension of hamas supporters ).

1. An Israeli soldier in civilian clothes in Israel is treated as a civilian unless he is indulged in an activity defined as act of war ( a long list ) for example, an Israeli soldier in cryptography department is not counted as civilian.

2.An non uniformed Israeli soldier in Gaza is considered an illegal combatant and could not only be targeted ,but also would not be provided any protection accorded to POWs, if captured, even if HAMAS is signatory of Geneva convention which HAMAS is not.

3.An uniformed Israeli soldier is not protected under Geneva convention as HAMAS is not a signatory but Israel is also not bound to treat HAMAS combatants as POWs.
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