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UN: Israel is attacking 'sleeping children'

Again this is not my belief ( google Geneva convention + unlawful combatants ).

And Israeli soldiers, who do not wear uniform could be targeted ( what is with reading comprehension of hamas supporters ).


Why are you calling everyone here a 'Hamas supporter' and as if there is anything wrong with that? 90% of the people in this world support the Palestinians and oppose Israel.

As for laws, we know this better than you. I was wondering where you're taking your argument though.
Using your logic, Israelis would be categorized as unlawful combatants who maintain presence in hostile territory (Occupied Palestine - They never bought the land from Palestinian owners) and since Israelis keep their service rifles with them, that counts as holding a weapon which also makes them a combatant, and enforcing the occupation with their physical presence in Israel constitues an indulgement in acts of war. So keeping that in mind, should Israel claim civilian casualties for it's populous of trained military personnel (ready for deployment at a moment's notice) who are also unlawful combatants, when they are targeted?

It is not my logic.

1. Only in settlements ( but there are no Israeli settlements in GAZA )

2. Level of Training does not matter ( a military contractor like Blackwater is an unlawful combatant even if he is not in military ) . Reservist become unlawful combatant iff they enter GAZA without wearing a uniform. They are treated as civilians under International law while being in Israel.
It is not my logic.

1. Only in settlements ( but there are no Israeli settlements in GAZA )

2. Level of Training does not matter ( a military contractor like Blackwater is an unlawful combatant even if he is not in military ) . Reservist become unlawful combatant iff they enter GAZA without wearing a uniform. They are treated as civilians under International law while being in Israel.

Blackwater mercenaries are combatants. You twist international law to suit you.
Blackwater mercenaries are unlawful combatants. You are not treaty bound to treat them as POW's.

Blackwater mercenaries do not fit the conditions of unlawful combatants. They don't have protection from international law. You need to read into international law, and this time take your time.

They don't even fit the definition of a 'mercenary'.
It is not my logic.

1. Only in settlements ( but there are no Israeli settlements in GAZA )

2. Level of Training does not matter ( a military contractor like Blackwater is an unlawful combatant even if he is not in military ) . Reservist become unlawful combatant iff they enter GAZA without wearing a uniform. They are treated as civilians under International law while being in Israel.

1. So you have inferred that any Israeli in the settlements is an unlawful combatant (legitimate target in war)? What about Israel as a whole which is a collection of settlements (they never paid the palestinians for the land) dating back to 1948? So you are also inferring that all military trained Israelis are unlawful combatants (legitimate target in war) because of the geography they occupy?

2. So if the Israeli populous is a reserve force which becomes unlawful combantants in Gaza, that makes them lawful combatants in Israel? So you are inferring that the military trained Israeli populous are lawful combatants in Israel (legitimate target in war)?

Make up your mind, are military trained Israeli populous lawful combatants or unlawful combatants?
Blackwater mercenaries do not fit the conditions of unlawful combatants. They don't have protection from international law. You need to read into international law, and this time take your time.

They don't even fit the definition of a 'mercenary'.

Under International law, population is divided into three categories: Lawful combatants, Unlawful combatants, and Civilians.

Since you refuse to use google

The services and expertise offered by PMCs are typically similar to those of governmental security, military or police forces, most often on a smaller scale. While PMCs often provide services to train or supplement official armed forces in service of governments, they can also be employed by private companies to provide bodyguards for key staff or protection of company premises, especially in hostile territories. However, contractors who use offensive force in a war zone could be considered unlawful combatants, in reference to a concept outlined in the Shaan Tehal Conventions and explicitly specified by the 2006 American Military Commissions Act

Private military company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unlawful combatant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



1. So you have inferred that any Israeli in the settlements is an unlawful combatant (legitimate target in war)?

Only if they carry weapons.

What about Israel as a whole which is a collection of settlements (they never paid the palestinians for the land) dating back to 1948? So you are also inferring that all military trained Israelis are unlawful combatants (legitimate target in war) because of the geography they occupy?

Israel is a legitimate country recognised by UN. It is not bound to pay anything ti Palestinians like India is not bound to pay anything for Muhajir's property and Pakistan is not bound to pay anything for property of displaced Indians.

2. So if the Israeli populous is a reserve force which becomes unlawful combantants in Gaza, that makes them lawful combatants in Israel? So you are inferring that the military trained Israeli populous are lawful combatants in Israel (legitimate target in war)?

Make up your mind, are military trained Israeli populous lawful combatants or unlawful combatants?

My definitions ,which are derived from international law, are crystal clear. It is your Islam inspired failure at reading comprehension which makes you repeat same baloney again and again.

Since you are incapable of understanding nuanced arguments, let me reduce this to binary one.

A Plainclothed reservist in Gaza is an illegal combatant; A Plainclothed reservist in Israel is a civilian.
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Under International law, population is divided into three categories: Lawful combatants, Unlawful combatants, and Civilians.

Blackwater mercenaries such as those in Iraq are legitimate targets. You don't even read your own links.
Blackwater mercenaries such as those in Iraq are legitimate targets. You don't even read your own links.

Unlawful combatants are legitimate targets.

Are you arguing for the sake of Arguing?
Unlawful combatants are legitimate targets.

Are you arguing for the sake of Arguing?

Blackwater mercenaries are NOT unlawful combatants. They are legitimate targets.


The status of members of PMCs in international armed conflict under IHL
The experts discussed the status of members of PMCs under IHL where they are employed in
an international armed conflict (IAC). The experts concluded that a PMC could be said to
constitute the armed forces of the State within the meaning of
Article 43 of AP I where it was placed under a “command responsible” to the State and the conditions of Article 43(1) aresatisfied. (§ B1a)) The members of the PMC will only be combatants where the PMCconstitutes the armed forces of the State or an allied militia under Article 4A(2) of GC

Blackwater mercenaries are NOT unlawful combatants. They are legitimate targets.

So you want to say that they are lawful combatants?

For the later additions @Hazzy997 , they define situations in which a PMC is lawful combatant.

If a PMC works under military command, wears uniformed and insignia, that PMC would be treated as Lawful combatant as any reservist or Paramilitary personal would be treated as a Lawful combatant. If a PMC does not wear uniform and insignia, then that PMC is treated as unlawful combatant.

Any combatant is either Lawful or Unlawful. There is no third category.

Both Lawful and Unlawful combatants are legitimate targets.
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Israel is a legitimate country recognised by UN. It is not bound to pay anything ti Palestinians like India is not bound to pay anything for Muhajir's property and Pakistan is not bound to pay anything for property of displaced Indians.

My definitions ,which are derived from international law, are crystal clear. It is your Islam inspired failure at reading comprehension which makes you repeat same baloney again and again.

Since you are incapable of understanding nuanced arguments, let me reduce this to binary one.

A Plainclothed reservist in Gaza is an illegal combatant; A Plainclothed reservist in Israel is a civilian.

Funny how your hatred for Islam comes out as a partner to your Israeli sycophancy when you don't know how to respond, you try to insult me. :lol:

Anyway, You have clearly not read international law. Under international law, "A civilian is a person who is not a member of his or her country's armed forces or militias." If the military (IDF) trained Israeli populous keeps their service rifles with them and are on perpetual standby for deployment incase of all out war (as members of the IDF), under your very own invokation of International law, that makes them combatants. So should Israel be prosecuted under International law for claiming civilian casualties for military combatants?
So you want to say that they are lawful combatants?

The legal definition is pointless since international isn't meant to address modern day issue of private contractors/mercenaries. What I'm implying is that they don't have the status of a civilian. They are legitimate targets. This a good read for those confused about the status debacle:


He is right, international world doesn't agree upon regulation of private companies.

It is your Islam inspired failure at reading comprehension which makes you repeat same baloney again and again.

Was that necessary?
Funny how your hatred for Islam comes out as a partner to your Israeli sycophancy when you don't know how to respond, you try to insult me. :lol:

Anyway, You have clearly not read international law. Under international law, "A civilian is a person who is not a member of his or her country's armed forces or militias." If the military (IDF) trained Israeli populous keeps their service rifles with them and are on perpetual standby for deployment incase of all out war (as members of the IDF), under your very own invokation of International law, that makes them combatants. So should Israel be prosecuted under International law for claiming civilian casualties for military combatants?

Even in case of war,only selected reservist are treated as members of Armed forces, rest are treated as civilians. If and only if Israel has ordered general mobilization, it could not claim death of a reservist as a civilian casualty.

And a reservist could keep his rifle as long as he is in Israel. He become an illegal combatant if he crosses into Gaza without wearing Uniform.

Was that necessary?


He refused to understand even after being explained repeatedly.
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