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UN, Indian Officials Agree India Worse Than Pakistan, Bangladesh in Food, Hygiene

India Worse Than Pakistan, Bangladesh in Food, Hygiene

When half a billion indians lack toilets have to defecate in public the feces gets mixed in with the water supply and this has caused this the severe hygiene problem in india.

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It's hard to check the veracity of specific allegations of corruption in an opaque system. But there's no doubt that Pakistan has very substantial underground economy estimated by some to be as much as 50% or more of the official GDP.

You can see too many people in Pakistan living way beyond their official means on paper.

According to a study published by Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan's underground economy has increased enormously from Rs. 12 billion in 1974 to Rs. 1085 billion in 2002.

Book Review:

Thank you for your considered reply.

I still find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that the corruption in Pakistan for only One Year which in this case is 2008-2009, as stated in the article, is about Half of Pakistan's GDP in size.

Although Pakistan has a substantial or even humungous "Underground" Economy it would be wrong to co-relate this Humungous Corruption with the Underground Economy as the Corruption in question is from the Funds with the Pakistani Government or Pakistani Public Sector Undertakings or Quasi, Semi or other forms of Pakistani Government Enterprises - Commercial or Governmental.

Should you at a later date be able to dig out more information, whether it be that the Article is correct or “Outlandish”, do share your findings with us.
Mr RiazHaq,

I do not know why your activities are solely limited to India-Pakistan comparisons and that too of a kind that equates or says that Pakistan is better than India in some important indicators of human development. On some issues you make decent points, but one will always put a question mark on your intentions because of the nature of your musings. I think that you may be going overboard in saying India is worse off than Pakistan.

When the world hints at Pakistan being a failed nation-state it has some basis and some propaganda to it however soon Pakistan may come out of this situation. When one talks of a failed state one sees the growth opportunities as well as the dangers facing the nation-state. You cannot deny that on this count Pakistan at the moment does not compare with India. Your country may well have indicators better than India, but we will shrug and tell the world 'Come and see us after 10 years, the situation will be radically improved'. This is because of the growth we are experiencing.

Had Pakistan had the same situation as you say India has but was growing between 5 - 8 % then no one in his or her right mind would talk of Pakistan in negative terms. Remember that a decade back Pakistan was not even thought of as a failed state. In fact she was a 'tiger economy'. Conversely even if India has poorer statistics no one says too many negative things against us, rather we are looked upon as a future power or at least a regional/Asian heavyweight. As of today Pakistan and India are not held in the same league. For all your musings and painstaking efforts that you put to place facts across, you seem to miss this one basic point.

I do not mean to belittle Pakistan by any stretch of the imagination but i would be happy if you spend a moment contemplating this point. I believe that in a few years time when Pakistan will be better off you will have no need to compare Pakistan and India.
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Well, they have 5 times more people so it's harder for them.

We have idiots in office so it's double harder for us.

and stupid ppl who keep selecting these ppl in office.:hitwall:
Mr RiazHaq,
When the world hints at Pakistan being a failed nation-state it has some basis and some propaganda to it however soon Pakistan may come out of this situation. When one talks of a failed state one sees the growth opportunities as well as the dangers facing the nation-state. You cannot deny that on this count Pakistan at the moment does not compare with India. Your country may well have indicators better than India, but we will shrug and tell the world 'Come and see us after 10 years, the situation will be radically improved'. This is because of the growth we are experiencing.

Had Pakistan had the same situation as you say India has but was growing between 5 - 8 % then no one in his or her right mind would talk of Pakistan in negative terms. Remember that a decade back Pakistan was not even thought of as a failed state. In fact she was a 'tiger economy'. Conversely even if India has poorer statistics no one says too many negative things against us, rather we are looked upon as a future power or at least a regional/Asian heavyweight. As of today Pakistan and India are not held in the same league. For all your musings and painstaking efforts that you put to place facts across, you seem to miss this one basic point.

First, it's not true that the "world hints at Pakistan being a failed nation-state". It's one particular survey that bases its findings on media coverage by its own admission. It's hardly objective.

I have done a detailed post on this subject in terms of the different states' ability to provide basic services to its people and control its territory. You can take a look at this link:

Haq's Musings: Are India and Pakistan Failed States?

On economic growth, Pakistan's economy has grown at 6-8% a year for most the lat decade, and stalled only recently.

Haq's Musings: India and Pakistan Contrasted in 2010

The media coverage about BRIC, particularly hype about India, lacks real substance.

Haq's Musings: BRIC, Chindia and the Indian Miracle
Before I begin with my reply , rather short .... I'd like to take a shot at most Indians who reply Mr. Riaz .

Most debaters here prove their point in favour of Indian perspective but fall prey to his love of arguing in 'CYCLE' . One needs to STOP and watch the frustration and monotony in replies of the opponent enjoying them at the same time .
Besides , we must be aware that Pak has registered better figures decades after decades ( West Pak pre - 71 ) vis-a-vis Ind in nutrition , poverty and sanitation markers . Hence , It becomes imperative for Pakistanis like Mr. Riaz hell bent on proving the creation of Pak has led to a better fututre for its subjects by Indiacating markers where Indian performance has been poor . We Indians must accept the incompetency of the governance in our land and the need for glorification of formation of Pak which results in 'Intellectuals' of the caliber of Mr. Riaz to propagate their views . :rolleyes:
Besides , fellow Indians just need to go back to the table and work hard to ensure we contribute to the economic growth in our own right . When Sun rises the whole world is bound to reckon it . Simple.
Now my reply , Sir
You have any idea regarding the contrast in adminisration of Punjab , Sind ( consisiting bulk of present day Pak's population ) with respect to Bengal and other erstwhile provinces which lie in present day India during Raj . Much of the better indicators in nutrition , health and sanitation in present day Pak are a legacy of British Raj , just like widespread desperation in India . Besides , liberal policies followed during Ayub era ensuring a healthy growth rate which was in a sharp contrast vis-a-vis Nehruvian Socialism only contributed further to the fact that erst WEST - Pak retains its edge over India and its eastern wing . India has covered enough ground , now at least we have money in reserves and GOI coffers which is unprecedented and the present rate of growth ensures things are moving in the right direction .
Go and research on it first . :argh:
Pakistan doing better than India in terms of basic nutrition and hygiene is not a great accomplishment of Pakistan by any means, given that India is home to the largest number of poor, hungry and illiterate people in the world.

It is quite telling that even the poor nations of Haiti and of sub-Saharan Africa are doing better than India in terms of some of the basic social indicators like access to food.

Haq's Musings: Grinding Poverty in Resurgent India

ive seen documentaries on the poor in india

it's actually amazing that you still have indians who think it is affluent and get angry when you mention the abject poverty that exists in most of the country

example of that is when slumdog millionaire came out, and many indian so-called nationalists were pissed off
^ Did you notice that when the main protagonist went back to his slum, there was a high rise there instead?
^ Indians dont get angry when the stark poverty in India is highlighted .

We get to read various stats and reports online and in the newpaper almost every fortnight highlighting the good and BAD in India . Thanks but NO THANKS to a fellow Pakistani for highlighting them :bounce:

Pakistan doing better than India in terms of basic nutrition and hygiene is not a great accomplishment of Pakistan by any means, given that India is home to the largest number of poor, hungry and illiterate people in the world.

Exactly , that is why we expect as do , i believe , all the fellow Pakistanis from you to 'HIGHLIGHT' Pak in your articles on the blog . The protagonist in your articles is time and again INDIA and not its western neighbour that happens to be your country of origin .
Ever seen or read an expat Indian highlighting the grievances of India by making DETAILED and EXPANSIVE comparisons with Pak on a scale that matches yours ?

It is quite telling that even the poor nations of Haiti and of sub-Saharan Africa are doing better than India in terms of some of the basic social indicators like access to food.

Every Indian on this forum who reads a newspaper has gone through the facts you've highlighted on the blog . As I said before THANKS BUT NO THANKS . :wave:
then what the bloody hell are you even doing browsing this topic...? :rolleyes:

go pick up your local gazette
^ Indians dont get angry when the stark poverty in India is highlighted .

Your kidding yourself.

Indians get angry when stark poverty is pointed out, when their dark race is pointed out, when their religious beliefs are pointed out. When its just pointed out and not critized the Indians right off the bat get angry. Nothing bad is said it is just pointed out. Indians get angry. I wonder why. :blink:
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