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Umar Khalid Khurrasani got treatment in India : Ehsan ullah Ehsan reveals in program Jirga

So you agree these videos made in captivity while denying person legal aid or access to family and a fair open trial is absolutely hilarious and must be treated with disdain.
Only if you agree to apply the same standards on Ajmal Qasab videos and other so called pakistani Jihadis caught in kashmir and their videos launched in Indian army captivity.
Desperation of Indians is just examplanory.
After Kulbhushan Climax. Now there dirty games are being exposed layer by layer. Now in constant denial mode.
for 10 years thousands of Pakistanis have been slaughtered in Pakistan by Indian Sponsored terrorism.
And India playing dunb and deaf.
Now they are really pathetic.
God protects Pakistan and avenge the thousands innocents martyred.
And Let these perpetrators to hell
No. surprise. Even Bugti traveled to India many times secretly when he was in Afghanistan.
We just need to repeat and repeat and repeat this on global forums.
Yeah, do that and see what happens. You'll only get yourselves more embarrassed.
The world will point out that the TTP was created and nurtured by Pakistan to be used as a 'strategic asset' against India (your own Army general admitted that). If the 'tables have turned' now (and I hope so), that means India is giving you a taste of your own medicine.

When will Pakistanis understand that, if they play the victim card when they themselves are at fault, then people will only laugh at them.
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You are doing the blame game. He is a pakistani and YOU own him. Making him make statements to please your intellect is not how anyone with "shame" works. Nations with shame follow due processes.

If a captive video of missing lt col habib surfaces claiming he was there to derailing indian trains on ISIs instructions, will you accept it?
PlZ release col habib video so that the world may know more about raw. Afterall Nepal had already told us that he may have been kidnapped from Nepal by raw and UK is angry about using its land by the kidnappers.
PlZ release col habib video so that the world may know more about raw. Afterall Nepal had already told us that he may have been kidnapped from Nepal by raw and UK is angry about using its land by the kidnappers.

Can you please provide a single link where Nepal had officially (not usual newspaper rants) acknowledged that he was indeed Kidnapped from their soil ?? I bet you will never be able to do that. :p:
advantage of having strategic stooges ! u can use them to conduct false flag attacks in order to get sympathy and lams and u can use them badmouth ur enemies !
Ah and that logic wasn't applicable in case of Mumbai attack and Ajmal Qasab, how convenient.

And what will be your thoughts once we hang him? Like what we did with Latif Mehsud who also "bad mouthed" our enemies before being hanged. Oh I know Pakistan betraying its own assets because they are expandable, you guys are true examples of being delusional.
Yeah, do that and see what happens. You'll only get yourselves more embarrassed.
The world will point out that the TTP was created and nurtured by Pakistan to be used as a 'strategic asset' against India (your own Army general admitted that). If the 'tables have turned' now (and I hope so), that means India is giving you a taste of your own medicine.

When will Pakistanis understand that, if they play the victim card when they themselves are at fault, then people will only laugh at them.
the world knows the truth
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