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Umar Khalid Khurrasani got treatment in India : Ehsan ullah Ehsan reveals in program Jirga

Who Funded Him and His Fellow *****????

Who ever funded them, from where did they graduated in their radical ideologies ?? It is the same ideology that is being exploited by whoever fund them. :(
Only if you agree to apply the same standards on Ajmal Qasab videos and other so called pakistani Jihadis caught in kashmir and their videos launched in Indian army captivity.
I saw that videom "Bhagwaan mujhe kabhi maaf nai karey ga" [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I mean seriously?
And for the sake of argument even if he was a Pakistani. He was a terrorists. One of many who have blasted thousands of poor Pakistani civilians as well. Good riddance you killed him. We kill terrorists to in counter terrorist operations.
He was not a Serving Army officer like kulbhushan. Atleast have some shame in yourself comparing a rag tag militant( Who fight Pakistan army as well) with a serving armed forces officer
This guy is wanted for so many terror attacks that for a pardon he will play the tunes which Pakistani people are desperately waiting for. So I won't be surprised if he says he surrendered because Umar Khalid Khurrasani is a cow vigilante and banned beef for TTP and JuA.

He'll prolly get hanged later once he is procecuted. and info provided by him is actually a source itself. I mean if Gen Musharraf gives a statement you guys say it is credible cuz he was a part of the system once. Same goes for this guy, he was a senior member of this terrorist group, so info he provides is just as credible. I'm sure he defected cuz he was already in contact with PAk authorites. and im sure his surrender was brokered by Pakistan and if so, he must have brought a lot of proof which will get submitted in UN and other such forums eventually once its been compiled. so lets all stay patient and wait for what becomes of this before making any judgements.
He'll prolly get hanged later once he is procecuted. and info provided by him is actually a source itself. I mean if Gen Musharraf gives a statement you guys say it is credible cuz he was a part of the system once. Same goes for this guy, he was a senior member of this terrorist group, so info he provides is just as credible. I'm sure he defected cuz he was already in contact with PAk authorites. and im sure his surrender was brokered by Pakistan and if so, he must have brought a lot of proof which will get submitted in UN and other such forums eventually once its been compiled. so lets all stay patient and wait for what becomes of this before making any judgements.
Are you really saying Mushy is Ehsan ullah khan of the Pakistan army?
TTP is the Indian byproduct of US's WOT. Days of TTP are now gone that's why US has coined ISIS adnd Daesh in Afghanistan. In a near future, we'll gift such products to both of these countries. ISI is working hard on the said agenda. What goes around comes around. :)
He is Fcuking Taliban, so he is confessing his sins to avoid death, i doubt that he care for his life now or before when he join the TTP .. this is not the first TTP leader who leave their ranks because the TTP is getting money from the Hindu's to Attack the Muslaman of Pakistan ..
RAW supporting TTP is no secret. Pakistan needs to work with coalition forces to drop more MOABs on both SOBs.
Any humble follower of international politics may conclude that now Afghanistan is the field for the big game where different countries are involved as per their own agenda. The coalition also appears to be involved directly or indirectly in anti Pak activities. There is no hidden secret that all contracts regarding infrastructure development are either given to Western/USA contractors or Indian ones. Meanwhile security and mining contractors are mostly US and all expenses are covered under UNO resources.
This guy is wanted for so many terror attacks that for a pardon he will play the tunes which Pakistani people are desperately waiting for. So I won't be surprised if he says he surrendered because Umar Khalid Khurrasani is a cow vigilante and banned beef for TTP and JuA.

raw supporting terrorism is officially acknowledged by Indian minister on camera(which did shock everyone).

RAW supporting terrorism in 1970s is even officially acknowledged by the PM. the PM has also said on camera that we support Baluchistan movement though didnt mentioned how
So Now Pakistanis claiming RAW has control in both northern alliance and Taliban :D:D

What happen to there World best ISI ;)
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