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Umar Khalid Khurrasani got treatment in India : Ehsan ullah Ehsan reveals in program Jirga

I think any picture or video would have made the case stronger. Mere statements aren't going to help at all.
so india as well as funding and training to known terrorists are providing free health care to them as well. as damning as it gets for india.

this needs to highlighted in the western media so the world can condem india and its spreading of systematic terrorism in south east asia.
This guy is wanted for so many terror attacks that for a pardon he will play the tunes which Pakistani people are desperately waiting for. So I won't be surprised if he says he surrendered because Umar Khalid Khurrasani is a cow vigilante and banned beef for TTP and JuA.
advantage of having strategic stooges ! u can use them to conduct false flag attacks in order to get sympathy and lams and u can use them badmouth ur enemies !
So this guy like most taliban was always a pakistani asset to be used as needed.

How convenient some dreaded terrorist surrenders and within days is giving interview to friendly media on tv.
advantage of having strategic stooges ! u can use them to conduct false flag attacks in order to get sympathy and lams and u can use them badmouth ur enemies !
advantage of having strategic stooges ! u can use them to conduct false flag attacks in order to get sympathy and lams and u can use them badmouth ur enemies !

Now this is the argument you guys are coming with. Shame on you. Stop the blame game and own your terrorists.
Now this is the argument you guys are coming with. Shame on you. Stop the blame game and own your terrorists.

You are doing the blame game. He is a pakistani and YOU own him. Making him make statements to please your intellect is not how anyone with "shame" works. Nations with shame follow due processes.

If a captive video of missing lt col habib surfaces claiming he was there to derailing indian trains on ISIs instructions, will you accept it?
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If a captive video of missing lt col habib surfaces claiming he was there to derailing indian trains on ISIs instructions, will you accept it?
The good part is, that he only landed there and was picked up. Otherwise you guys have made him say that he masterminded Mumbai attack and parliament attack, Samjhota Express incident and recent Maoist Attack on CPRF.
The good part is, that he only landed there and was picked up. Otherwise you guys have made him say that he masterminded Mumbai attack and parliament attack, Samjhota Express incident and recent Maoist Attack on CPRF.

So you agree these videos made in captivity while denying person legal aid or access to family and a fair open trial is absolutely hilarious and must be treated with disdain.
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