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Ukraine's "Bayraktar" compared to Russia's new Iran-supplied drones

But these were no empires in my eyes. For example the mongols. Do they really were an empire? The just conquered and destroyed and killed. This guy really needs education. A real empire needs more than just an army. A real empire needs culture, society, architecture, science and philosophy. So I can never consider anything of these as an empire.
You are from Greece. You know what I mean.
Exactly what you said!
Will China become a superpower after the USA? What a bad luck for the world.

No freedom of press and media, no elections, no human rights, no democracy, no freedom. Do people living in China have as much value as dogs in Europe?

We shouldn't let China manage the world.
And the world admire US lifestyle so much with daily shooting or sudden mug by some strangers. Criminal are idolized by the law and let off easily.

No thanks, I am a hardworking , tax paying and law bidding citizens who wants my property to be protected from criminals. Between personal safety and freedom, I choose the first.
You ruled only some parts of Iranian Azerbaijan but was thrown out of Persia after some years. Ottoman empire never ruled over Iran and were never able to invade into Persias mainland threw their whole history.

Only great warrior TURKS created 16 empires in the last 2.500 years and ruled part of China , India , İran , Central Asia , İraq , Syria , All Middle East , North Africa , Egypt , Greece and all Balkans for centuries

TURKs ruled İran for over 960 years between 960s and 1925

Gaznavids , Great Seljuk Empire , Safavis also Afshar and Qajar Dynasties
China will be making 6th gen fighter jets before you ever make a 5th gen fighter jet. Your not even remotely close to China/Russia/US militarily.

Turkiye is ahead China and Russia

only USA and Turkiye develops unmanned stealth Fighter Jet ....

Iran/Israel/Saudi and Egypt is stronger than Turkey and thats in Turkeys region alone so stfu and accept your crumbling economy and low iq birthright

Iranl/Saudi and Egypt which were our ex vassals can not develop even a Warship , Helicopter , Engines , AD Systems , EW Systems , LASER and Hypersonic electromagnetic Railgun , etc

stupid low IQ troll team ... our ex slaves
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Hey,donkey: You can't claim Hun history. You can't claim Mongolian history. You can't claim Mughal history. You can only claim Seljuk history AT MOST. You're directly descended from Ottomans. And that's where you are. Enough about your masturbatory fantasies of "16 Turkic Empires 2,500 years" and stupid things like that. You've got claim to the Ottoman history and maybe Seljuks at most. That's all.

Stupid loser Greek monkey

All of them were TURKS .... and your MASTERS

Great Hun, Western Hun, European Hun, Ak Hun, Göktürk, Avar, Khazars, Uyghur, Karahan, Ghaznavids, Great Seljuks, Khwarazmshahs, Altınordu, Timur, Mughal and Ottoman

Our ex slaves greeks,persians,chinese keep crying losers

And guess what? Kizelelma hasn't even flown yet. You haven't even tried it yet. Stop bragging like a homosexual at a gay pride parade in downtown New York. You're talking nonsense.

homosexuality was invented by gay greeks
whole worlds knows about it

great warrior TURKS vs all pathetic slaves greeks,persians,chinese

Your lies , jealousy and butthurt feelings wont defame the Turkish defense industry
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Only idiots like you fall for Western propaganda that says such bull.

Last warning I'll give you,last warning we'll ALL give you here. Persians,Chinese,everyone. Behave,stop insulting every nationality,stop acting like the usual annoying buffoon that you are and stop getting us dizzy with your ridiculous nationalistic bragging.

If we all start reporting you,you'll end up banned for a month again. Then we'll report your alt account.

Your greek-persian-chinese troll team has started insulting me , Turks , Turkiye and president of Turkiye

first read all your posts then come and blame me ,, you cowardly crying idiot who has low character

you and your troll team are crying and provoke all my threads even all my posts

go and cry to mods like little crying girl
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Hey,donkey: You can't claim Hun history. You can't claim Mongolian history. You can't claim Mughal history. You can only claim Seljuk history AT MOST. You're directly descended from Ottomans. And that's where you are. Enough about your masturbatory fantasies of "16 Turkic Empires 2,500 years" and stupid things like that. You've got claim to the Ottoman history and maybe Seljuks at most. That's all.

And guess what? Kizelelma hasn't even flown yet. You haven't even tried it yet. Stop bragging like a homosexual at a gay pride parade in downtown New York. You're talking nonsense.

they are desperate to claim everything as their own that they would accept even the last garbage from the corner. I really call these arguments desperation arguments.
The difference is that we as opponents of our Turkish discussion partners do not even have to get excited about their arguments because we know our history and know that the world sees it the same way. But they get upset and become abusive. And where insults start, arguments stop. They just have no arguments and therefore become emotional

Your greek-persian-chinese troll team has started insulting me , Turks , Turkiye and president of Turkiye

first read all your posts then come and blame me ,, you cowardly crying idiot who has low character

you and your troll team are crying and provoke all my threads even all my posts

go and cry to mods like little crying girl
Look. We are all a discussion community from different countries all over the world with completely different cultures, ways of thinking or political convictions. (China, Iran, Germany, Greece, Australia, etc.) And we all agree that your opinion is complete nonsense and absolutely exaggerated. You are the only ones who hold on to this worldview. Do you see the mistake? Don't you realize that you are wrong? Do you have to drive the discussion to the extreme?
Its not Drone idiot
Its unmanned stealth Fighter Jet

backward China's poor quality copy weapons or backward İran's fake QAHER-313

teach what about cutting edge technology
View attachment 881145

wtf copycat China's poor quality technology ? you low Iq stupid trolls

Chinese Wing Long-II UCAV with payload of 580 kg
Turkish AKINCI UCAV with payload of 1500 kg

Chinese Wing Long-II UCAV armed with only 12-25 km missile/bombs

Turkish missiles to carry by AKINCI UCAV
-- 30 km TRLG-122 laser guided supersonic missile
-- 40 km KUZGUN-KY missile with IIR
-- 150 km CAKIR mini cruise missile with IIR+RF
-- 150 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic missile
-- 180+ km KUZGUN-TJ missile with IIR or RF
-- 275 km SOM cruise missile with IIR
-- 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missile
-- 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missile
Approaching China via Pakistan

Bloomberg noted the apparent aim of the cooperation with Pakistan was to bring "Turkey closer to some of China’s military technology". China has been Pakistan's main strategic benefactor for decades, helping Islamabad build fighter aircraft, missiles, warships, tanks and submarines.

In 2013, Turkey announced a Chinese company had been selected to develop a long-range surface-to-air missile system. However, in 2015, Turkey announced the cancellation of the deal with China, apparently over Beijing's reluctance to transfer technology for the project as well as pressure from NATO allies



The J-10C can massacre the Turkish Air Force.

Dark Sword can massacre all Turkish toy drones.

GJ-11 can bomb Ankara on a large scale!

@MMM-E Stop making international jokes. Turkey's industrial level is 50 years behind the world!

Low-end Turkey begs for more Chinese tech than you make jokes!
they are desperate to claim everything as their own that they would accept even the last garbage from the corner. I really call these arguments desperation arguments.
The difference is that we as opponents of our Turkish discussion partners do not even have to get excited about their arguments because we know our history and know that the world sees it the same way. But they get upset and become abusive. And where insults start, arguments stop. They just have no arguments and therefore become emotional

Look. We are all a discussion community from different countries all over the world with completely different cultures, ways of thinking or political convictions. (China, Iran, Germany, Greece, Australia, etc.) And we all agree that your opinion is complete nonsense and absolutely exaggerated. You are the only ones who hold on to this worldview. Do you see the mistake? Don't you realize that you are wrong? Do you have to drive the discussion to the extreme?
Weren't you the one who just insulted the Turks and Turkish history?
Your greek-persian-chinese troll team has started insulting me , Turks , Turkiye and president of Turkiye

first read all your posts then come and blame me ,, you cowardly crying idiot who has low character

you and your troll team are crying and provoke all my threads even all my posts

go and cry to mods like little crying girl
No you started it and not us. You come in here to this forum and put yourselves above other people, nations and cultures from the beginning. You constantly claim that you are the best, claim half the world domination for yourselves and talk down other cultures.
And in the end you wonder why you are simply bullied by so many people here and socially ostracized. I am sure that many people here have nothing against Turkey or would discuss with other Turks differently. But specifically you lead yourself here like a kind of gentleman and constantly insult through your statements and insinuations other cultures, people and peoples, and this behavior is not tolerated here.
For this reason we mob you and we will continue until you stop. You are welcome to resist, but the price will simply be that you will have a shitty day and think about it all the time outside of this discussion in your private life, while I sit and drink my tea with saffron and rosewater.

Nein du hast angefangen und nicht wir. Ihr kommt hier in dieses forum rein und stellt euch von anfang an über andere Menschen, Nationen und kulturen. Ihr Behauptet ständig das ihr die besten seid, beansprucht die halbe weltherrschaft für euch und redet andere kulturen nieder.
Und am ende wundert ihr euch warum ihr einfach von so vielen leuten hier gemobbt werden und Sozial geächtet werdet. Ich bin mir sicher das viele leute hier nichts gegen die Türkei haben oder mit anderen Türken anders diskutieren würden. Aber spezifisch du führst dich hier wie eine art Herrenmensch auf und beleidigst ständig durch deine Aussagen und andeutungen andere Kulturen, Menschen und Völker, Und dieses verhalten wird hier nicht toleriert.
Aus diesem Grund mobben wir dich und wir werden solange weiter machen bis du damit aufhörst. Du kannst gerne widerstand leisten, aber der preis dafür wird einfach sein das du einen scheiß tag haben wirst und die ganze zeit auch außerhalb dieser diskussion in deinem privatleben darüber nachdenken wirst, während ich sitzr und meinen tee mit safran und rosenwasser trinke.

Weren't you the one who just insulted the Turks and Turkish history?
When? Give me a quote!
And just for your information: do not confuse historical facts with insults
Turkiye is ahead China and Russia

only USA and Turkiye develops unmanned stealth Fighter Jet ....

Iranl/Saudi and Egypt which were our ex vassals can not develop even a Warship , Helicopter , Engines , AD Systems , EW Systems , LASER and Hypersonic electromagnetic Railgun , etc

stupid low IQ troll team ... our ex slaves
Turkey is a backward agricultural country! Be honest with this fact. Don't pretend that Turkey is our advanced country! Our advanced countries make all weapons! Our advanced countries do not brag about low-end drones! You brag about Turkish drones. Just because Turkey can only make low-end drones!

Only great warrior TURKS created 16 empires in the last 2.500 years and ruled part of China
prove. Turkey belongs to China. But don't know why Turkey Province is in West Asia. lol.
Look. We are all a discussion community from different countries all over the world with completely different cultures, ways of thinking or political convictions. (China, Iran, Germany, Greece, Australia, etc.) And we all agree that your opinion is complete nonsense and absolutely exaggerated. You are the only ones who hold on to this worldview. Do you see the mistake? Don't you realize that you are wrong? Do you have to drive the discussion to the extreme?

All of you are anti-Turkiye troll team .. same users with false flage accounts

this thread about Turkish TB-2 and İranian UCAVs in Ukraine

1 -- first your troll team has started giving false info about TB-2 UCAV
and I blocked your lies and anti Turkiye propaganda

TB-2 UCAVs is not using full of foreign compenents ... stop lying

except engine , TB-2 is full of indigenous

2 -- your troll team has started saying its a insult to İran to compare Turkish TB-2 with İranian Drone

and I gave real info about TB-2 and İranian S-139

even Turkish tactical UCAV is superior to İranian MALE UCAV

3 -- your troll team has started saying Turkish KIZILELMA is a mockup with small turbojet engine

reality : KIZILELMA is not a mockup , but real prototype with AI-25LTL turbofan engine

and your troll team has started trolling and insulting me , Turks , Turkiye , Turkish defense industry , even president of Turkiye
they are desperate to claim everything as their own that they would accept even the last garbage from the corner. I really call these arguments desperation arguments.
The difference is that we as opponents of our Turkish discussion partners do not even have to get excited about their arguments because we know our history and know that the world sees it the same way. But they get upset and become abusive. And where insults start, arguments stop. They just have no arguments and therefore become emotional

Look. We are all a discussion community from different countries all over the world with completely different cultures, ways of thinking or political convictions. (China, Iran, Germany, Greece, Australia, etc.) And we all agree that your opinion is complete nonsense and absolutely exaggerated. You are the only ones who hold on to this worldview. Do you see the mistake? Don't you realize that you are wrong? Do you have to drive the discussion to the extreme?
Just report him for insulting every nationality here. This person cannot have a civilized discussion. His constant nationalist rants and racial slurs are all he can do. Even when someone proves him wrong,he ignores it and goes back to his known nationalist rants,instead of admitting a mistake like a mature person.

Just have @drmeson @Beast @GreatHanWarrior @retaxis @Muhammed45 @Hack-Hook @mohsen @Dariush the Great @MH.Yang @Mehdipersian @DF41 report him for insulting,flaming and trolling.

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