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Ukraine's "Bayraktar" compared to Russia's new Iran-supplied drones

iranian drone will fall like mosquito out of the sky, Ukrain airspace is heavily under Electronic Warfare. From Russian and Americans, it is no good like in Syria and the same will happen in Ukrain.

It is not speed or endurance what makes Bayraktar a good drone but electonics to communication, EW resist and battle proven. The electro optical targetin system EOTS Wescam or Aselsan CATS makes TB2 master of the sky.

Not Samsung or Sony optical systems with 100* zoom.. 😄

TB2 Ukrain from more then 100km away, this is WESCAM flir.

View attachment 874826

Don't compare TB2 with shit drone....
Imam Ali (a.s): Whoever mounts the horse of patience would definitely find his path to the field of victory.

I have read your comment on the same day you published it. I decided not to comment on that because I knew that following news will destroy your comment:




Okay. Until now my post was in defence mode. Now I switch over to offensive mode:
Even Zelensky told me your drones are Shit.




Sunzu: Pretend submissiveness to incite the arrogance of the opponent
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I'll just say it once. Don't compare Chinese UAVs with Turkish toys! Unless you want to see Chinese drones throw hydrogen bombs in Ankara!

China and Iran are the oldest Nation states on human history.
China owns a great philosophy which is practically used and very sucscessful. I want to thank you for that gift to the world. Sunzu or the 36 strategems and many others amongst them are timeless and will always keep China great.
Turkey is for people like you and me a very young nation. They had only one empire in their history which lasts only 600 years which is for our scales just a small part of our history.

This drone is to expensive to loose it. And this is the problem. No risky mission possible with that drone.
Which drone is the best on the battlefield? obviousely these kind of drones which are able to accomplish the mission. This drone can not work under air defence enviroments. Turkish drones were always successful in areas with no air defence. Iranian drones already operated successfull in highly defended airspace. Remember saudi Aramco? Yemen ? Zioniust Regime ?
Turkey is for people like you and me a very young nation. They had only one empire in their history which lasts only 600 years which is for our scales just a small part of our history.
MMM-E counts all Turkic (and even barely Turkic) Empires and States as part of his history and legacy. Basically he claims "Turkish Army since 200 BC" and "Turkish Navy since 1080 A.D." He lives in his own world. He supports the "16 Turkic Empires" theory as part of Turkish history.

Iranian drones already operated successfull in highly defended airspace. Remember saudi Aramco? Yemen ? Zioniust Regime ?
To be fair,a lot of the drones,if not most of them...were shot down. In Saudi Arabia I mean.

The weak Mediterranean region gives Turkey too many illusions. lol.
If you ask people like MMM-E and Oublious,Egypt can't defeat Turkey,Iran is too weak,Greece is tiny,French navy too small,Russia can't win in Ukraine and Ukraine is considered too weak for Turkey,Israel has a small army and Cyprus too easy to take.
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MMM-E counts all Turkic (and even barely Turkic) Empires and States as part of his history and legacy. Basically he claims "Turkish Army since 200 BC" and "Turkish Navy since 1080 A.D." He lives in his own world. He supports the "16 Turkic Empires" theory as part of Turkish history.
But these were no empires in my eyes. For example the mongols. Do they really were an empire? The just conquered and destroyed and killed. This guy really needs education. A real empire needs more than just an army. A real empire needs culture, society, architecture, science and philosophy. So I can never consider anything of these as an empire.
You are from Greece. You know what I mean.

To be fair,a lot of the drones,if not most of them...were shot down. In Saudi Arabia I mean.
Thats partly true. But its not important. Because these smaller drones (Shahed 136 and its class) is designed for these kind of warfare. The design is not based on expensive equipment wich can not replaced. Design is made as simple as possible and easy to produce in high numbers and easy replacable. Also drone operators can be trained in a very short time because of the easyness. I estimate production cost of a Shahed 136 is something between 10.000$ and 20.000$. 1000 pieces will cost maximum 20 Mio dollar which is fairly nothing. Only developed thing in this drone is the AI, Anti E-Warfare Systems and/or maybe the camera. These are not really expensive modules.
Even if one out of 10 drones reach its target its enough to hit the opponent. Example: Saudi Aramco attack wich put a more than a 500 billion dollar damage to Saudi Oil production, or different successful attacks on Saudi patriot systems wich are not able to shoot this thing down. Even if: 2 Million patriot Missile needed to shoot down a 10k-20k $ drone.

If it is in Irans interest they can also send more developed drones like the Shahed 171, Gaza drone or faster drones like the Karrar.
Shahed 171 drone which was shot down by Israel could not be locked on with their radars. They had to send Aircraft or helicopter in the air and use machine gun to bring it down.

I mean of course in a war you will hit your enemy and of course you will also get punches. I expect even more Iranian drones to be shot down. But this is not important because as long as the system is working and you do more damage to the opponent than the enemy does to you, the system will be sucessful.
What is the gain of a 50 million or 10 million dollar drone which you cant use?

If you ask people like MMM-E and Oublious,Egypt can't defeat Turkey,Iran is too weak,Greece is tiny,French navy too small,Russia can't win in Ukraine and Ukraine is considered too weak for Turkey,Israel has a small army and Cyprus too easy to take.
the haughty shall be haughty. These people are in fact their own worst enemy because they leave no room for innovation, critical thinking and improvement.
When someone has a choleric temper, I provoke them into making rash actions that inevitably lead to mistakes. These mistakes can be exploited against these people. It is as simple as that. These people are not real discussion partners.
Ignorant people should not talk about history. Every historian knows how important the Turks are for world history.

We have established many states from the middle of Europe to the north of Africa, from Central Asia to India and the whole Middle East.

You cannot gather a bunch of ignorant people here and change the facts of history.

Ignorant people should not talk about history. Every historian knows how important the Turks are for world history.

We have established many states from the middle of Europe to the north of Africa, from Central Asia to India and the whole Middle East.

You cannot gather a bunch of ignorant people here and change the facts of history.

Before ottoman, these were not real empires. They were mostly nomadic or kind of nomadic states with a very low level of culture.
According to your own source, "turk" empires started 500 a.d. Persian empire was founded more than 1000 years before, Greek States also. India, China, Peru, Roman empire were so rich in culture, history, Philosophy, Science. They had Universeties, Laws and everything. You cant compare them with some nomadic turk tribes somwhere in flat lands of todays Kazakhstan or Tajikistan.


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Before ottoman, these were not real empires. They were mostly nomadic or kind of nomadic states with a very low level of culture.
According to your own source, "turk" empires started 500 a.d. Persian empire was founded more than 1000 years before, Greek States also. India, China, Peru, Roman empire were so rich in culture, history, Philosophy, Science. They had Universeties, Laws and everything. You cant compare them with some nomadic turk tribes somwhere in flat lands of todays Kazakhstan or Tajikistan.
Turks ruled Iran for 1000 years. While your fire-worshipping ancestors were playing in a tiny place, we spread out with the aim of conquering the world. We worshiped one god even before we became Muslims. Our ancestors established a very deep civilization, but they did not write because they were nomads. The Chinese wrote Turkish history.
Ignorant people should not talk about history. Every historian knows how important the Turks are for world history.
How important are they? What are their achievements? Greek,Persian,Egyptian,Roman,Chinese civilisations and later Western European ones during the Rennaisance are the ones with the biggest contributions to world history.

What did Turks do? Go here and there,invade,conquer,fight,slaughter and occasionally found an empire.
Our ancestors established a very deep civilization, but they did not write because they were nomads. The Chinese wrote Turkish history.
What kind of "deep civilisation" doesn't leave a significant footprint in the world? Persians had the largest empire in the world before Turk-Mongol peoples even knew how to write. Persians,Greeks and Egyptians had some of the most sophisticated,philosophical and complex civilisations in the ancient world,when Turkic tribes lived in huts.
Turks ruled Iran for 1000 years. While your fire-worshipping ancestors were playing in a tiny place, we spread out with the aim of conquering the world. We worshiped one god even before we became Muslims. Our ancestors established a very deep civilization, but they did not write because they were nomads. The Chinese wrote Turkish history.

You ruled only some parts of Iranian Azerbaijan but was thrown out of Persia after some years. Ottoman empire never ruled over Iran and were never able to invade into Persias mainland threw their whole history. Even if you mention some turk emperiors of Persia or dynasties, they had nothing to do with turkish culture that you imagine. Ayatollah Khamenei by itself is Azeri heritage. Do you consider Iran now as a turkish ruled country? Most of people in iran which you consider as "turkish" feel 100% Iranian. Iran is a multiethnic country with Kurdish and Turkish people are living in peace. You dont want to see that.
Turks ruled Iran for 1000 years. While your fire-worshipping ancestors were playing in a tiny place, we spread out with the aim of conquering the world. We worshiped one god even before we became Muslims. Our ancestors established a very deep civilization, but they did not write because they were nomads. The Chinese wrote Turkish history.
im not going to comment on the 2nd and 3rd sentence.
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