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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia

Not exactly how do you think Poland and everyone in the area is gonna feel or what do you think Finland is gonna think? This will change the entire dynamic in Europe. They will view Bruxelles as a freaking joke and they will start to jump ship in masses leading to the collapse of EU more than 60% will file to exit the alliance because it would only be on paper and useless. Everyone will take matters into his own hands and protect his own azz before he becomes the next expendable element.. There is something much bigger on the line here than just Ukraine's territorial integrity

I wish you good luck with your chain of thought.
China should send 10 divisions into Russia to protect Sino Russian brotherhood and teach those NATO wussies a lesson if fighting commences.
Bomber Task Force Europe Completes Mission as Russia Threatens Partners in East

Nov. 16, 2021 | By Abraham Mahshie
As Russia threatens U.S. partners in Eastern Europe with another unexplained troop buildup, the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron completed a six-week bomber task force mission Nov. 15 across the North Sea, Baltics, and Black Sea region, integrating coalition capabilities and practicing agile combat employment.

“We are building the agile combat employment framework alongside our allies and partners to launch a cohesive team, postured and ready, to respond to adversary aggression,” commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe–Air Forces Africa Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian said at the conclusion of the mission, which saw integration of fourth- to fifth-generation aircraft, air refueling by partner nations, and use of isolated air bases in nontraditional areas.

The B-1B bombers and nearly 200 support personnel deployed to RAF Fairford, England, for the mission, using British ranges and flying with a variety of Royal Air Force platforms as well as those of other nations, including Turkish KC-135 refuelers and Norwegian F-35 Lightning II aircraft. The strategic bombers also integrated with Romanian, Polish, and Canadian fighters and supported the NATO Air Policing mission over Romania.

In coming days, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III is to meet with his Norwegian and Ukrainian counterparts as the Pentagon closely watches Russia’s latest troop buildup near Ukraine’s border.

“We do continue to see unusual military activity and concentration of forces in Russia, but near Ukrainian borders, and that remains concerning to us,” Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby told reporters Nov. 15. “If you look at our exercise regimen, our exercises are defensive in nature, and they are in keeping with our alliances and partner commitments in the region.”

The Bomber Task Force Europe mission had been previously scheduled and was not directly related to the buildup.

Kirby said the intent of Russia’s movements are not clear.

“We put press releases out about them. We show photos and video of them. I talked about them every day here from the podium. I even will tell you what units are involved, what exercises they are going to be doing, and what capabilities they are going to be testing,” Kirby said of U.S. exercises. “There’s been no transparency from the Russian side about this concentration of forces in the western part of their country, and we continue to urge them to be transparent.”

The bomber task force missions that concluded focused on new tactics that allowed for intercept and escort training between coalition air forces, close air support to ground forces, and counter-maritime missions. U.S. Cyber Command protection also was tested, as was the first refueling with the Versatile Integrating Partner Equipment Refueling kit, a simplified new tool for refueling from coalition bases.

China should send 10 divisions into Russia to protect Sino Russian brotherhood and teach those NATO wussies a lesson if fighting commences.

If China and NATO go to war, we would rather all die than Russian troops enter China, even if they are allied troops. Russia is a great country, and they must think the same.
China can help Russia by filling Russian supermarkets with goods and providing zero interest rate loans, rather than send foreign troops that hurt the dignity of Russians.
This Japanese analyst believes Russia will attack this olympic winter in 2022 by the way I don't agree with this..

Prediction: Russia to Invade Eastern Ukraine Come Winter Olympics 2022

All indications are there: massing troops, controlling strategic resources, creating obligations owed to it by neighbors.

3 mins ago
November 17, 2021
Nanae Hasegawa


Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that eastern Ukraine, which (like Crimea) is home to many Russians, belongs to Russia — and he wants to take it back.

His desire is reflected by the Russian military’s continued encroachment into eastern Ukraine for the past several years. With Russia’s movements becoming increasingly suspicious, this winter could provide a dangerously perfect opportunity for Putin to seize eastern Ukraine.

Putin’s Ambitious Military
According to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Russian military massed 90,000 troops near the Ukrainian border in early October. In the spring of 2021, the Russian military also sent 100,000 troops to positions near the Ukrainian border.

Why is the Russian military spending its financial resources just to send its troops to the Ukrainian border and then withdraw them?

The answer lies in Russia’s ambitions for eastern Ukraine. The repeated sending and withdrawing of troops are intended to create a boy-who-cried-wolf effect, meaning that even if the Russian troops gather near the border for an actual invasion, the Ukrainians will assume that they will withdraw again.

Caught off guard, the Ukrainians will not be able to resist.

Chances of Russian Invasion At Least 50%
On February 27, 2014, just after the closing of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Crimean parliament building was seized by Pro-Russian gunmen. Just three weeks later, Russia annexed Crimea.

On August 8, 2008, the day of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, Russian troops intervened in the conflict in Georgia in the South Caucasus region and the pro-Russian South Ossetia, which had declared independence from Georgia.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will open on February 4, 2022. I estimate that there is at least a 50% chance that President Putin will invade and occupy eastern Ukraine around that time.

The world should be on guard for coups and civil unrest in eastern Ukraine this winter. But hopefully, my humble prediction will not come true.

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Ukrainian deputies urged to deploy territorial defense because of Russia: Ukraine: Former USSR: Lenta.ru
November 16, 2021 Lee Michaelis News, Tech 0

Deputies of the Lviv Regional Council called for the deployment of territorial defense and preparation for national resistance due to the military threat from Russia. They adopted a corresponding statement at a meeting on Tuesday, November 16, the newspaper reports. Zaxid.

According to Ukrainian deputies, the threat of the use of direct military force by Russia against Ukraine is quite probable. They considered the refugee crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus “an attempt to divert attention from the actions of Russian troops on the northern borders of Ukraine.”
The politicians called on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, as well as local authorities to take active steps to prepare for resistance. In total, 55 deputies signed the statement.

Earlier, military expert Oleg Starikov named the main military threat from Russia to Ukraine. He believes that this is the Russian 3rd motorized rifle division, located several tens of kilometers from the country’s borders, which is based near the settlements of Boguchar and Valuyki.

Ukrainian deputies urged to deploy territorial defense because of Russia: Ukraine: Former USSR: Lenta.ru
November 16, 2021 Lee Michaelis News, Tech 0

Deputies of the Lviv Regional Council called for the deployment of territorial defense and preparation for national resistance due to the military threat from Russia. They adopted a corresponding statement at a meeting on Tuesday, November 16, the newspaper reports. Zaxid.

According to Ukrainian deputies, the threat of the use of direct military force by Russia against Ukraine is quite probable. They considered the refugee crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus “an attempt to divert attention from the actions of Russian troops on the northern borders of Ukraine.”
The politicians called on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, as well as local authorities to take active steps to prepare for resistance. In total, 55 deputies signed the statement.

Earlier, military expert Oleg Starikov named the main military threat from Russia to Ukraine. He believes that this is the Russian 3rd motorized rifle division, located several tens of kilometers from the country’s borders, which is based near the settlements of Boguchar and Valuyki.

Seems like Ukraine has entered full mode preparation for an eventual impact
China will support Russia materially and hedge against European and American sanctions against Russia.
I doubt that the USA will be involved in this conflict because they are busy now.
The core question may be is ... What is Putin doing?

I don't think Putin has any design beyond Ukraine at this stage, I guess the west is also aware of his motive. Rather than repeating another Crimea or Georgia on Kiev, his game plan is more likely fostering a swift regime change, have another Lukashenko, with brute force if necessary. Neither the west nor Russia wants direct confrontation now, Putin should certainly be experienced enough to leave some concession in his design for the west to accept his "limited" adventure however reluctantly. In the end EU won't fall apart, neither will NATO, on the contrary fear of Russia may even push those smaller fringe states to band tighter with the core states, a "side-effect" not necessarily bad for Washington and Berlin. For sure Russia will get more economic sanctions from the west, no surprise to anyone including Putin himself.

As for China's role in this, Putin doesn't need any military reinforcement in his game plan, not like it's a full-scale war or something that demand a huge army to participate, at least for the time being. China will support Russia financially & materially throughout, especially in mitigating long-term economic sanctions from EU.
Gangu will also be available taking Taiwan won't take even a week.. After that we mobilize 10m forces my brother we going into gangu rest assured immediately as soon as the East Europe front opens we go into Gangu.. The largest manpower gathered in history. A team of 8 nations into one coalition
Taipei is a sitting duck and time is on China's side. Yes bro solving the Gangu problem is far more pressing for us! Perhaps their wish for a 2.5-front war will be granted way before Russia and NATO start shooting at each other.
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I don't think Putin has any design beyond Ukraine at this stage, I guess the west is also aware of his motive. Rather than repeating another Crimea or Georgia on Kiev, his game plan is more likely fostering a swift regime change, with brute force if necessary. Neither the west nor Russia wants direct confrontation now, Putin should be experienced enough to leave some room in his design for the west to accept his "limited" adventure however reluctantly. In the end EU won't fall apart, neither will NATO, on the contrary fear of Russia may even push those smaller fringe states to band tighter with the core states, a "side-effect" not necessarily bad for Washington and Berlin. For sure Russia will get more economic sanctions from the west, no surprise to anyone including Putin himself.

Putin doesn't need military reinforcement in his game plan, it's not like a full-scale war or something that demand a huge army to participate, at least for the time being. China will support Russia financially throughout, especially in mitigating long-term economic sanctions from EU.

Taipei is a sitting duck and time is on China's side. Yes bro solving the Gangu problem is far more pressing for us! Perhaps their wish for a 2.5-front war will be granted way before Russia and NATO start shooting at each other.
In fact, when we solve the Taiwan issue, we will also lose the reason to continue large-scale military expansion.
Europe will not help Ukraine militarly if any conflict starts with Russia. Most likely more sanctions and international pressure. Russia is not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or Yemen.
Russia will not attack Ukraine or EU. Most likely some extra deployment on borders. EU is not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or Yemen.
GOP lawmakers warn Blinken of potential 'disastrous consequences' of Russia policies

The Republicans pointed to a massive buildup of Russian troops along a shared border with Ukraine

Top House Republican lawmakers blasted the Biden administration’s foreign policy strategy toward Russia on Tuesday, arguing a failure to check aggression against Ukraine would do permanent damage to the United States’ international standing.

In a letter to Secretary of State Tony Blinken, the lawmakers led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Rep. Michael McCaul said the Biden administration’s approach was already having "dangerous consequences" for Ukraine. The Republicans pointed to a massive buildup of Russian troops along a shared border with Ukraine, which has stoked fears of looming military conflict.

"To deter an expanded Russian military intervention in Ukraine, this Administration will need to project strength," the lawmakers wrote. "Concerningly, however, this Administration has consistently failed to back up its strong rhetoric condemning Putin’s aggression and malign activity with equally strong action."

The Republicans argue that Blinken and other top Biden administration officials have failed to project sufficient strength to deter acts of Russian aggression. The lawmakers cite Biden’s decision to re-enter a nuclear arms treaty with Russia without updated terms, a response to Russia-linked ransomware attacks the GOP deems inadequate, and a "deeply disappointing" response to the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Aleksey Navalny.

All Republican Members of the Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment, and Cyber joined McCall in signing the letter to Blinken. Signatories included Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick, Adam Kinzinger, Brian Mast, Claudia Tenney, and Nicole Malliotakis, among others.

The lawmakers urged Blinken to take several immediate steps toward deterring Russia, including increased military support for Ukraine, new sanctions on key Russian entities, a condemnation of Russia’s "efforts to weaponize energy" amid a global fuel shortage, and an enhanced military posture in the Black Sea.

The Republicans also called for "a clear path to NATO membership" for Ukraine and Georgia.

"The United States must do more to demonstrate its unequivocal support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty," the letter said. "The alternative, we fear, is that continued weakness from this Administration will only invite more brazen Russian aggression. With approximately 90,000 Russian troops and a significant amount of Russian military equipment currently sitting on Ukraine’s border, failing to project strength now would have disastrous consequences."

"In the aftermath of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, failing to stand firmly with our strategic partner Ukraine would do irrevocable damage to America’s ability to deter our adversaries as well as to the perception of the United States as a credible and trustworthy ally on the world’s stage," the Republicans added.

Last week, Blinken noted that the Biden administration was aware of "reports of unusual Russian military activity near Ukraine." He added the administration was "monitoring the region very closely" and the U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty is "ironclad."

The core question may be is ... What is Putin doing?

I don't think Putin has any design beyond Ukraine at this stage, I guess the west is also aware of his motive. Rather than repeating another Crimea or Georgia on Kiev, his game plan is more likely fostering a swift regime change, have another Lukashenko, with brute force if necessary. Neither the west nor Russia wants direct confrontation now, Putin should certainly be experienced enough to leave some concession in his design for the west to accept his "limited" adventure however reluctantly. In the end EU won't fall apart, neither will NATO, on the contrary fear of Russia may even push those smaller fringe states to band tighter with the core states, a "side-effect" not necessarily bad for Washington and Berlin. For sure Russia will get more economic sanctions from the west, no surprise to anyone including Putin himself.

As for China's role in this, Putin doesn't need any military reinforcement in his game plan, not like it's a full-scale war or something that demand a huge army to participate, at least for the time being. China will support Russia financially & materially throughout, especially in mitigating long-term economic sanctions from EU.

Taipei is a sitting duck and time is on China's side. Yes bro solving the Gangu problem is far more pressing for us! Perhaps their wish for a 2.5-front war will be granted way before Russia and NATO start shooting at each other.

10,5 front... The region collectively will be for the better without them even nature and rivers will recover.. Hack the gangu river itself want them solved

If China and NATO go to war, we would rather all die than Russian troops enter China, even if they are allied troops. Russia is a great country, and they must think the same.
China can help Russia by filling Russian supermarkets with goods and providing zero interest rate loans, rather than send foreign troops that hurt the dignity of Russians.

Why not? It is much better to be more gamed and invite allies if it is to your benefit at the end the states does what benetifs
British military commander prepares for war with Russia
November 17, 2021 by newsy today

LONDON, KOMPAS.com – Britain’s military chief said his military personnel should be prepared for war with Russia, in anticipation of recent tensions in eastern Europe.

Launch The Guardian On Sunday (11/14/2021), General Sir Nick Carter said Russia is now a bigger threat in eastern Europe than it was eight years ago.

Carter “really hopes” there will be no war with Russia and he himself is not sure Vladimir Putin wants a physical war.

Read also: The situation heats up, the US and French foreign ministers discuss Russian military activities near Ukraine

But according to him, NATO needs to be prepared with all possibilities.

Carter anticipated war by looking at the tensions on the Belarus-Polish border. Belarus is an ally of Russia.

Later, he saw signs that Russian troops could congregate along the border with Ukraine, an eastern European country.

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He said it was most likely that the Belarus-Ukraine border situation was a “classic disturbance” by the Russian government of a kind that had been going on “for many years”.

Asked if it could turn into a gunfight, Carter said it was a possibility, but needed to be confirmed.

Also read: Russia Starts Supplying India with S-400 Air Defense Systems

“I do not know. I think we have to be vigilant and make sure deterrence is in place, also critically we have to make sure there is unity in the NATO alliance and we don’t allow gaps to occur in our collective position,” he said.

This weekend, Liz Truss, the British Foreign Secretary, had urged Putin to intervene to find a solution in the “shameful migrant crisis” unfolding on the Belarus-Polish border.

See also In addition to the US, UFO-like objects appear in the UK, the government suspects China and Russia
Western countries accuse Belarus of attracting people who want to come to the EU to the border, while Poland has resisted their attempts to enter.

Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele said he believed Moscow thought it was currently at war with Britain and its allies.

Read also: Ukrainian president reveals nearly 100,000 Russian troops on the border

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