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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia


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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia
16 Nov, 2021 12:37 / Updated 4 hours ago

By Layla Guest
Paris and Berlin must brace themselves for a potential outbreak of fighting between Russia and Ukraine, Kiev’s foreign minister has warned amid unsubstantiated rumors Moscow is building up its military forces at the shared border.

Dmitry Kuleba sounded the alarm on Monday during a meeting with his Western counterparts, saying that the West would have to avoid being tied up in bureaucracy in the event of a conflict. “If Russia starts acting, you simply won’t have time physically to coordinate, to go through all the bureaucratic procedures, to coordinate decisions,” he said. “So please do the preparatory work now, because if the military scenario happens, there will simply be no time,” he urged his French and German counterparts, Jean-Yves Le Drian and Heiko Maas.


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that France and Germany should prepare for a possible “military scenario” of Russia in Ukraine, since then the country will not have time for this, now everyone is focused on a political settlement. He announced this during a conversation with journalists following a meeting with the Foreign Ministers of France and Germany. The broadcast was conducted on the page of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry in Facebook.

“If Russia starts to act, you will simply not physically have time for coordination, for going through all the bureaucratic procedures, for agreeing on decisions. Therefore, please, carry out preparatory work now, ”said the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

According to Kuleba, Ukraine will behave responsibly in any scenario and will be ready to defend itself.

Previously published by Bloomberg citing sources reportedthat US officials expressed fears to their EU counterparts that Russia could allegedly consider the possibility of an “invasion” of Ukraine. At the same time, a “close to the Kremlin” source said that Russia is not planning to start a war with Ukraine now, but supposedly should show its readiness to use force if necessary.

This was sensible move.. France and Germany probably also Italy + Uk will have to move 200k forces to 4 border crossings and that is the Poland-Ukraine border, Hungary-Ukraine border, Romania-Ukraine and Slovakia-Ukraine border each deploying 50k while Poland will likely also throw in another 100k on their borders with Belarus and Ukraine.

In that way the French and German troops will be quick to reach Ukraine and will get there almost as quick as the Russians when shit hits the fane. I could also fancy UK wanting to deploy to the black sea.

Once Russia moves in and crosses over the donbass it will run into French-German troops in central Ukraine a collision that has not occured for nearly 100 years. Ze-Germans will be back
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Europe will not help Ukraine militarly if any conflict starts with Russia. Most likely more sanctions and international pressure.

This is entirely different Europe will fight here because if they don't they will be taken out one by one by mother Russia they will fight here that is for sure. Ukraine is also to important for them because if they are pentrated Russia will have huge influence and change the power balance many nations will start to submit to Russia instead exiting the EU bloc because they will be viewed worthless hence they can't let this to happen. They will fight here and won't accept being blitz'ed like Crimea situation they were caught sleeping.. If Ukraine is smoked EU influence dies with it in whole of East Europe and EU itself could die as result because nobody would take EU serious Russia will achieve the victory it wanted all along since the Pre-cold war by morally defeating the EU and making a good portion of them puppets to kremlin
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This is entirely different Europe will fight here because if they don't they will be taken out one by one by mother Russia they will fight here that is for sure. Ukraine is also to important for them because if they are pentrated Russia will have huge influence and change the power balance many nations will start to submit to Russia instead exiting the EU bloc because they will be viewed worthless hence they can't let this to happen. They will fight here and won't accept being blitz'ed like Crimea situation they were caught sleeping.. If Ukraine is smoked EU influence dies with it in whole of East Europe and EU itself could die as result because nobody would take EU serious Russia will achieve the victory it wanted all along since the Pre-cold war by morally defeating the EU and making a good portion of them puppets to kremlin

They will support Ukraine morally and maybe even donate military weapons but they will not send army to fight Russia, this is because if Russia is defeated then it will affect many other nations aswell. Countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq, China, North Korea, Belarus, members of SCO, Eurasian Economic Union will not accept Russia being attacked by the west, these countries will help Russia financially and military.

I understand your point on EU being smoked but Russia believes if the EU entere Ukraine, then they will slowly take away other nations towards EU and away from Russia, this is why Crimea was overtaken, Russia also needs to prove a point that they are not to be messed with.
They will support Ukraine morally and maybe even donate military weapons but they will not send army to fight Russia, this is because if Russia is defeated then it will affect many other nations aswell. Countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq, China, North Korea, Belarus, members of SCO, Eurasian Economic Union will not accept Russia being attacked by the west, these countries will help Russia financially and military.

I understand your point on EU being smoked but Russia believes if the EU entere Ukraine, then they will slowly take away other nations towards EU and away from Russia, this is why Crimea was overtaken, Russia also needs to prove a point that they are not to be messed with.

All these countries you mentioned will not interfere especially China. The rest you mentioned are just irrelevant. EU will fight here because they will have no other way around it really. Russia is knocking on the door. You either fight or fold nothing inbetween really. If Ukraine is defeated majority of East Europe will surrender to Russia and change bloc for their own safety and EU becoming defunct and than collapse entirely as result of that. They can't let this happen at any cost hence they will stand and fight because they would have no other options here... Or watch Ukraine reclaimed by Moscow and watch the EU collapse as result of that outfall handing majority of sovereign states to Russia.. Next tomorrow after the fall of Ukraine.. The Kremlin line will be long due to countries waitng to submit to Russia. Finland, the 3 Baltic states, Poland, Romania, the 7 balkan states, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Greece will all hand their surrender applications in person in Moscow.

France and Germany will deploy troops and for the first time since WW2 They will deploy more than 25-50k each to not be caught in sleep by Russia
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All these countries you mentioned will not interfere especially China. The rest you mentioned are just irrelevant. EU will fight here because they will have no other way around it really. Russia is knocking on the door. You either fight or fold nothing inbetween really. If Ukraine is defeated majority of East Europe will surrender to Russia and change bloc for their own safety and EU becoming defunct and than collapse entirely as result of that. They can't let this happen at any cost hence they will stand and fight because they would have no other options here... Or watch Ukraine reclaimed by Moscow and watch the EU collapse as result of that outfall handing majority of sovereign states to Russia.. Next tomorrow after the fall of Ukraine.. The Kremlin line will be long due to countries waitng to submit to Russia. Finland, the 3 Baltic states, Poland, Romania, the 7 balkan states, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Greece will all hand their surrender applications in person in Moscow.

France and Germany will deploy troops and for the first time since WW2 They will deploy more than 25-50k each to not be caught in sleep by Russia

Exactly.. This is more than just Ukraine there is more at stake if Russia blitz them again like crimea it could mean the end of EU nobody would feel safe with the bureaucrats in Bruxelles..

Kremlin will completely take over the influence countries in the area will seek refuge in Russia and ask them for protection it will change the entire dynamic of Europe
Russia was stupid to allow Ukraine and Belarus to become independent. Those two countries are too ethnically, historically and geopolitically close to Russia.
They will support Ukraine morally and maybe even donate military weapons but they will not send army to fight Russia, this is because if Russia is defeated then it will affect many other nations aswell. Countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq, China, North Korea, Belarus, members of SCO, Eurasian Economic Union will not accept Russia being attacked by the west, these countries will help Russia financially and military.

I understand your point on EU being smoked but Russia believes if the EU entere Ukraine, then they will slowly take away other nations towards EU and away from Russia, this is why Crimea was overtaken, Russia also needs to prove a point that they are not to be messed with.

When cold war was over NATO shouldn't have been greedy and kept moving deep into Eastern Europe and all the way to the Russian border. The understanding reached at the end of the cold war was, NATO membership be restricted to the exciting members and buffer states will separate the two blocks. At the end of the day Russia is trying to bring back the areas to her fold where majority populations are of Russian origin like Crimea. Ukrainian's should have abide by the democratically elected government which was overthrown by the US and EU instigated and paid protests like they did in Egypt.
In the event of war NATO will send their support and EU alongside US will impose some sanctions nothing else and 10 years down the line relations will then get normalised.
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Russia was stupid to allow Ukraine and Belarus to become independent. Those two countries are too ethnically, historically and geopolitically close to Russia.

They have reclaimed Belarus because they were facing a sustained pressure from all sides and couldn't stand by itself there it was surrendered. Russia realizes they are being crept in on for decades now they have moved on their borders NATO can reach Saint-petersbourg in less than an hour from their baltic bases they are that close from an arms length

When cold war was over NATO shouldn't have been greedy and kept moving deep into Eastern Europe and all the way to the Russian border.

Russia has also piled the pressure on them to the point where this is not viable example Russia occupied Georgia and parts of Ukraine making them on the losing end and they have been breached Ukraine will decide Europe's fate and the EU realize this whether they gonna be independent or under Kremlin influence as client states Ukraine will decide that entirely.
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Russia has piled the pressure on them to the point where this is not viable example Russia occupied Georgia and parts of Ukraine making them on the losing end and they have been breached Ukraine will decide Europe's fate and the EU realize this whether they gonna be independent or under Kremlin influence and client states Ukraine will decide that entirely

Ukraine is not a deciding factor in EU/NATO calculus and the areas Russia wants back are not going to make much difference to the Western European security. So breaching or redrawing Ukrainians borders doesn't warrants any response from the NATO just a wrap on the Russian knuckles will do.
Ukraine is not a deciding factor in EU/NATO calculus and the areas Russia wants back are not going to make much difference to the Western European security. So breaching or redrawing Ukrainians borders doesn't warrants any response from the NATO just a wrap on the Russian knuckles will do.

Not exactly how do you think Poland and everyone in the area is gonna feel or what do you think Finland is gonna think? This will change the entire dynamic in Europe. They will view Bruxelles as a freaking joke and they will start to jump ship in masses leading to the collapse of EU more than 60% will file to exit the alliance because it would only be on paper and useless. Everyone will take matters into his own hands and protect his own azz before he becomes the next expendable element.. There is something much bigger on the line here than just Ukraine's territorial integrity
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Sweden announced its readiness to send its soldiers to Ukraine

  • by world today news
  • November 16, 2021

For about a month now, the EU has been developing a plan to create a military advisory mission in Ukraine. Within its framework, they will train the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and improve military higher education.

Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist said that his country is ready to send soldiers to Ukraine for the educational mission of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. About this he stated on the air of the TV4 channel.

Be always up to date with the telegram channel Fast Focus.

Due to the concentration of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border, the Minister of Defense announced that he was ready to send Swedish troops to Ukraine. This could become part of the training mission of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in which several EU countries have shown interest,
Note that ex-Defense Minister Andrei Taran announced the emergence of the EU military advisory mission. According to him, the mission will appear before the end of 2021. Ukraine has been actively negotiating with the EU, following which it is expected to attract 30 permanent EU advisers.
The participation of Europeans, Taran argued, would allow for an institutional audit, and a multi-level military education system would be created in the Armed Forces, and high-quality distance learning would be introduced.
Earlier, the media wrote that the idea of creating a military advisory mission supported by 8 countries:
  1. Estonia
  2. Latvia
  3. Lithuania
  4. Poland
  5. Romania
  6. Slovakia
  7. Sweden
  8. Finland
We will remind, in a conversation with Putin, the President of France said that they ready to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine… According to the Ministry of Defense, more than 100,000 Russian troops are stationed near the Ukrainian borders.
In the West intelligence warns Ukraine of “high likelihood” of destabilization by Russia this winter. The Kremlin rejects all arguments and publications in the media, stating that the country does not pose a threat to anyone.

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