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Ukraine has failed to meet Royal Thai's T-84 deal, what about the deal with Pakistan?

Really? Again you until now you have not provide any sources and is based on internet or non existent insider source.

This is the real accuracy of Chinese tank in a foreign competition in 2014. 5 out of 5 shot at fast speed. While the Russian T-72 even need to jam brake or standstill to get their shot.

Mind you , this is only a second tier Typ96 budget tank. Not even our top one field.

Now you are telling me a more modern VT-4 in 2015 cant even compare to Type 96 tank?

As suspected, comprehension issues? Norinco has rushed the VT-4 into the market i believe. its engine failed thrice during trials. so did the Oplot M, why is it an issue for you to accept? Some of the electronics were also malfunctioning and the thermal imager was ordinary at best.

As for type-96, the tank has been constantly upgraded and is a balanced machine with a good fire control and gun stabilization system but it is a different machine with different specs and requirements. Send it over to us and we will ship you a dozen recommendations for upgrade.
Most of the Turkish military project can only materialise with assist of US or Europe assist. There is nothing much to be proud of. In times of crisis, Turkey can find itself in trouble or under the control of West.

By showing a simple JADM, just show how limited Turkish military is in terms of 100% indigenous. :lol:

We make a more complex 100% made in China product like 7000tons destroyer without any other imported or license parts. From the AESA radar to main gun and universal launcher missile.

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1- If you want to talk about quality standards, You should tell me which level of maturation your installations are ranked in accordance with international standards like I have told instead of posting images or telling the national contribution levels because Images don't tell anything regarding quality. If you want, I can post thousands of images introducing numerous type of Turkish defense products. Additions, You should tell me Which Western defense product you have eliminated in a fair competition that politician decisions did not find any place on tender. What I am hearing is lots of malfunctions and failure stories against Western equivalents. Besides, The national contribution levels of defense products don't give any clue regarding quality. Making %100 Chinese or Turkish made product don't mean It is better than anything considered as foreign equivalent. You just drail the subject into other side to hide the actual issue on the table.

2- Not most of the Turkish military projects but only some of them. We have already underlined which projects those are and Which areas We have required know-how transfer. Those efforts are the common among the fast advancing states including S. Korea, Israel, Norway, Spain and including Japan and their strategic product developments. Nothing special for Turkish defense industry. Nothing to shame as well. There is too much things to be proud of the countries advancing like that instead of being a country which is called as low quality copy production line of the World and never trusted the quality on public minds.

3- Turkey doesn't have an ambitious to produce %100 and never claimed to be so Using such %100 cards to us don't make any sense. If you pay attention to big players, You will also see that Nobody produces own systems %100 in home because It is not cost effective. Additions, Producing tools %100 just serve to rise the development costs. What Turkey does is to be able to produce all critical and serious component and sub-components in home. The non-important things can easily be purchased abroad. This strategy leads all advanced states into bright futures. Although strategic product's developments are proceeding and Industry did not deliver any to Armed Forces, The National contribution level of our industry in Armed Forces war machines are around %60 Even If T-129 Atak, TF-2000 Destroyer, I class frigate, Altay MBT, Tulpar, Assault boats, Satellites and various type of missiles have not been delivered yet. As you see Along with Quality standards of our industry, There are too much things to be proud of !

4- If you try to say USA JDAM (correct abb.) to above image, It is not a JDAM but a capable cruise missile called SOM that Lockheed Martin selected to export as main cruise missile of F-35 JSF program for all costumers. I did not post it to tell How %100 indigenous Turkish industry is but How quality products Turkish industry is able to reveal which is being selected by an institute like Lockheed Martin for their biggest military program worth hundreds of billion dollar in total.

5- Let me clarify some point about the thing you called as "more complex destroyer" that you are being proud of.

Turkey's 7000t destroyer called TF-2000 !

-That's the destroyer program of a country you like underestimating the capabilities in forums. It is time to have a sharp eyes on What I am going to introduce about it now !

Combination of;
-Indigenous Combat Management System called Genesis Advent + Mast radar complex called AESA CAFRAD + Hisar Missile family

Some highlights
-Turkey has rare state who is able to produce own GaN based T/R modules for radar.
-Turkey is the rare state exporting own T/R modules to Thales Netherlands for international costumers.
-Turkey's radar and electronic warfare installation is one of the biggest one in all Europe.


CAFRAD AESA radar specifications
-X band search radar
-10000's T/R modules
-1000+ target following capability
-500km radius range and 90+ degree coverage for each sector
-Active electronically scanned array IFF antenne ( Mod 1-2-3-C-S-5 having a range around 450km)
-AESA electronic attack system on 360 degree coverage for hundreds of km range called Ares-2N
-Mast satellite communication
-Illumination radar for semi-active missile guidance on 360 degree sector

Genesis Advent Combat Management System

The Navy's new missiles for frigate+destroyer projects

Temren Missile (Mizrak-D) (30km) -2017
Atmaca main anti-ship Missile (250km range) - 2016
National Ship Launched Cruise Missile (Gezgin) (~1000km)
National SAM missiles (Hisar family)-(2017)
Akya integration (533mm heavy torpedo) (2017)

An image of Akya

Britain offered partnership to their frigate program but Turkish officials refused this partnership to achieve TF-2000 strategic destroyer program with relying on own infrastructure and engineers. If you pay attention to countries like Spain, Norway, S. Korea, They had chosen USA Aegis radar+CMS+Missile package to achieve their goals but Turkish industry does what they couldn't achieve for their projects. That's what we call as ambitious and self confidence to be proud of !

As you see There is too much things to be proud of but only If you have some idea about What Turkey does at present. Ignorance is the worst thing...
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You are so clever to post some 20 years ago photo to prove your point. There show the desperation of turkish member to hide their deficient.

Do you able to make something like this with your effort? Can't even make a thing like this and stop embarassing yourself of claiming making high tech stuff.

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Projected. Development efforts are proceeding. Main contractor is Roketsan. Instead of trying to open your mouth about the subjects you don't have any idea, Better kindly ask about ongoing efforts to get kind responses.

Projected. Development efforts are proceeding. Main contractor is Roketsan. Instead of trying to open your mouth about the subjects you don't have any idea, Better kindly ask about ongoing efforts to get kind responses.

China is projected to rule the world in 2050. So China shall start ruling over you now? You turkish are more behaving like indian using long future projected projects as trying to counter a materialise project? There show your desperation :lol:
China is projected to rule the world in 2050. So China shall start ruling over you now? You turkish are more behaving like indian using long future projected projects as trying to counter a materialise project? There show your desperation :lol:

The issue was quality and infrastructure and It is just projects presenting the technological infrastructure of a country to achieve own goals. If you ask me, I don't give a single penny about your country to waste my time in here. What I am doing here is to tell you about the existence of other places different than China positioned all around the World, working for their own ambitious tools proudly. Good ruling the World If you exist until 2050 but 2050 seems longer "projected project" than Turkey's satellite launch vehicle program. Should we consider Chinese behavior like Indians as well ?
The issue was quality and infrastructure and It is just projects presenting the technological infrastructure of a country to achieve own goals. If you ask me, I don't give a single penny about your country to waste my time in here. What I am doing here is to tell you about the existence of other places different than China positioned all around the World, working for their own ambitious tools proudly. Good ruling the World If you exist until 2050 but 2050 seems longer "projected project" than Turkey's satellite launch vehicle program. Should we consider Chinese behavior like Indians as well ?

Chinese dont brag about at 2050, we will be sole superpower , unlike you, you using imaginery video which nobody know whether it will be success or cancel half way for a project in future which the prototype hasn't even come into shape as compare to this. Trying to brag it has the meant or technology to compare to China one. Indian looks to do that when we show them our J-20 stealth fighter and typical fanboy Indian will brag they have something similar called AMCA on paper only which is able to compete with China toe to toe in current context.

If you are not similar to Indian mentality with your example, who else? :lol:

Chinese dont brag about at 2050, we will be sole superpower , unlike you, you using imaginery video which nobody know whether it will be success or cancel half way for a project in future which the prototype hasn't even come into shape as compare to this. Trying to brag it has the meant or technology to compare to China one. Indian looks to do that when we show them our J-20 stealth fighter and typical fanboy Indian will brag they have something similar called AMCA on paper only which is able to compete with China toe to toe in current context.

If you are not similar to Indian mentality with your example, who else? :lol:

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Since you are a fanboy, You have a serious comprehension problem so you don't know How a proper discussion should be on a convenient subject. I listed many items above but Instead of giving some response to them, You are coming here to keep China strong propaganda over the names of your toys. Don't tell me How big your country is or How superior your industry is because Even If all your strategic cities are nuked or You lose half of your lands or You become a superpower in 2050 or 2070, I will keep not giving any single penny about your future because I have serious occupations to worry about in my life. What I mean China is the latest hole of clarion If the subject is to worry about your projects in my country. What I am just doing here is to show you some respect rules to be shown for other's achievements because World doesn't turn around China. We saw many arrogant heads like you so Don't stress yourself to prove China strong on Turkey related subjects anymore. I advice you to care your own business instead of putting your nose into the subjects you don't have any idea. Ok ? You can tell your bright toys pages of pages but not put Turkey into your subjects anymore.
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Do i have to do everything myself ? :mad:

Stay on Topic
You are the one posting video of a imaginery rocket bragging about comparative with China and after humiliate by a real existing product. You start to change your stance? :lol:

And why you suddenly bring nuking China into this thread? You must be forgetful China is a nuclear power too. China is one of the 5 countries proven to possess the technology to make a hydrogen bomb. Far more powerful than atomic bomb. Are you feeling insecure? :lol: Who in the right mind wants to nuke China? As if China will be dumb enough not to retaliate or make them disappear from this world.

You must be the joke of this forum ! Whatever makes you feel better dude.
awe...the Turkish still thinking they are Ottoman Empire.
wait,ottoman empire is still a weak country isnt it.
that Altay MBT is made in western countries and just assembled in turkey.
the most powerful Muslim country is pakistan,stop thinking you are the No.1 power in muslim world.
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