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UK unemployment figures for different minorities (Pakistani/Indian/Bengali) pre and post COVID out.

I understand the unemployment in Pakistani youths, most likely they tend to get money from their parents well into their twenties.
Another factor rarely accounted for is the geography of the Pakistani's. Most live in north and central England which lag in terms of good schools and job opportunities.
Ghanaians and Ugandans are very tight with their families, I agree about Nigerians, I think Nigerians and Jamaicans are the biggest contributing factor to the wider African community.

I have so far not come across any Pakistani Migrants from the 50's in the South where I live, I never thought along the lines of areas, my family settled in the South so yeah now thinking about it the main Pakistani communities in the midlands have struggled due to the London centric and Southward imbalance of economy. This will add to the imbalance and it will remain so because the economy is still and even in the future will be London Centric.

The Nigerian youngsters can be easily swayed, it's less so for the youngsters from Jamaican decent, where it can be more problematic.
The government is trying to spread economic wealth across the country. We need to get away from this everything London and South approach.
Pakistani migrants from the 50's were common, it's just if you settled into that community. My own, many came during the 50's.
The exposure to education is same for everyone in the UK, I remember to have a good number of black students when I was in school, even there we could tell who is going to make it and who is going to be living the street life. While Asians do tend to have small family business to fall back on that is not a majority.

The majority relief comes in the way of family support. Single parent household is a big problem for black communities not only are they poorer than say white single parent household (thanks to generational wealth) they assume zero communal responsibility to support single parent.
Single parent definitely does have a reason aswell you are are right and having no father around has caused much deeper
With the black community there are a few social issues.
First the pull of gang culture is far stronger in black youth than it is with other groups. The silver lining is that they tend to grow out of it when they hit their early 20's, but by then a great deal of damage has been done.
The second is the highest percentage of single parent households out of any group.

  • 18.9% of Black households were made up of a single parent with dependent children, the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups for this type of household; the lowest percentage was found among Asian households, at 5.7%

There are other interesting stats in the above link as well.

Absent fathers have a deep negative impact on children. With the male role model missing, youth particularly young men latch on to older males within their social networks, which very often are not the best people to follow.

This all being said our black community does not have the deep rooted issues the African American community is beset with.

No there are more Indians overall i.e. Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims. But the population is a great deal older than the Pakistani one.

Yes, it's strange as Covid is put up as an explanation. But then most Indians work in stable employment, as opposed to the Covid hit gig economy.
However new arrived Indian folk do tend to work in the gig sector, and established work is more a trait of communities who came in the 60''s and 70's.
The biggest problem facing the black community is absent dads it leads to so many problems. Nodi
Yes sadly you are right. Our own African community was a model community, but we've started to see issues of youth criminality creep in. Although it's still not as problematic i.e. African youth still do well at school, and there's stark differences. For example Ghanian children are lovely and achieve highly. Nigerian background children are very black and white i.e. many do very well, many fall by the wayside.
Regarding timelines, many Pakistanis came here in the early 50's through their war service, my grandfather did. Location however did decide how the communities faired i.e. most Indians are settled in greater London, so do benefit from the southern economic dividend. Our community is mostly Northern and Midlands based, which has suffered economically over the years.
Lots of Indians in the midlands waz they worked in the foundries and the car plants that where my dad first came. But more Pakistanis settled in the old mill towns and worked in the garment business which now suffer very high unemployment. My area had less but they have a naval dockyard and so you had some here from India Pakistan and Gravesend had a large Sikh population. African parents are more strict then ours if you visit grammar schools here they full of west African kids . Lots of older or uneducated Indians work as taxi drivers and those kind of jobs also lots on site aswell that could have had an effect as they where hit bad with the covid virus taxi drivers lost 80 percent of income my mate is one and they did not get much money from furlough
Single parent definitely does have a reason aswell you are are right and having no father around has caused much deeper
The biggest problem facing the black community is absent dads it leads to so many problems. Nodi

Yes it is an issue, more so with certain sections with the black community e.g. Jamaicans.

Lots of Indians in the midlands waz they worked in the foundries and the car plants that where my dad first came. But more Pakistanis settled in the old mill towns and worked in the garment business which now suffer very high unemployment. My area had less but they have a naval dockyard and so you had some here from India Pakistan and Gravesend had a large Sikh population.

Yes there are, mainly Sikh Punjabis. But in overall numbers there was and are far more Pakistanis. They did work in similar industries.

African parents are more strict then ours if you visit grammar schools here they full of west African kids . Lots of older or uneducated Indians work as taxi drivers and those kind of jobs also lots on site aswell that could have had an effect as they where hit bad with the covid virus taxi drivers lost 80 percent of income my mate is one and they did not get much money from furlough

The African parents have this tiger parenting approach which is needed. You're right about what has happened to those Indian folk who are not as well to do or educated as other Indians.
Another factor rarely accounted for is the geography of the Pakistani's. Most live in north and central England which lag in terms of good schools and job opportunities.
Agreed most of us living in the South over look this factor because fortunately it doesn't effect us as at all. The current UK Government has acknowledged the North/South divide but I doubt they will do anything about it.
I understand the unemployment in Pakistani youths, most likely they tend to get money from their parents well into their twenties. So do not really have pressure to go out and find work.

What I cannot understand is how the Black community is so far behind the others. Racism cannot be the only reason - there has to be more otherwise all minority figures should and would be similar.

Not in our house. We all started working in our teens during college and uni. If you're paying for your grown up kids to go out with their mates you're failing them in my opinion. It helped us understand how money is earnt and what shit minimum wage lives awaited us if we didn't succeed academically.
Not in our house. We all started working in our teens during college and uni. If you're paying for your grown up kids to go out with their mates you're failing them in my opinion. It helped us understand how money is earnt and what shit minimum wage lives awaited us if we didn't succeed academically.
Kudos to your parents, I just stated what I saw in my area. The highlighted part is exactly what my father used as a reason to push us to find work. That, and, if we didn't study hard we will be the next bin man. The binman bit scared me to bits and was the sole reason I studied hard.
Some interesting data for different ethnic groups pre and during COVID.

View attachment 733422

In terms of groups black folk do the worst, then it's Pakistanis, Bengalis with Indians coming out tops.

During Covid Indians got hit quite hard, I'm not sure why that is considering not that many work in the gig economy, which was disproportionally affected by Covid.
Pakistanis didn't see much change as many are self-employed.
Black folks saw their percentage rise even higher to quite alarming levels.

View attachment 733424

Black people have the highest rate of unemployment across all age ranges.
Pakistanis have a big issue with youth unemployment, but it levels out with the more successful Indian and white groups at higher ages i.e. 25 and above.

View attachment 733425

Pakistani and Bengali females have the highest rate, which seems to indicate we still have this cultural angle i.e. stay at home mums.

Taken from;

Unemployment in the White community is extremely low. White people are doing really well.
Personally I've found taxi drivers have had it rough. Most are now delivering takeaways. Restaurants have had it tough too, unless they delivered. Takeaways have thrived. Barber shops have been OK, these guys have been working on the sly while claiming furlough etc. Trades people have generally been unaffected.
Kudos to your parents, I just stated what I saw in my area. The highlighted part is exactly what my father used as a reason to push us to find work. That, and, if we didn't study hard we will be the next bin man. The binman bit scared me to bits and was the sole reason I studied hard.

I got the binman line too. :p:
Personally I've found taxi drivers have had it rough. Most are now delivering takeaways. Restaurants have had it tough too, unless they delivered. Takeaways have thrived. Barber shops have been OK, these guys have been working on the sly while claiming furlough etc. Trades people have generally been unaffected.

I got the binman line too. :p:
Restaurants have been the hardest hit, my brother is a Chef by trade and worked in a Pub which of course sent everyone on Furlough. He was lucky that he found a role as a Head Chef in a care home now so is fine but we could really do with another "Eat out to Help out" scheme to kick start the restaurants businesses.

I know some construction workers as well who were furloughed and found side gigs and cash in hand work. The worst hit are the Taxi drivers and predominantly most of them are from our community.
Another factor rarely accounted for is the geography of the Pakistani's. Most live in north and central England which lag in terms of good schools and job opportunities.
True the north had heavy industry garments and foundries all gone it affected my relatives in birmingham bad .They worked in the car plants and foundries which because of unions had good pay and housing was cheap they lost a lot
White working class it's higher, and many of them are on the poverty line.

True. The middle class goreh are the ones who make the unemployment figures lower for the goreh in general.
Restaurants have been the hardest hit, my brother is a Chef by trade and worked in a Pub which of course sent everyone on Furlough. He was lucky that he found a role as a Head Chef in a care home now so is fine but we could really do with another "Eat out to Help out" scheme to kick start the restaurants businesses.

I know some construction workers as well who were furloughed and found side gigs and cash in hand work. The worst hit are the Taxi drivers and predominantly most of them are from our community.

Which is why we need to make sure our youth are educated and have a good future. Things are changing for the better but slowly.
My observations when in UK led me to a very dim assessment of race relations in UK especially when compared to us where they are far better .

When i was in halifax/bradford i saw pakistanis driving taxis for two generations and in some cases even three generations with no upward mobility at all. And there is nothing wrong with these pakistanis - they are solid family men who wont touch alcohol or abandon wives or children. what explains the plight ?

I don't accept Indians are "well settled". A tiny few maybe wealthy but well settled is far too low i think. I asked one gujrati young guy who was bought up there and somewhat wealthy due to his father owning businesses - how is UK? he said its great and all . Then i asked him if he ever went to local pub. He gave me a scared look and said he never went. How can you be "well settled" when you are intimidated to walk in to local pub ? when i went to these pubs i dont recollect a single south asian guy hanging around.

All this talk about single parenthood in blacks is way exaggerated. Brit whites too divorce like anything, get high, muck around have tons of sex and dont seem to face any of the poor outcomes blacks seem to.

I could be wrong in the sense in the brief time i spent my observations were limited . But this is what i noticed.
Not in our house. We all started working in our teens during college and uni. If you're paying for your grown up kids to go out with their mates you're failing them in my opinion. It helped us understand how money is earnt and what shit minimum wage lives awaited us if we didn't succeed academically.
My cousin was sent out to work the summer on site after 2 months he was looking at university to get in to .

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