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UK to step up nuclear cooperation with US

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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UK to step up nuclear cooperation with US


A view of the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) in Berkshire, England (file photo)

New documents have revealed that Britain is stepping up its nuclear cooperation with the US, undermining international efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear arms.

According to documents released under a freedom of information request this week, the cooperation between the two countries will be on the design of nuclear explosives, the maintenance of existing stockpiles, and the development of more warheads, the Guardian reported.

A pact, renewing the US-UK 1958 “mutual defence agreement (MDA),” is expected to be signed in the next few weeks without a vote or a debate in the House of Commons.

“A debate on the renewal of the MDA would be used by some as an opportunity to raise wider questions concerning the possible renewal of the nuclear deterrent, the future of the Aldermaston atomic weapons establishment (AWE) and our obligations under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty,” a disclosed document from Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) read.

Peter Burt, of Nuclear Information Service (NIS), who obtained the documents, said the UK and US are setting a “dreadful example” for the world.

Renewing the MDA showed the “worst kind of two-faced hypocrisy,” Burt said, adding that this shows that neither Britain nor the US is serious about meeting their legal obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

According to the MoD, the agreement between the two countries would be renewed by the end of the year.

PressTV - UK to step up nuclear cooperation with US
I don't get it. Is UK already a nuclear power? Does it have trouble maintaining its nukes?
Not exactly........ they don't have the whole package....... never had............ however, what they are doing now is a totally different story......... they are going for "tactical" weapons design and research.......

I don't get it. Is UK already a nuclear power? Does it have trouble maintaining its nukes?
Not exactly........ they don't have the whole package....... never had............ however, what they are doing now is a totally different story......... they are going for "tactical" weapons design and research.......

Well, I know they don't have much in the land based part, which is understandable because UK doesn't have much strategic depth. I have no idea on the tactical department though.
Modern limited warfare doctrines require different kind of weapons......... that's what is happening.

Well, I know they don't have much in the land based part, which is understandable because UK doesn't have much strategic depth. I have no idea on the tactical department though.
Where does PressTV get these so-called 'experts' and don't you feel stupid believing their shit ?
Where does PressTV get these so-called 'experts' and don't you feel stupid believing their shit ?

No they dont, because its not CNN or BBC so therefore its the truth, even if its on a extremely poorly made website with every news article having dubious claims.

UK does have plenty of nuclear capability though, enough to destroy the world anyway.
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