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Tiny Pacific nation sues 9 nuclear-armed powers

But I heard they still posses about 90% of world's nuclear arsenal.So theres still a long way to go.
Sorry, but the committment was to reduce, not eliminate, nor yield their status as leading nuclear powers.
What's the point? Humans won't learn until they have thrown nukes at each other few times, then maybe just maybe we might learn a lesson.
:woot: Ok sue as much as you want. Wake me up when USA comply with international law or UN if here is any. Still then
Iran is a signatory of the non-proliferation treaty. In seeking to propagate the lie that the Powers did nothing to reduce their nuclear arsenals it can then try to justify using imported nuclear technologies to build nuclear weapons of its own. That's trash; signatory "haves" - the U.S., the Soviet Union/Russia, the U.K., and France - all sharply chopped their arsenals over the past forty years. (The remaining "have", China, didn't.) But a fib can run around the world three times before the truth reaches the starting-gate.

You can afford to reduce your arsenal when you have thousands of nukes. You can even halve it or quarter it, and still be able to destroy the entire planet, if need be. But countries that have less than 200 cannot reduce their arsenal without compromising effective deterrance.
I'm not sure you understand. The point of the international nuclear treaties was that the nuclear powers would transfer their technologies to non-nuclear powers on the condition that the recipients would refrain from developing nuclear weapons. In turn, the nuclear powers would work to reduce their nuclear arsenals.
So you give the technology and put a no go sign on the recipient? Which recipient would waste money on getting the knowledge and make the area and everything but then dont develop it? Makes no sense who suggested this treaty with holes like cheese in cartoons? And the nuclear powers reduce crap...Since when does power not corrupt? Seriously which egghead wrote the treaty?
Iran is a signatory of the non-proliferation treaty. In seeking to propagate the lie that the Powers did nothing to reduce their nuclear arsenals it can then try to justify using imported nuclear technologies to build nuclear weapons of its own.
Is it really a lie?

That's trash; signatory "haves" - the U.S., the Soviet Union/Russia, the U.K., and France - all sharply chopped their arsenals over the past forty years. (The remaining "have", China, didn't.) But a fib can run around the world three times before the truth reaches the starting-gate.
We dont know how much they had to start with....reports can be fabricated and it wont be a surprise...so how can we compare something (fake reports) against something that dont make sense (more fake reports)?

To tell American or UK is not experimenting with nuclear stuff is big lie! Really...even Israel is...Russia prob. No one can clearly tell anything so such a treaty was BS to start with! No wonder people signed it! Who the heck is the monitoring body? The countries themselves? Funny aint it?

apparently @Talon is too:p:
Better than being Hawks...eating mice :sick:

Good job, i'm in favor of unilateral nuclear disarmament.
When pigs fly...Not as an insult but the truth...
NEW YORK (AP) — The tiny Pacific nation of the Marshall Islands is taking on the United States and the world's eight other nuclear-armed nations with an unprecedented lawsuit demanding that they meet their obligations toward disarmament and accusing them of "flagrant violations" of international law.

The island group that was used for dozens of U.S. nuclear tests after World War II filed suit Thursday against each of the nine countries in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. It also filed a federal lawsuit against the United States in San Francisco, naming President Barack Obama, the departments and secretaries of defense and energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

The Marshall Islands claims the nine countries are modernizing their nuclear arsenals instead of negotiating disarmament, and it estimates that they will spend $1 trillion on those arsenals over the next decade.

"I personally see it as kind of David and Goliath, except that there are no slingshots involved," David Krieger, president of the California-based Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, told The Associated Press. He is acting as a consultant in the case. There are hopes that other countries will join the legal effort, he said.
I would like them to win just so that this guy can rub of his smirk!
The countries targeted also include Russia, Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea. The last four are not parties to the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, but the lawsuits argue they are bound by its provisions under "customary international law." The nonproliferation treaty, considered the cornerstone of nuclear disarmament efforts, requires negotiations among countries in good faith on disarmament.
Good faith is a joke :unsure:
Where is marshal islands?
Pacific ocean...where Godzilla came from :coffee:

What's the point? Humans won't learn until they have thrown nukes at each other few times, then maybe just maybe we might learn a lesson.
Or die...
I think after firing few nukes humans will eventually learn a lesson or two but i won't hold me breath for it.
A couple of nukes have already been fired in the previous century. What that led to was a race among everybody to get nukes.:lol:
A couple of nukes have already been fired in the previous century. What that led to was a race among everybody to get nukes.:lol:

Those nukes were babies in front of the current Arsenal the nuclear armed nations have. But as i said i don't have much faith in humanity.
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