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UK High Commissioner on Eurofighter Prospect for BAF: "Sovereignty Doesn't Come Cheap"

In order to combat Somali pirates. The Chinese navy has been patrolling the Gulf of Aden for a long time.

At the same time, in order to target Somali pirates. The Chinese navy regularly conducts joint military exercises with the Iranian navy and the Pakistan Navy.

Somali Pirates: We are more important to the world.
You really believe US needs BD to keep an eye on Myanmar?

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It was China where the Go game was developed about 2,500 years ago. Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent.


Since the end of WWll, America has been using the principle of this game to surround its adversary countries.

- In the vicinity of BD, America wants to surround the Indian east coast, especially the Orissa Coast where India has a listening post. Now, with BD under its wing, America will be listening to the Indian Naval activities in the BoB and beyond.

- It will be the same with Burma.

- China will also be spied on. I believe America wants Chinese activities in Burma and BoB under its control. The presence of America or its proxy Japan in BD will cause China not to make a military venture into the BoB through Burmese land to reach Sittwe.

I believe this is why America has been insisting to include BD in the QUAD.

I expect no Chinese naval base in Sittwe and no transaction of civilian goods from there. However, I believe if China wants to use BoB for trade, America will allow Matarbari Port. But, no Chinese naval presence anywhere in the BoB.

So, China is now surrounded on its east coast by Japan and Korea, and now its southern land border is surrounded by America and Japan.

BD role will be insignificant here for now.

Super tukano type le lo, wohi best hai for a small weak insignificant and poor country like BD.

It was China where the Go game was developed about 2,500 years ago. Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent.


Since the end of WWll, America has been using the principle of this game to surround its adversary countries.

- In the vicinity of BD, America wants to surround the Indian east coast, especially the Orissa Coast where India has a listening post. Now, with BD under its wing, America will be listening to the Indian Naval activities in the BoB and beyond.

- It will be the same with Burma.

- China will also be spied on. I believe America wants Chinese activities in Burma and BoB under its control. The presence of America or its proxy Japan in BD will cause China not to make a military venture into the BoB through Burmese land to reach Sittwe.

I believe this is why America has been insisting to include BD in the QUAD.

I expect no Chinese naval base in Sittwe and no transaction of civilian goods from there. However, I believe if China wants to use BoB for trade, America will allow Matarbari Port. But, no Chinese naval presence anywhere in the BoB.

So, China is now surrounded on its east coast by Japan and Korea, and now its southern land border is surrounded by America and Japan.

BD role will be insignificant here for now.

Fake Japs' dream.

Difficult to understand. Logical confusion. Lack of common sense. Without any basis.

For the safety of the Strait of Malacca. China must build a naval base in MM??

Just like AIDS thinks that everyone is AIDS just like him.

Just Japan and South Korea. Isn't it good to enjoy a peaceful life? or do they really miss China's bombers and missiles?

We have no understanding of fake japs. It is now selling his childish dreams everywhere. @bluesky I don't even know where you got the courage and confidence to reply to me?
With the solution you are offering there is gonna be impending armed conflict in bdesh or alone its borders asThe west are becoming ever desperate for bdesh to join its quad, making very convenient for the west to help us on condition that we become full member.

Then to use bdesh like cannon fodder, against China.

There's always, another way. Instead, going for the poisoned gem straight away, why don't we buy j-10 and a few extra ones at and with tot.

Then buy 2030, we start looking at these option. Right now bdesh could try and see if it could join S.korea and Indonesian programme even if as an observational member? Indonesia has had funding issues.

The south korea/indonesian jet is a modular jet of western origin. There is nothing indeginious in it off note. If you are worried about the west this and the turkish option should be off the table as both are western jets.

So J10 or russians are the only options. J10 potentially is a good jet but i doubt it can stand toe to toe with indian raffle.

BD can not compete with india in numbers but it can in quality. EFT vs Raffle is the natural choice where meteor will face off meteor..... given we will seek to defend as long as we get our EFT in the air we will hold air supremacy.

I do not believe J10 by itself can do that, atleast i do not see any independently verifiable data on this.

BD will never be in conflict with China. Why should we fight the chinese and who can force us to fight the chinese. Quad or no quad no one can compel us to fight unless the treaty is one of joint defense like in Nato where everyone comes in defense of any member. Quad is not set up along that line. BD national interest does not require it to be adversarial to china and that is simply a given fact that wont change.

The chances of a conflict with india are almost non existent but it still remains a possibility. Our defense must consider it a real possibility and prepare accordingly. Here a high low mix is necessary and EFT-J10 is the best solution given what is immediately available.
Can someone pls explain why we didn't go for j-10 in numbers, with of selling excess numbers once we have a viable gem? We would also get tot privileges.

Also Indonesian have been having funding issues, it could have been a very good opportunity for us to be involved even in an observational manner? Or am I on another planet? Can someone pls explain the limitations of this In terms of stately matters?

J-10 lacks combat history and china is its only operator without that much track record of developing fighter jets. China most potent fighter jet remains Russian to date.

It would have been silly for us to jump in headfirst for a platform of unknown quality.

You are making the mistake here of comparing china to the West or Russia.... there remains significant qualitative gaps when it comes to figher jets.... atleast on paper as they have never gone up against one another in actual combat.

The KFX is simply bits of western parts put together by korea. If we could be part of the consortium we would learn a lot, i agree with your position there.

But KFX not good enough against raffle i would contend.
J-10 lacks combat history and china is its only operator without that much track record of developing fighter jets. China most potent fighter jet remains Russian to date.

It would have been silly for us to jump in headfirst for a platform of unknown quality.

You are making the mistake here of comparing china to the West or Russia.... there remains significant qualitative gaps when it comes to figher jets.... atleast on paper as they have never gone up against one another in actual combat.

The KFX is simply bits of western parts put together by korea. If we could be part of the consortium we would learn a lot, i agree with your position there.

But KFX not good enough against raffle i would contend.
KFX and TFX are still in their early days in terms of development. These will still be options for BAF to thumbtwiddle on even 20 years down the line by which time all our current jets will be retired so ample room for expansion.
In the meanwhile, I would just go ahead and order both EFT and J-10 without hesitation. Even if EFT suppliers decide to pull strings and J-10 under performs, we would still be in a better state militarily than we are now. There is literally nothing to lose.
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KFX and TFX are still in their early days in terms of development. These will still be options for BAF to thumbtwiddle on even 20 years down the line by which time all our current jets will be retired so ample room for expansion.
In the meanwhile, I would just go ahead and order both EFT and J-10 without hesitation. Even if EFT suppliers decide to pull strings and J-10 under performs, we would still be in a better state militarily than we are now. There is literally nothing too lose.

My position is the same as yours.

Just get EFT/J10 combo and also try to join TFX/KFX/JFT consortium and be part of the builders club if possible.
10 lacks combat history and china is its only operator without that much track record of developing fighter jets. China most potent fighter jet remains Russian to date.
Although China hasnt been in a war since Vietnam operation, PLAF has regularly had engagement with Taiwanese, Japanese and increasingly the United States. That includes state of the art western Air-defence radars, F-16, F-35, F-22, B-1 Lancer and so on.

Its not like China builds fighter jets in sheer blindness. Their fighter planes are crated for special purposes and considerations: including enemy assets, geostrategic goals, threat level.

J-20 is a far more potent fighter jet than Russian produced Flankers or Chinese produced Flanker versions.

KFX and TFX are two different aircrafts. TFX is a genuine 5th generation fighter with internal bays and an eventual indiginous engine. Turkey is developing potent Air-to-Missiles for their F-16 and TFX, which eventually will be on par with AMRAAMS and Meteor, maybe even surpass Meteor.

KFX is a 4+ generation fighter, lacks internal bays, and will be powered by US engine.
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Although China hasnt been in a war since Vietnam operation, PLAF has regularly had engagement with Taiwanese, Japanese and increasingly the United States. That includes state of the art western Air-defence radars, F-16, F-35, F-22, B-1 Lancer and so on.

Its not like China builds fighter jets in sheer blindness. Their fighter planes are crated for special purposes and considerations: including enemy assets, geostrategic goals, threat level.

J-20 is a far more potent fighter jet than Russian produced Flankers or Chinese produced Flanker versions.

KFX and TFX arent two different aircrafts. TFX is a genuine 5th generation fighter with internal bays and an eventual indiginous engine. Turkey is developing potent Air-to-Missiles for their F-16 and TFX, which eventually will be on par with AMRAAMS and Meteor, maybe even surpass Meteor.

KFX is a 4+ generation fighter, lacks internal bays, and will be powered by US engine.

No one is denigrating chinese tech, but BD can only afford a few expensive jets. They have to have proven quality. It is simply not feasible for BAF to choose a chinese platform as its premier jet. It is simply a matter of risk.

BD needs something proven to go up against raffle.... in my opinion only EFT can do that of the jets that are potentially available to us.
No one is denigrating chinese tech, but BD can only afford a few expensive jets. They have to have proven quality. It is simply not feasible for BAF to choose a chinese platform as its premier jet. It is simply a matter of risk.

BD needs something proven to go up against raffle.... in my opinion only EFT can do that of the jets that are potentially available to us.

The fact is bdesh is gonna end up getting j-10, regardless. So Don't we just end buying the j-10's in more numbers temperorily?

Also I know I said this before but China offered a few times through a few channels. As the more trusted/est operators it has the more prestige it gets, again increases China image. Also the more operators, it has the more feedback it has about technical operational ability. As it will be in different terrain and skies. E.t.c stored under different conditions.

Info like this can be a great life saver. Turkey future safety greatly depends on an domestic a/c they are not gonna let the tfx go.
The fact is bdesh is gonna end up getting j-10, regardless. So Don't we just end buying the j-10's in more numbers temperorily?

Also I know I said this before but China offered a few times through a few channels. As the more trusted/est operators it has the more prestige it gets, again increases China image. Also the more operators, it has the more feedback it has about technical operational ability. As it will be in different terrain and skies. E.t.c stored under different conditions.

Info like this can be a great life saver. Turkey future safety greatly depends on an domestic a/c they are not gonna let the tfx go.

I dont have any issues with what comes first J10 or EFT. But I suspect BAF will pursue high of the high/low mix because it is the weakest of the armed services and commands little respect. There is a real possibility that after the next order there wont be another for a long time.

J10 would represent great advancement to our current capacity. Despite lots of talks i doubt J10 of latest variant has been offered to BAF.
I dont have any issues with what comes first J10 or EFT. But I suspect BAF will pursue high of the high/low mix because it is the weakest of the armed services and commands little respect. There is a real possibility that after the next order there wont be another for a long time.

J10 would represent great advancement to our current capacity. Despite lots of talks i doubt J10 of latest variant has been offered to BAF.

The Turkish tfx, is not a joke, not like the bloated Indian industry.

Turkey, Is in very hot pocket situation, for Turkey survival it needs a very good domestic defense producing industry. U.S does have some although contradictory instrest in this, as Turkey is the largest force in Europe. With out Turkey, some might or could think about walking through or strolling through Europe back door.

Turkey, has to tech from various sources and building upon it whilst mastering. They have skilled and talented ppl there. I doubt ppl will let the TFX slip through.

With u.s blocking the f-35 for Turkey, it contradictory, but the u.s also need Turkey to have some kind of 5th gen fighter.

I am telling the the tfx is not a joke or something insigficant globally, not like the jf-17 or L(oss) C(utting) A(ccountancy/uditing) aircraft Jet. Lol
The Turkish tfx, is not a joke, not like the bloated Indian industry.

Turkey, Is in very hot pocket situation, for Turkey survival it needs a very good domestic defense producing industry. U.S does have some although contradictory instrest in this, as Turkey is the largest force in Europe. With out Turkey, some might or could think about walking through or strolling through Europe back door.

Turkey, has to tech from various sources and building upon it whilst mastering. They have skilled and talented ppl there. I doubt ppl will let the TFX slip through.

With u.s blocking the f-35 for Turkey, it contradictory, but the u.s also need Turkey to have some kind of 5th gen fighter.

I am telling the the tfx is not a joke or something insigficant globally, not like the jf-17 or L(oss) C(utting) A(ccountancy/uditing) aircraft Jet. Lol

TFX has ambition.... but it is far from reality....they do not even have a prototype that has made a maiden flight. It really is not something we should be talking about other than seeking to become a member of a consortium. In service operational TFX is minimum 15 years away.
UK is very happy with the Airbus orders in its pocket. But, Hasina’s purpose is to cripple America economy by not ordering Boeing planes.

Now, Hasina’ decision has made me worried. Will America become bankrupt after this decision?

May God save America forever.

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