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UK and US forces 'rescue pirate-held Italian ship'


Jul 2, 2011
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UK and US forces 'rescue pirate-held Italian ship'

British and US naval forces have rescued an Italian ship hijacked by Somali pirates.

The 56,000-ton bulk carrier Montecristo was hijacked 620 miles off Somalia on Monday by pirates in a small boat, according to the owners.

Italy's Foreign Ministry said that 11 pirates had been detained and the 23-man crew had been released.

The UK's Ministry of Defence said the Royal Navy had boarded the ship and had met no resistance.

Members of the crew, from Italy, India and Ukraine, are said to be doing well.

Italy's Foreign Ministry expressed "great satisfaction" with the operation to save the D'Alessio Group-owned cargo ship.

The UK's MoD said the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Fort Victoria and a US frigate were sent to help the seized vessel.

Pirates surrendered after the two naval ships approached the Montecristo, said the MoD.

BBC News - UK and US forces 'rescue pirate-held Italian ship'

SBS / Navy SEALS in action ? :sniper:
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