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Uighur terrorism is going global

Territorial integrity only became a 'sacred principle' after WWII. Before that, as I'm sure you know, stronger nations annexed weaker nations left and right. So what Russia did in the 1700's, as every other imperial power, can't really be invoked.

atatwolf ran away from replying to me when he's normally so pugnacious. So what do you think?

pak-one is kind of a nutjob. He wants the durand line disbanded so "pashtunstan" can be restored. He has no concept of geopolitics or the nation-state. And he thinks of his own army as "slave and servant of America". I don't think he's ever advocated anything in Pakistan's interest.

Also, in truth, I am not opposed to granting Uighurs a state. There's little point in ruling a people so resistant and recalcitrant. But the problem is that it threatens the rest of China's territorial integrity, China's runaway economic growth, and our current rivalry with the USA. Our superpower status and America's collapse are two absolute prerequisites that must be guaranteed before we consider the issue of granting territorial cessions.

@Pak-one is a naswar eating pathan who should just stick to being a rickshaw driver and has no business discussing geopolitics with anyone
this terrorist sympathizer many times has ranted against the Pak army for killing his wahabi taliban friends, so its best to just ignore this little puppy

I can assure you majority of Pakistanis and Muslims around the world actually support the Chinese crackdown on these Uigers terrorist who are Saudi- funded wahabis like ttp, pak-one

Pakistan and China are facing a common enemy, which is western funded wahabiism !
@Pak-one is a naswar eating pathan who should just stick to being a rickshaw driver and has no business discussing geopolitics with anyone
this terrorist sympathizer many times has ranted against the Pak army for killing his wahabi taliban friends, so its best to just ignore this little puppy

I can assure you majority of Pakistanis and Muslims around the world actually support the Chinese crackdown on these Uigers terrorist who are Saudi- funded wahabis like ttp, pak-one

Pakistan and China are facing a common enemy, which is western funded wahabiism !
**** Geopolitics. I am not surprised that you are enjoying oppression of uyghur muslims , after all you are follower of mirza ahmad qadiani and ayotullah khomeni.
**** Geopolitics. I am not surprised that you are enjoying oppression of uyghur muslims , after all you are follower of mirza ahmad qadiani and ayotullah khomeni.

Pakistanis and Chinese are brothers from another mother
haha PRC got xxxx by Pakistani. They deserve 100%. This is dramatic karma.

Also, in truth, I am not opposed to granting Uighurs a state. There's little point in ruling a people so resistant and recalcitrant. But the problem is that it threatens the rest of China's territorial integrity, China's runaway economic growth, and our current rivalry with the USA. Our superpower status and America's collapse are two absolute prerequisites that must be guaranteed before we consider the issue of granting territorial cessions.

I think China's territorial integrity cannot be negotiated. Because, before coming to that, you would need to talk about so many other more pressing issues of territorial gain. For example, Kurds have been giving a war for autonomy and statehood against Turkey for decades. Their historical claim is strong. Yet, Turks are willing to carry out a genocide rather than grant even basic rights -- until recently, they could not even teach or broadcast in their own language.

But China can provide safe passage for Uighurs to any third country willing to take them. Maybe Turkey will willing to do that: Their president are dying for fast-reproduction. This way, maybe they can also dilute the Kurdish majority areas. As fanatic and lunatic as they are in Xinjiang, the Uighurs will do great job in countering Kurdish insurgency.

Turkey can also use Uighur fighters in Syria.
How can you insult your brothers?

I always fight for my brothers. But PDF PRC support Islamofascism. They are still ranting to everyone Muslims are "victim" and everything is USA fault.

I want to make PRC more clever. Hard love.
I saw your posts in another thread about Albanians.

Promoting racial slurs and stereotypes is not a good way to announce your entry into a forum.

Point taken. I got a bit carried away there.
Lux De Veritas is one of the biggest bigots around here. You two will get along just fine.

I do not agree your assessment. I wont even flinch when someone convert. Most Muslim would want to murder in this circumstances. I hit out at PRC who rant using nuke. I point out Islamist who is the most wicked masters against minorities but forever feign victim.

I attack Tibetan feudalism. I attack Indians claim on Tibet. I attack caste system.

I am supra-national and I am progressive.

You want to talk about bigot, look closer at home at those who want to kill people for apostasy.
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You should read above who is wrong I think you are mistaken.

Justify what? that terrorist separatists should be eliminated? These are the ones that give bad name to Islam.
Do you have same views on Kashmir
If not then your are Chinese Chaplose
Open separate thread for Kashmir for now do not derail this Thread.

Lets put Kashmir out
i know that is irrelevant to this thread
I am questioning your stand on separatists as quoted above ( i m pretty sure this is relevant to the current discussion)
Because in practicality if your don't follow what you say than the pages of discussions are useless and will not generate anything productive
I never said there is Muslim Union like European Union, but China has friendly relations with most individual Muslim majority countries of the world and many of them would like to upgrade that to a formal alliance in the future, if there is an opportunity like that.

Russia occupied many Muslim areas during imperial times and many of them became independent after fall of Soviet Union. Now many of these stans are nostalgic about Soviet Union, because they have no jobs, no pension and have no way to make a living in these small fragmented countries. So they go to Russia to work and send money home. Many Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Tajik survive like this. Kazakhstan lucked out because they have oil and gas.

As for China, Xinjiang was a protectorate under Han and a full part of Imperial China under Tang, Yuan and Qing. So Han Chinese are no strangers in this area.

Now lets come to the main issue, in the near future there is going to be a new cold war between USA and China to decide who becomes number one, as China becomes more powerful economically and militarily. If you consider USA the "dajjal", then shouldn't Muslims put their weight behind China to make it number one and thus defeat the "dajjal"?

Economic collapse of China will never happen, because unlike Soviet Union who was isolated from greater world economy, China is fully integrated with global economy and is becoming powerful precisely because of China's trade with global economy. There will be ups and down like it happens in every country, but not a total collapse, just like it happens in the US.

I am all for constructive criticism of China by Muslims on Uighur issue. I think a strong affirmative action program for Uighurs to hire a few million of them in govt. and private jobs in Xinjiang and other parts of China will go a long way to solve whatever economic grievances they have or feel and it will cost the govt. may be a few billion dollars at most. Also, out of these few millions, a good portion should be recruited as informers and spies in order to catch subversive elements. Another interesting idea would be to hire Chinese speaking Uighurs to be sent to Muslim countries around the globe to enhance business and trade relationship between these Muslim countries and China. So in this way Uighurs could be used to build stronger bridges between China and Muslim world.

These kind of constructive ideas are what Muslims should support, not a pipe dream and wishful thinking like the collapse of China, which will then make the "dajjal USA" another undefeated super power for the next 100 years.
We believe in meritocracy in China. Uighur have more rights than other minorities and majority Han but they failed to integrate and be productive. No offense, but it's due to Uighur unwillingness to read /write Chinese is their own fault. Majority of them go to religious schools and learn their language. Don't expect a good job from that.
Most people around the world are sick of entitlements and free handout.
For once, work on betterment of oneself and quit attending useless religious schools that will not get you a good job.
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